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Data Exploration and Visualization

  • Switch Columns (macOS)

    Switch columns in a report using the Column Switcher: From the red triangle menu, select Redo > Column Switcher.Choose the column that you want to switch from. Choose the columns that you want to switch to.Click OK. If you have multiple columns, use the buttons to animate the column switching or step through each column manually. Column Switcher

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:33 PM
    447 views | 0 replies
  • Change Multiple Columns Simultaneously

    Apply attributes and properties (such as formulas) to several columns at once: Select the column with the attributes that you want to copy.Select Cols > Standardize Attributes.Click the Attributes button and select the attribute name that you want to copy to the destination columns.Click the button next to Format and select the format that you want to use and any additional options.In the data t...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:33 PM
    331 views | 0 replies
  • Value Labels

    Frequently, raw data is coded in a non-informative way. For example, a person's gender might be coded with a M for male and a F for female. To see better labels in reports, use the Value Labels option. These labels are used in all reports and also in the data table. Right-click the column name of raw data and select Column Info.Click the Column Properties button and select Value Labels.Enter eac...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:33 PM
    725 views | 0 replies
  • Fill a Column with Values

    There are two ways to repeat a set of values down a data table column. Using a Fill Command Highlight the values that you want to repeat and right-click.Select Fill > Repeat sequence to end of table. Fill Menu Using Copy and Paste Highlight the values and select Edit > Copy.Highlight the destination cells and select Edit > Paste. The paste operation cycles through the cells in your selecti...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:33 PM
    1085 views | 0 replies
  • Change Marker Sizes (Windows)

    If you want larger markers in a graph, right-click in the graph and select a marker size from the Marker Size menu. Marker Size Menu If you always want markers to be bigger in all your graphs, set the marker size in Preferences. Select File > Preferences.Select the Graphs page.Select the size that you want from the Graph Marker size menu. Marker Size Preference

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:33 PM
    729 views | 0 replies
  • Change Marker Sizes (macOS)

    If you want larger markers in a graph, right-click in the graph and select a marker size from the Marker Size menu. Marker Size Menu If you always want markers to be bigger in all your graphs, set the marker size in Preferences. Select JMP > Preferences.Select the Graphs page.Select the size that you want from the Graph Marker size menu. Marker Size Preference

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:33 PM
    215 views | 0 replies
  • Standardize Axis Scaling

    If you want a set of graphs to have axes with the same scale, follow these steps: Right-click on the correctly scaled axis.Select Edit > Copy Axis Settings.Right-click on the axis that you want to rescale.Select Edit > Paste Axis Settings. Copy and Paste Axis Settings

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:33 PM
    385 views | 0 replies
  • Run Data Table Scripts

    Running a script in a data table has never been easier. Simply click the green triangle. Note: To edit a data table script, right-click the script name and select Edit. Click Green Triangle

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:32 PM
    328 views | 0 replies
  • Resize Graphs (Windows)

    To resize several similar graphs in the same window simultaneously, hold the Ctrl key and resize one graph. All the graphs are resized to match the one that you changed. Resizing Graphs Resizing Graphs

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:32 PM
    505 views | 0 replies
  • Resize Graphs (macOS)

    To resize several similar graphs in the same window simultaneously, hold the Command key and resize one graph. All the graphs are resized to match the one that you changed. Resizing Graphs Resizing Graphs

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:32 PM
    256 views | 0 replies
  • Automatically Save Open Windows (Windows)

    Automatically save all open projects, reports, data tables, journals, or scripts at specified intervals. Select File > Preferences > General, and set the number of minutes next to Autosave Timeout. Automatically Saving Open Windows

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:32 PM
    490 views | 0 replies
  • Automatically Save Open Windows (macOS)

    Automatically save all open projects, reports, data tables, journals, or scripts at specified intervals. Select JMP > Preferences > General, and set the number of minutes next to Autosave Timeout. Automatically Saving Open Windows

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:32 PM
    328 views | 0 replies
  • Copy or Pin Data in a Plot

    When you place your cursor over a data point in a plot, you see that data point's information (including images, if they exist) in a hover label. To copy the label information, right-click on the hover label and select Copy. Then, you can paste the information into another application. Copy Data in a Plot To pin the hover label information, click the Pin icon in the top corner of the hover label...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:32 PM
    438 views | 0 replies
  • Animate a 3D Scatterplot

