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  • How do I round up or round down dates?

    Hello,If I have a bunch of Opentimes in the format MMDDYYYY hh:mm and I would like to fix any of these dates that occur between the hours of 1am and 3:59am to "round up" to 4am.In other words if my Opentime is 10/09/2020 3:12 AM, I need that to round up to 10/09/2020 4:00 AM. Conversely I have Closetimes in same format and I would like to fix any of these dates that occur between the hours of 1am ...

    fionaweston fionaweston
    Discussions |
    Dec 22, 2020 1:45 PM
    2654 views | 3 replies
  • how do I Save variable values to new script

    Hi, I'm trying to save metadata to a table, so next time I open the file I will be able to use some variables I used when I built the table. I understand that currently only strings can be saved as metadata to the table.The other options I tried is to save new script to the table that will include the variables that I need.the problem is that I don't understand how to use the "Save Script" in a wa...

    Rans Rans
    Discussions |
    Dec 22, 2020 12:25 PM
    1924 views | 4 replies
  • Transform multiple columns with JSL

    Hello JSL Gurus,Is there an easy way to transform a column list in JSL with the same transform formula?I am trying to get similar functionality like in a table, for example, where I can select multiple columns & from the right click menu:New Formula Column -> Transform -> Absolute ValueIf this can be done without a For loop it will be helpful.Appreciate any pointers.Thanks.

    BijuP BijuP
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    Dec 22, 2020 12:22 PM
    2177 views | 4 replies
  • When there is no interaction, can I use multiple comparison such as LSD or Tukey test?

    I have three factors - Genotype (5 levels), Nitrogen (2 levels), and manipulation (2 levels). I'm interested in the combination of three factors. I'd like to check how average grain weight responds to defoliation under the different nitrogen conditions. When I analyze it as the full factorial, there was no interaction among genotype x nitrogen x manipulation.  However, I want to indicate the diffe...

    JK JK
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    Dec 22, 2020 9:25 AM
    1397 views | 1 replies
  • How to permanently change the green color and all JMP graphs ?

    Hi, By default, many graphs in jmp (particularly in the graph builder) use a green color, which, I clearly do not like. I can change the color or each graph, but this is not very practical. I know Preferences -> Styles, Preferences -> Style, Preferences -> Platforms, but I can not find a way to change this color... I have asked this question in the past, with no answer. Really, a software like JMP...

    Fabrice_L Fabrice_L
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    Dec 21, 2020 9:17 AM
    5327 views | 12 replies

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  • Graph Builder - Remove Combine Scales?

    In graph builder I am interested in plotting a simple Y vs X for multiple X variables. By default graph builder combines all the different X variables on the same X axis and scale. Is there a simple way to change the X axis to have separate scales on the X axis for each variable? Default graph builder (script1, graph1)Plot 1 variable on Y axis vs 8 variables on X axisAll 8 variables on same x-axis...

    ehorne ehorne
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    Oct 29, 2020 9:11 AM
    1177 views | 0 replies
  • SharePoint Online

    My company recently began the migration from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online.  I have found that my JSL scripts are now no longer able to open or save files to the new SPO site.  Anyone have the correct updated syntax for this. Example 1 (SP 2010): This worked.     TablePath4 = "\\\sites\rpt\documents\JMP_tables\"; //set variable TablePath path location Tabl...

    Outdoorsman1963 Outdoorsman1963
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    Oct 23, 2020 4:06 PM
    1068 views | 0 replies
  • How to run a Post hoc for Chi Square results in JMP?

    I was wondering if someone can help me. I want to run a post hoc analysis for the chi square results in JMP. Thanks

    vmendez17 vmendez17
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    Oct 22, 2020 7:33 PM
    660 views | 0 replies
  • Problem specifying model for a partly nested ANOVA design

    My study design is mixed-model with one fixed between-plot fixed factor (A), a random plot factor (B), nested in A (B[A]), and two crossed within-plot fixed factors (C and D).  I'm able to enter a full factorial model that includes the 3 fixed factors and all their interactions, using either the Least Squares or Mixed-Model Personality.  I'm also able to add the random factor (B[A]), but things go...

    wpsousa wpsousa
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    Oct 19, 2020 10:39 PM
    808 views | 0 replies
  • Default encoding on JMP - EUC-KR

    Hi,I have JMP 14.2, 15.1, and also 16.0EA at the moment.All versions here don't include EUC-KR encoding system; so this can cause importing problems in many cases since a lot of Korean data or pages are made with EUC-KR. I have charsets that are all broken. So I had to import it with other programs and save as to fit into UTF-8 or match/join columns with other matching codes.It seems like JMP is a...

    joelahn joelahn
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    Sep 10, 2020 1:26 AM
    1025 views | 0 replies
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