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  • How to extract fitted line equations?

    I have 60 Bivariate plots and each plot is fitted with a line. How can I extract the line parameter using script?
    For example, the fitted line is y=ax+b, how can i get a and b and save them into variables. When i try to use tree structure, it only shows the tree for first plot, and the command to grab values from boxes doesn't work.
    Anyone knows how to do that? thanks in advance!

    Message was edited b...

    Discussions |
    Aug 24, 2024 7:12 AM
    15421 views | 5 replies
  • Data filter: how to specify the limits

    In a Data Filter, a user is limited by which values can be entered as limits.
    If the keyed in limit is outside of the range of the available data points, the value is automatically replaced by min or max.
    The user can change the JSL code - but when the graph opens, the values are again set back to min and max.

    a) Is there a hidden trick how to key in any number ? shift enter did not work
    b) Is there a...

    hogi hogi
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    Aug 24, 2024 6:58 AM
    2881 views | 8 replies
  • plotting data with same heading from two different data table without combining them.

    Hello,I am very new to JMP and I am looking for a way to make a X-Y plot from multiple data tables without combing them. For example, I have a data table “Men” with two variables “age” and “weight”, and I have another data table “Women” with the same variable names “age” and “weight”. I would like to make a simple X-Y plot: age vs weight, using the values from these two data tables, I don’t want t...

    Sam_030 Sam_030
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    Aug 24, 2024 6:22 AM
    494 views | 2 replies
  • JMP 18 changed functionality of "Start Over" button in Control Chart Builder?

    I typically use the Control Chart Builder to look at the same variable output from many machines.  After putting the variable on the Y axis, I select the machine name and click "by" and it splits the graph into many separate control charts for each machine, each with their own control limits.   In JMP 17 and earlier, if I hit the "Start Over" button, it cleared out ALL the charts.  Then I could pi...

    LoveDataViz7 LoveDataViz7
    Discussions |
    Aug 23, 2024 2:58 PM
    1677 views | 8 replies
  • Opportunity to participate in an informal, anonymous survey of work location preferences for a JMP Discovery presentation.

    We (@trish_roth and @wendytseng) are collecting opinions about remote, hybrid and on business premises work options for JMP’s Annual Discovery Americas Conference (Exploratory Data Analytics user conference), paper presentation 2024-US-30MP-1900. The survey is anonymous and will take approximately 10 minutes to complete. Please submit your responses by July 31, 2024
    Survey: Remote, Hybrid, In-Off...

    trish_roth trish_roth
    Discussions |
    Aug 23, 2024 11:32 AM
    697 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • plotting data with same heading from two different data table without combining them.

    Hello,I am very new to JMP and I am looking for a way to make a X-Y plot from multiple data tables without combing them. For example, I have a data table “Men” with two variables “age” and “weight”, and I have another data table “Women” with the same variable names “age” and “weight”. I would like to make a simple X-Y plot: age vs weight, using the values from these two data tables, I don’t want t...

    Sam_030 Sam_030
    Discussions |
    Aug 24, 2024 6:22 AM
    494 views | 2 replies
  • Training and Validation R2s in Lasso/Elastic net

    Dear all, I use k-fold cross-validation in combination with penalized regression models (lasso, elastic net) and want to examine the (averaged) R2 values of the training/validation sets to check for overfitting and explained variance. I already searched around with the many options, but I can not find that. Is there a way to show this? It would be great, if that could be shown in the overview tabl...

    MarkusJH MarkusJH
    Discussions |
    Aug 23, 2024 10:52 AM
    1804 views | 5 replies
  • Transitioning Project from GraphPad to JMP

    Hello everyone, I'm moving a huge project/worksheet (with multiple datasets, analysis, graphs across multiple years) from Graphpad to JMP. I've downloaded the project into a .pzfx file format. I've tried to open the file in JMP (by going to File, Open, select all file types, and choosing the file), but it was not read into JMP properly.  Other than having to download each dataset as a csv file, wh...

    JmpLearner1 JmpLearner1
    Discussions |
    Aug 23, 2024 8:54 AM
    653 views | 2 replies
  • Looking for JMP software house in Penang

    Hi There, I'm looking for a software house that offer the JMP statistical software to perform predictive analytics in Penang Island, can anyone provide the contact if have one?

    oboonhon oboonhon
    Discussions |
    Aug 23, 2024 8:28 AM
    400 views | 1 replies
  • How do I get the value of the R-Sq, L1, L2 and lambda out of Elastic Net Regression platform so I can compare models?

    I am comparing different parameter settings for some elastic net regression models on a smallish data set to demonstrate at what point datasets are too small for regression methods and want to compare between JMP, SAS, R and Python. Although I can set the alpha, I can't see how to directly output the lambda, L1 and L2 values that are used in the chosen models and the resulting R-Sq for the model. ...

    gemmahodgson gemmahodgson
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    Aug 23, 2024 2:37 AM
    737 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Machine data source list remove in "Database Operations"

    I used "File"-->Database-->Open table-->New connection to setup some tables from DB. but I found my list for new connections becomes longer and longer. like the attached pic. I did not found there is a way that i can remove any items from the connection list. the question is that is there a way that i can delete them. Thanks in advanced. KRSean

    Sean_ShCn0 Sean_ShCn0
    Discussions |
    Aug 22, 2024 7:24 AM
    474 views | 0 replies
  • Write Data from Data Table to Database

    Hello JMP-Community,I am searching your help here because I didn't found a sufficent solution for myself in other posts. It is about writing content of a data table into a table of a database.For that I wrote this little function: myInsertInto = function({dt, dbConnection, destinationName}, cols = dt << GetColumnNames(String); rows = dt << Select All Rows << GetSelectedRows; show(cols, rows); ...

    DBo_94 DBo_94
    Discussions |
    Aug 22, 2024 6:38 AM
    336 views | 0 replies
  • Is there a way to tell LCA that the rows are ordered by class?

    Typical dataset: 120-200 rows, 15 classes. Rows are known to be ordered by class. What is unknown is where the 'fences' between classes are. As-is -- i.e., without taking row order into account -- LCA correctly classifies about 94% of rows. My intuition is that if I knew how to tell the algorithm that the rows are grouped by class on input, we'd be at 100%. Visual, in case my use of 'grouped by' i...

    mtowle419 mtowle419
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    Aug 15, 2024 5:03 PM
    347 views | 0 replies
  • latin hyper cube

    Hi there, 

    I am attempting to run latin hyper cube with three continuous and one categorical factors, but the option is not available except for fast flexible filing design; can anyone assist me with this? thanks in advance

    H6Habib H6Habib
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    Aug 14, 2024 1:58 PM
    402 views | 0 replies
  • Characters as Markers: How to get rid of the shadows?

    I like the ability to add outlines to data points. This is very useful for separating partially overlapping data points.Unfortunately, when characters are used as markers, the outline mode looks very unprofessional - kind of like shadows, but without blur.Besides turning off the outline mode - is there a way to get rid of the "shadows"? (view in My Videos)  Names Default to Here(1); dt = Open( "$S...

    hogi hogi
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    Aug 9, 2024 3:04 AM
    330 views | 0 replies
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