    You can animate the spinning of a 3D scatterplot in any of these ways: To spin the scatterplot at a certain speed, hold down the Shift key, click and drag an empty area on the plot, and release Shift. The faster you drag the mouse, the faster the 3D scatterplot spins.To spin the scatterplot in a certain direction, hold down the Shift key and press an arrow key, and then release Shift. To stop the ...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:32 PM
    414 views | 0 replies
  • Right-Click to Show Additional Options

    To see more options or select several options at once, in a report or plot, hold down the Alt key (Option on MacOS) and right-click. Right-Click Options in a Report

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:32 PM
    264 views | 0 replies
  • Capture a JMP Workflow

    If you find yourself doing the same steps over and over in JMP, capture your steps with Workflow Builder. It is like an advanced macro that records your actions in JMP so that you can replay them or share them with others. Select File > New > Workflow.Click Record to start recording.Perform your steps in JMP, like opening a data table and performing analyses. As you complete an analysis, close the...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:32 PM
    531 views | 0 replies
  • Preview Updates to Data

    When making changes to your data, you can preview changes before committing them. Preview is available for most of the tasks in the Tables menu. Open a data table.Click Tables and choose a task (Summary, Subset, and so on).Under Preview, make sure Auto Refresh is selected.Select columns and assign them to roles. The preview appears at right.When you are happy with the preview, click OK to perform ...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:32 PM
    410 views | 0 replies
  • Go to the Home Window or the Related Data Table (Windows)

    To go to the Home Window from any other JMP window, press CTRL+1. Or, from a report, click the JMP Home Window icon. To go to the related data table from a report, click the View Associated Data icon.

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:31 PM
    381 views | 0 replies
  • Go to the Home Window or the Related Data Table (macOS)

    To go to the Home Window from any other JMP window, press COMMAND + 2. To go to the related data table from a report, click the Show Data Table icon. View Associated Data

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:31 PM
    285 views | 0 replies
  • Search JMP

    If you are not sure where to find a statistical procedure, do a search across JMP. Results are tailored to the window that you launch the search from, such as a data table or report. Click Help > Search JMP. Or, press Ctrl+comma on Windows, ^+comma on Mac.Enter your search text.Click the result that contains the procedure that you want. On the right, you can see a description and the location of t...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:31 PM
    368 views | 0 replies
  • Get Histograms Quickly

    To see how your data are distributed, get histograms from your data table in a single click. Open a data table.In the top left of the data grid, click the Histogram icon. Data Table Showing Histograms

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:26 PM
    312 views | 0 replies
  • Quickly See Which Data Table is Active

    When you have several data tables open, it can be hard to tell which one is active. In the Window List, the active data table is bold. Below, you can see that Big Class is the active data table. Window List Showing Active Data Table

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:26 PM
    228 views | 0 replies
  • Graph Builder Hands-on Activities

    These hands-on activities allow you to practice building graphs in JMP using Graph Builder. The data files for the activity are in the zip file attached to this post. Extract the data in Graph Builder Hands-on for use in the following activities. Click this link for the solutions. A PDF file of these activities and solutions (in English) is attached to this post. Level 1 1.  Open the ...

    Di_Michelson Di_Michelson
    Hands-On Activities |
    Jul 28, 2023 11:29 AM
    2966 views | 0 replies
  • Graph Builder Hands-on Activities Solutions

    These hands-on activities allow you to practice building graphs in JMP using Graph Builder. This post contains the Graph Builder hands-on activities, the data, and a PDF file of these solutions in English. Level 1 1.  Open the Australin Tourism data table and create the following graph. a) Open Australian b)  Select Graph > Graph Builder. c)  Select Revenue ($’000), then drag it to t...

    Di_Michelson Di_Michelson
    Hands-On Activities |
    Jul 28, 2023 11:29 AM
    1571 views | 0 replies
  • Unlocking the Power of Graph Builder

    Unlocking the Power of Graph Builder (JMP 17, 2023) JMP produces specialized graphs and plots with supporting tables, statistics and maps. The drag-and-drop interface is intuitive, lets you get started quickly and gives you a ribbon of options to use to select alternate graph types. Advanced features allow you to control format and appearance to create persuasive visualizations. See several case s...

    Laura_Higgins Laura_Higgins
    Learning Center |
    Jun 22, 2023 2:58 PM
    1679 views | 0 replies
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