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  • JSL-create subset data table with row selection defined by column value

    Just started learning JSL , using JMP16  Trying to write a script to create a subset data table with selected row, the selection critera are defined by numeric values in column(7).The backbone of the following script is from "subset" run under the "Tables" tab.Data Table( "Subset of 200 kinome all excel" ) << Subset( Linked, selected rows only(0), row selection (select where (as column(7) >0....

    GroupSquareWolf GroupSquareWolf
    Discussions |
    Feb 26, 2022 11:57 AM
    3636 views | 3 replies
  • Decision Tree Induction

    JMP V.15.02ProHello, I have used a Decision Tree Induction analysis, and I have a quick question.  I understand that the Log Worth is related to the predictability of the analysis, but what does the 'Difference' value represent?  Thanks in advance,PhDer

    PhDer PhDer
    Discussions |
    Feb 26, 2022 5:56 AM
    1243 views | 4 replies
  • Pie Chart Percentage Spacing

    I have a pie chart that will naturally have some smaller percentages.Does anybody know how I can space out these labels?  I can't seem to do it manually.  This is a chart I will be creating in JSL.  

    Thank you!

    mmotley mmotley
    Discussions |
    Feb 25, 2022 11:12 PM
    995 views | 1 replies
  • How to use Term Values in a For Loop expressing a column name

    I'm trying to cycle through columns and set value to create table later.  However, "Term Value" will not allow ith substitution for each column (bolded below in the script) in the For Loop.  The script just spits out the default values.  What would be the correct format to assign a column in this For Loop?Thanks  //Troubled Section//
    {Probability Paper( Profiler( 1, Confidence Interval

    Timesawasten12 Timesawasten12
    Discussions |
    Feb 25, 2022 2:49 PM
    677 views | 1 replies
  • make all Bivariate plots into a column, rather than a row?

    I have a single Y value and many X values I'm plotting and the resulting output is 100's of charts in a single row, needing to scroll left/right. I'm scripting it to plot the X values from a group of columns. How can I get this to display in a column instead? dtWIDE= current data table(); ERplot = Bivariate( Y( :ER_avg), X( dtWIDE<<get column group( "Step2" )), <<{Arrange in Rows( 52 ), Order ...

    aliegner1 aliegner1
    Discussions |
    Feb 25, 2022 8:05 AM
    2730 views | 5 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Pie Chart Percentage Spacing

    I have a pie chart that will naturally have some smaller percentages.Does anybody know how I can space out these labels?  I can't seem to do it manually.  This is a chart I will be creating in JSL.  

    Thank you!

    mmotley mmotley
    Discussions |
    Feb 25, 2022 11:12 PM
    995 views | 1 replies
  • How to use Term Values in a For Loop expressing a column name

    I'm trying to cycle through columns and set value to create table later.  However, "Term Value" will not allow ith substitution for each column (bolded below in the script) in the For Loop.  The script just spits out the default values.  What would be the correct format to assign a column in this For Loop?Thanks  //Troubled Section//
    {Probability Paper( Profiler( 1, Confidence Interval

    Timesawasten12 Timesawasten12
    Discussions |
    Feb 25, 2022 2:49 PM
    677 views | 1 replies
  • Concatenate values in a column

    Seems like this should be simple, but I cannot find a clear example. I would like to concatinate the values in columns of a specific name("ROW" and "COL") and create a new column with the result in it. Example below. ROW COL CELL5 1 5_13 2 3_212 -1 12_-1 best shot at code so far: column("ROW") << Data type(Character); column("COL") << Data type(Character); //a = {column("ROW"), column("COL")}; ...

    ladomiqo ladomiqo
    Discussions |
    Feb 24, 2022 2:11 PM
    1294 views | 5 replies
  • Adding constraints to design with discrete factors

    Hello,I am trying to add constraints to design with 4 discrete factors (X1,X2,X3,X4), where all the factors have 3 levels. What is the best way to add constraint to specify that three factors (X2,X3,X4) should add up to 97%? I am assuming I'll have to add disallowed combinations script option for this but not sure about the script.

    billi billi
    Discussions |
    Feb 24, 2022 8:36 AM
    736 views | 2 replies
  • MSA Gauge R&R AIAG Version?

    Hallo!JMP Verion 16.1Vorrede zu meinen Daten:Ich möchte einen Datensatz (2 nahezu gleiche Messysteme, darauf jeweils die 10 gleichen Personen mit 5 Wiederholungen gemessen) auswerten und den Varianzanteil durch die verscheidnen Massysteme zu erhalten. Dazu kann ich ja Gauge R&R oder EMP zur Analyse verwenden. Da alles mit dem gleichen Bediener gemessen wurde, würde ich bei der Analyse die 2 Messys...

    CountableMarten CountableMarten
    Discussions |
    Feb 24, 2022 8:23 AM
    1611 views | 4 replies

Latest Discussions

  • No table linking after saving the project?

    Hi,when I generate a summary table with the option "link to original data table" (selected by default), the two tables are linked:By selecting a row in the summary table the corresponding rows in the original table are selected.Cool.This also works for selections in Graphs and Dashboards.Very cool! Now my problem:After saving both tables to a project file, (precisely: after close & re-open the pro...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Feb 3, 2022 4:19 AM
    468 views | 0 replies
  • Setting Guardbands on Test Limits Using EMP

    Hello. I am trying to use the EMP tool to help set guardbands to my test limits based on my gauge R and R data from a final test machine.I used 10 devices and measured these devices 5 times each, across 5 different test sites on the machine.I need to know how much to guardband my Upper and Lower specs. I am having trouble understanding how to apply the data in the EMP report. I feel like this is a...

    Jbritsch04 Jbritsch04
    Discussions |
    Feb 2, 2022 8:49 AM
    574 views | 0 replies
  • How to introduce lower bounds for simulated data in Profiler platform

    Hi JMP community,   (JMP Pro 16.0.0)   I'm hoping to find out if there is a way to include lower bounds to simulated data in the Profiler platform. I have several predictors going into a model, but few data points to fit. So, in order to generate simulated ("synthetic") data, I use the Prediction Profiler platform along with the multivariate correlation structure of the data to generate thousands ...

    SDF1 SDF1
    Discussions |
    Feb 1, 2022 11:09 AM
    460 views | 0 replies
  • Query Builder filtering on date stored in Varchar(20)

    Query Builder - date filter.SQL ServerJMP version 16.2In the database (SQL Server) I get the Date field called RETURNDATE in ‘varchar20’ – I would like to use the Calendar functionality in the filter to select my dates I tried to create a calculated column (Calc1) and specify CAST([RETURNDATE] as date), which he doesn’t like. Using SQL outside Query BuilderSELECT TOP (1000) [LABJOBNO]      ,[DESPA...

    HansD HansD
    Discussions |
    Jan 25, 2022 6:12 AM
    1182 views | 0 replies
  • M1 Macbook Pro JMP Capabilities

    Hi all, 
    I'm thinking about upgrading from my windows set-up and running a M1 Macbook Pro as my primary set up. I wanted to open up the discussion and see if any other JMP users were using the newest Macbook Pro and if they have run into any hurdles yet? I do a lot of R/Python integration. I do have a decent set up right now, but want to know if anyone else has tested out this connection and knows ...

    MikeDereviankin MikeDereviankin
    Discussions |
    Jan 21, 2022 1:52 PM
    633 views | 0 replies
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