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  • Applying quantiles and wilcox test to all graphs

    Hello, I am a new JMP 15 user and need help with what is probably an easy task. I successfully imported my excel database and created a sheet with many graphs by doing Fit Y by X. I can click on the red arrow next to OneWay Analysis for each graph to enable the quantiles and Wilcoxon each pair, but there must be a way to quickly apply this to all graphs rather than click one at a time. Any help wi...

    vgiacalone vgiacalone
    Discussions |
    Sep 22, 2021 6:35 AM
    765 views | 2 replies
  • Summarizing & Exporting All Value Labels Data From a Table

    Is there an easy way in JMP to summarize and export all Value labels information contained in a table (where multiple columns may have different Value Labels, but not all columns will have Value Labels)? Currently doing this manually by doing Recode on every Column with a Value Label, and doing Make Into Data Table. I then combine all the generated data tables together to get a stacked table (see ...

    Nats Nats
    Discussions |
    Sep 22, 2021 1:45 AM
    1176 views | 2 replies
  • Graph Builder multiple page size

    Hi,I need to plot multiple chart using page at bottom right field where I drag and drop the chartnum column with it's chart number (1 to 50 charts). My purpose is to plot individual chart for each page.The problem is that instead of individual plotting it makes overlay multiple chartnum (grouping by each 9). Is it possible to change the page interval so I can plot individual chart for each page?JM...

    Buttinoni7 Buttinoni7
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    Sep 22, 2021 12:33 AM
    1114 views | 2 replies
  • Invalid row number when accessing or evaluating of column values

    Hello everybody,after creating a new column Norm_Value I want apply formula to calculate relative values based on the position of "1" in the Base_value_norm column: dt << New Column( "Norm_Value", Numeric, "Continuous", formula( Eval( Eval Expr( dt:Value[(:SerialNumber << get data table) << get rows where( dt:Base_value_norm == 1 & dt:SerialNumber == Expr( dt:Serial...

    lukasz lukasz
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    Sep 22, 2021 12:31 AM
    1138 views | 2 replies
  • DoE with fixed sum volume

    I am working in formulation team and a very new to DoE. Need guidance for a DoE with below conditions:
    there are 5 factors : P1 (%), P2 (%), P3 (%), P4 (%) and P5 (ppm)P4 is used for volume make up & the equation is P4 = 100 - (P1+P2+P3)P4 also has effect on Y (response).P1, P2 and P3 have 2 level discrete values while P5 has 3 level discrete value.Please see the image for reference:  My queries:1....

    Discussions |
    Sep 21, 2021 11:15 PM
    1272 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • DoE with fixed sum volume

    I am working in formulation team and a very new to DoE. Need guidance for a DoE with below conditions:
    there are 5 factors : P1 (%), P2 (%), P3 (%), P4 (%) and P5 (ppm)P4 is used for volume make up & the equation is P4 = 100 - (P1+P2+P3)P4 also has effect on Y (response).P1, P2 and P3 have 2 level discrete values while P5 has 3 level discrete value.Please see the image for reference:  My queries:1....

    Discussions |
    Sep 21, 2021 11:15 PM
    1272 views | 3 replies
  • Significant Two Sample Test for Proportion but not significant Chi-square

    Hi all  I'm working with data from some pass-fail testing, where a difference in performance has been observed for some samples grouped into left and right. I'm trying to analyse whether this is a real difference or rather variation due to statistical variance. I'm doing this by using the Contingency analysis (Fit X by Y) framework in JMP.  The issue is that I'm a bit confused by the results, whic...

    Forrest Forrest
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    Sep 21, 2021 6:03 AM
    2451 views | 3 replies
  • Table Join Troubleshooting

    I frequently run into issues when attempting to join multiple data tables, and I am not sure what I am missing.  Most commonly, I am looking to join tables by matching a date. Sometimes this works no problem, sometimes I struggle significantly and have to try a large number of different options within the join dialogue.  Typically, I have Table A with thousands of rows logging machine data. Each r...

    rickr135 rickr135
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    Sep 20, 2021 1:47 PM
    2076 views | 4 replies
  • is there a script I can use to automate validation testing of my multiple regression model in JMP? (not JMP Pro)

    Hi - Is it possible to use a script or other approach to automate validation testing of my multiple regression model?  Currently, I am manually removing a subset of rows from my original model, using the balance of rows for regression, and then using the subset to evaluate how well the model performed.  I then repeat this numerous times.  It is very time consuming, especially given the fact that I...

    learning_JSL learning_JSL
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    Sep 20, 2021 1:21 PM
    1552 views | 6 replies
  • Trying to create a binary logistic regression that accounts for repeated measures

    I am trying to create a logistic regression with a Yes/No response for a continuous variable. I followed the "Fit Y by X" menu on JMP to get the attached graph, but I am confused on why data points are falling between "0" and "1". There were only two possible categories. I would also like to make this logistic regression account for repeated measures since there were many independent replicates fo...

    rhammock rhammock
    Discussions |
    Sep 17, 2021 11:24 AM
    2031 views | 6 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Skip Lot Sampling Plan

    Hi,I am interested to use JMP for skip lot sampling plan. I like to test only a fraction (f) of samples after successful inspection of (n) number of samples. Here is the link to NIST I appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks Adam

    AT AT
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    Sep 10, 2021 10:38 AM
    763 views | 0 replies
  • Time values in xls or xlsx, csv, and JMP

    Hi all, I have a strange issue with the time values from my excel. I have some data (example is attached here as excel file), the time column is an interest for me and I would add the date and time column together to create a date time column. To analyze the data, I use JMP so I am importing the excel file.However, I ran into a number of oddities:1. When I import multiple files (from customers to ...

    fliew0410 fliew0410
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    Sep 7, 2021 7:25 AM
    704 views | 0 replies
  • Error while using Azure MFA to connect with JMP

    I have rightly set up the ODBC connection version 17 for SQL server using Azure MFA. However, when I try to connect for the DSN via JMP i get the following error. how to overcome this error in JMP14.  [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Password option must not be specified, if Authentication option is 'ActiveDirectoryInteractive'.

    hariharan249 hariharan249
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    Sep 3, 2021 7:14 AM
    506 views | 0 replies
  • Applying Boolean Logic to filtering/selecting records in a Dashboard/Application built from multiple platforms

    Hi everyone,  I've been working on a systematic map to accompany a literature review on forest bird habitat relationships that is getting much closer to completion. A hearty shout out to community members @cwillden , @txnelson , @danschikore , @brady_brady , and technical support crew Adam Morris, Sarah Seligman, Laura Archer, and Wendy Murphrey for helping me get this project this far along.  I f...

    caseylott caseylott
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    Aug 17, 2021 11:15 AM
    914 views | 0 replies
  • Projects Window List in JMP 15 for Mac -- Reorder?

    I'm trying to use JMP projects more with the promise of re-using graphs and analyses on new sets of similar data. I'm using the Window List in the UL as a kind of 'table of contents' that I can click into to see/show my findings for various analyses.  There is a flow to the findings which I'd like to order in that Window List.  Is this possible? I can't click and drag an entry for a window up or d...

    datanaut datanaut
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    Aug 16, 2021 6:38 AM
    475 views | 0 replies
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