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  • Newbie to statistic: Is that a P-hacking if I do equivalence test several time?

    Hi all, 
    I'm new to statistic & really need your help here. 
    My question is: Is that ok or not OK if I do equivalence test several times to find the equivalent limit that has 2 p-values < 5%.  I have 2 groups data like below & I want to test if they are equal or different. 1st step I did a t-test & Pvalue> 5% mean I failed to reject H0  (Test= ref). Not really help much to define my next actions.  S...

    Justin_Bui Justin_Bui
    Discussions |
    Nov 3, 2022 11:58 PM
    1362 views | 3 replies
  • How to randomly assign one value to three unique IDs, while having each ID assigned 6 unique values?

    Hi,I am attempting to assign a list of video clips to a list of reviewers. Both the reviewers and the video clips have unique IDs. For increased accuracy, I would like three different reviewers to view the same video clip. And each reviewer must review 6 different video clips. The list of reviewer IDs and Video Clip IDs are in separate JMP files. I am currently using JMP v.16.2.0, and I have attac...

    WetlandWoman WetlandWoman
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    Nov 3, 2022 1:17 PM
    1182 views | 4 replies
  • JSL : Use a checkbox with the levels of a column

    Hello, I hope you are doing well. I have a question about the scripts of the checkboxes in JMP. I have a data set with a "strength" variable, and I want to create a subset if the data set according to a checkbox presenting all the strengths in the data set. The aim is that the user check in the checkbox the strengths of interest and that the rows in the data set are selected according to the stren...

    PersuasionCamel PersuasionCamel
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    Nov 3, 2022 8:02 AM
    2363 views | 9 replies
  • Constrained linear model

    How can I constrain the range of coefficients of variables in a multi-linear model? 

    Sincyp Sincyp
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    Nov 3, 2022 7:07 AM
    883 views | 1 replies
  • Substring of a file name column between uknown number of characters

    When i input data I end up with a file name column that looks like this: File NameTest Name Date ID# Wafer and Device ID1 #ID commentTest Name Date ID# Wafer and Device ID2 #ID different commentDifferent Test Name Date ID# Wafer and Device ID1 #ID commentDifferent Test Name Date ID# Wafer and Device ID2 #ID different comment What I want is the following: File NameWafer and Device ID1Wafer and Devi...

    trevorphysics trevorphysics
    Discussions |
    Nov 3, 2022 6:43 AM
    1608 views | 4 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Constrained linear model

    How can I constrain the range of coefficients of variables in a multi-linear model? 

    Sincyp Sincyp
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    Nov 3, 2022 7:07 AM
    883 views | 1 replies
  • How to rename column 1 for every file during multiple file import

    Hi guys, I wish to rename the first column of every file so that all files can be imported to one single file.Would anyone be able to help please? Multiple File Import( <<Set Folder( "C:\Work folder\" ), <<Set Show Hidden( 0 ), <<Set Subfolders( 0 ), <<Set Name Filter( "*.*;" ), <<Set Name Enable( 0 ), <<Set Size Filter( {50795737, 79592416} ), <<Set Size Enable( 0 ), <<Set Date Filter( {3...

    Hellford Hellford
    Discussions |
    Nov 2, 2022 1:56 PM
    784 views | 2 replies
  • Heat Map / Aggregate Function

    I wondered if anyone can point me in the right direction. I have a script that creates a table with Row, Column and Data fields (multiple Data field values for each (Row,Column) pair). I'd like to be able to create a Heat Map showing the Range for each Row and Column pair. By default the Mean is plotted. I can create an aggregated field (sum, median, std deviation and some others are included but ...

    marktaylor marktaylor
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    Nov 2, 2022 8:50 AM
    2035 views | 3 replies
  • JMP 17 Trial - windows server not supported

    Dear members of the forum, I have just came across this issue during an attempt to install JMP 17 trial version on a windows server. Any ideas?         Edit: I contacted JMP support and they confirm that the trial version will not work on windows server.

    ron_horne ron_horne
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    Nov 1, 2022 2:20 PM
    936 views | 0 replies
  • How to hover over a point and see the image associated with that row

    Hi.  I have a column in a table with URL links to images.  I would like to hover over a point and see the image associated with that row.  And also click the point and go to the URL. Any help would be much appreciated.

    SampleTapir814 SampleTapir814
    Discussions |
    Nov 1, 2022 12:24 PM
    1542 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • JMP 17 Trial - windows server not supported

    Dear members of the forum, I have just came across this issue during an attempt to install JMP 17 trial version on a windows server. Any ideas?         Edit: I contacted JMP support and they confirm that the trial version will not work on windows server.

    ron_horne ron_horne
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    Nov 1, 2022 2:20 PM
    936 views | 0 replies
  • How to run JSL script in user opened JMP session instead creating a new seesion by JMP.dll?

    Currently I developed a windows application based on Interop.JMP.dll. The application contains a functionality to generate JSL file and run it in JMP but I got a issue now. It seems can only create a new session and run it by application instead of using the session that user opened first. I'd like to confirm whether it's possible to run JSL in the session by user opened manually. Appreciate it if...

    SquaresDingo505 SquaresDingo505
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    Oct 24, 2022 7:23 PM
    543 views | 0 replies
  • How to Analyze and Graph Responses with Supercategories

    I use JMP Pro 16. I am doing MCA on 90 columns that have supercategories.  I want to do the analysis and viz on the supercategory classification. Is there a way to do this without having to create separate columns that only have the supercategory classification?  PS:  I don't know how to do JSL scripting.

    Discussions |
    Oct 21, 2022 5:59 AM
    587 views | 0 replies
  • 標準化列名稱如何用變數取代求解

    weekEMC_HF_C_12_0 = Data Table( "周_EMC_HF_C_12um" ) << Get Column Names( string );
    weekEMC_HF_C_12 = {};
    For( j = N Items( weekEMC_HF_C_12_0 ), j >= (N Items( weekEMC_HF_C_12_0 ) - 5), j--,
    Insert Into( weekEMC_HF_C_12, weekEMC_HF_C_12_0[j] )
    Local( {old dt = Current Data Table()},
    Current Data Table( Data Table( "周_EMC_HF_C_12um" ) );
    For Each( ...

    Ken697 Ken697
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    Oct 20, 2022 9:22 PM
    557 views | 0 replies
  • Methods for compressing a CSV or TSV file with jmp compression to save as .jmp table without having to open the csv in JSL first?

    I have access to both JMP12 and JMP14, so a solution for either would work. What I am trying to achieve is saving very large text files (csv,tab,tsv,etc.) with JMP compression such that I get a compressed .jmp file as the result. By large I mean 2-6gb files. Currently I use something like this: MyDataFile = open(filename,Private); MyDataFile << Compress File When Saved; MyDataFile << save(filetosa...

    CurbStegosaurus CurbStegosaurus
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    Oct 14, 2022 9:06 AM
    1390 views | 0 replies
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