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  • Process Variable Drift or Creep Detection


    Is there any methods available in JMP to detect the drift/creep/gradient for a large set of process variables over a set period of time. The user would then set the threshold on what they would consider the gradient to be too high or too low and needs to be flagged.

    Currently I am aware that the process screening tool has a Drift Summaries Option that can be enabled which shows the mean Upshift,...

    Chris_Ng Chris_Ng
    Discussions |
    Jan 28, 2022 11:50 AM
    3515 views | 9 replies
  • How do I write a list to a column in a new data table?

    I'm trying to extract a list of elements from a column that satisfies a condition. I'd like to write this list to a data table with the same column name so I can keep track of my rows. I'd like to keep appending to this list with time. For example: p = :col_name[condition << get selected rows];I want to write this list to a table with the same column name and append to this table. Thanks.

    vkkumar321 vkkumar321
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    Jan 28, 2022 10:01 AM
    2115 views | 3 replies
  • Data Filter Limit Selectable Items without Excluding Rows

    In JSL, is there a way to only show certain items from a particular column?  For instance, say I have a data table with a column called "Color".  That column of data is filled with "Blue", "Yellow", "Red", "Orange" values.  I want to show a Local Data Filter where the only options for the user are "Yellow" and "Red" (meaning the user of the dashboard would not even know that "Blue" and "Orange" we...

    Martin Martin
    Discussions |
    Jan 28, 2022 9:24 AM
    1191 views | 3 replies
  • How to use use 'not equal to' with logical or

    In an if statement I would like to do if myParameter is not equal to either Parameter1 or Parameter2 then return something.  But my following function is not working as expected.,. Where am I going wrongNames Default To Here(1); myFunc = function ({myParameter}, {default local}, If (myParameter != Or("Parameter1","Parameter2"), return(Eval Insert("output some msg")), ); ); clear ...

    Neo Neo
    Discussions |
    Jan 28, 2022 8:23 AM
    1986 views | 3 replies
  • Fit Line automatically to data table

    Hello,  I would like to use the Fit Line function in JMP to automatically save the equation to my data table. The catch is that I need to do this hundreds of times, so the "Save Predicteds" option isn't very feasible. What would be the easiest way to write bivariate formula in the data table that would calculate it automatically? I am somewhat limited to the formula builder in JMP since I don't kn...

    ndowidar ndowidar
    Discussions |
    Jan 28, 2022 7:56 AM
    3580 views | 6 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Data Filter Limit Selectable Items without Excluding Rows

    In JSL, is there a way to only show certain items from a particular column?  For instance, say I have a data table with a column called "Color".  That column of data is filled with "Blue", "Yellow", "Red", "Orange" values.  I want to show a Local Data Filter where the only options for the user are "Yellow" and "Red" (meaning the user of the dashboard would not even know that "Blue" and "Orange" we...

    Martin Martin
    Discussions |
    Jan 28, 2022 9:24 AM
    1191 views | 3 replies
  • Fit Line automatically to data table

    Hello,  I would like to use the Fit Line function in JMP to automatically save the equation to my data table. The catch is that I need to do this hundreds of times, so the "Save Predicteds" option isn't very feasible. What would be the easiest way to write bivariate formula in the data table that would calculate it automatically? I am somewhat limited to the formula builder in JMP since I don't kn...

    ndowidar ndowidar
    Discussions |
    Jan 28, 2022 7:56 AM
    3580 views | 6 replies
  • How can i add design constraints to modelling

    Hello JMP Community, I have a custom DoE with a linear constraint (Disallowed: factorX > factorY). However I can not add this contraint when modelling my data. This results in predictions including factorX > factorY.Apparently the constraints can be modified in the modelling dialog as seen in picture 1. However I do not have this option (see picture 2).Any tips how to access this?   

    JaNeu JaNeu
    Discussions |
    Jan 28, 2022 6:44 AM
    1396 views | 3 replies
  • Model screening using JMP16 and Imbalanced data

    Hello I have an imbalanced dataset with the outcome of interest of only 13% and many predictors. I want to analyse it using the Model screening platform in predictive analysis of JMP 16. In the previous version of JMP15 I was able to use the Add-inn for imbalanced data to look for the best preprocessing technique for my imbalanced dataset. How do I perform this in the present model screening modul...

    Lu Lu
    Discussions |
    Jan 28, 2022 3:45 AM
    1115 views | 1 replies
  • Comparing Non-normal groups to a control group

    Hi all, We are comparing three different assays (A, B, C) to see how well they detect a disease condition. We have four groups where 1 = disease and 2, 3, and 4 = different benign conditions. The question is two-foldWhat test would you use within an assay to see if they can detect a difference to the control (= disease) groupData is non normal distributedData contains 0 making transformation diffi...

    KKu KKu
    Discussions |
    Jan 27, 2022 8:52 AM
    731 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Query Builder filtering on date stored in Varchar(20)

    Query Builder - date filter.SQL ServerJMP version 16.2In the database (SQL Server) I get the Date field called RETURNDATE in ‘varchar20’ – I would like to use the Calendar functionality in the filter to select my dates I tried to create a calculated column (Calc1) and specify CAST([RETURNDATE] as date), which he doesn’t like. Using SQL outside Query BuilderSELECT TOP (1000) [LABJOBNO]      ,[DESPA...

    HansD HansD
    Discussions |
    Jan 25, 2022 6:12 AM
    1183 views | 0 replies
  • M1 Macbook Pro JMP Capabilities

    Hi all, 
    I'm thinking about upgrading from my windows set-up and running a M1 Macbook Pro as my primary set up. I wanted to open up the discussion and see if any other JMP users were using the newest Macbook Pro and if they have run into any hurdles yet? I do a lot of R/Python integration. I do have a decent set up right now, but want to know if anyone else has tested out this connection and knows ...

    MikeDereviankin MikeDereviankin
    Discussions |
    Jan 21, 2022 1:52 PM
    634 views | 0 replies
  • How do I apply time fixed effects with multiple regression

    I have financial panel data and would like to hold dummy time variables fixed as I regress the other independent variables to test my model's significance. Not sure how to proceed. Is this function only available in SAS? Thanks   

    RiDe RiDe
    Discussions |
    Jan 10, 2022 11:18 PM
    557 views | 0 replies
  • separating labelled values from graph points

    I have looked in the scripting help section and all over this community and haven't found a solution for my problem so hopefully someone can help. I have a graph containing two trend lines and a bar graph and want to label the values of each point but when I set the labels both values show up on each trend line and I can't figure out how to separate the labels. I tried stacking the labelled column...

    Cdougz Cdougz
    Discussions |
    Dec 31, 2021 7:38 AM
    697 views | 0 replies
  • Expand Contours


    I understand that the contouring is done based on triangulation to data points, but is there a method for expanding them further to fit a custom SHP file I've imported into JMP? I've already set the alpha and the lowest value so the contour should cover the, 'most', area. Any other methods? Thanks! 

    MikeDereviankin MikeDereviankin
    Discussions |
    Dec 15, 2021 12:49 PM
    562 views | 0 replies
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