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  • PCA + clustering analysis for spectral data

    Hello!I was wondering if anyone can help me out on the steps towards doing PCA + clustering analysis of spectral data?I have already normalized all my spectral data (intensities). I have samples that vary in terms of composition and then each of them go through different processing steps. I hope that multivariate techniques can help me by discussing which is better (composition or processing step)...

    Mariana_Aguilar Mariana_Aguilar
    Discussions |
    Aug 27, 2024 5:41 AM
    1678 views | 7 replies
  • Column Character Matching Formulae

    Hi All, I have a dataset with 2 Columns, I just wanted to check to see if the data in Column 1 is matching with Column 2, It doesn't have to match row by row. All what i am interested in checking is to see if we have the same observations, The order in which they are in both the columns if not a concern.Can anybody help me with a formulae to be used to check this? ThankShawn

    RMSEBudgie341 RMSEBudgie341
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    Aug 27, 2024 4:43 AM
    419 views | 2 replies
  • Show group means constantly popping up

    Hi All! Using JMP 16.2.0 (570548). When I create a Variability / Attribute Gauge Chart a window automatically pops up to show group means. if I have a local data filter active and use it to view groups of data this window pops up every time. so if I want to sort for 3 out of 5 variables this pop up comes up 3 times and I have to select OK or Cancel every time.  - is there a way to suppress this po...

    DanaG DanaG
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    Aug 27, 2024 3:39 AM
    1277 views | 3 replies
  • Interactive journals

    Hello, I am working with JMP and need assistance with creating an interactive journal. My goal is to include a feature that allows users to select and highlight specific batches within a graph. Here are the details of the script and what I am trying to achieve:     Names Default To Here(1); Current Data Table(dt); dt << New Column("Time Point Months", Formula(Round(:Time Point Days / 30.438), 2))...

    ConvergentWhale ConvergentWhale
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    Aug 27, 2024 1:07 AM
    585 views | 2 replies
  • why one of the level of a factor is not included in the prediction profiler?

    Hi, I am doing analysis of my bioprocess data in which I am trying to screen the effects of factors such as seeding, feeding etc on antibody productivity. For seeding I have three level 1.2, 2 and 4, however, I found that in the prediction profiler, the level 4 is missing. I am wondering why this lease square model don't take level 4 into consideration?  thanks

    ProbitMarten155 ProbitMarten155
    Discussions |
    Aug 26, 2024 6:20 PM
    467 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Column Character Matching Formulae

    Hi All, I have a dataset with 2 Columns, I just wanted to check to see if the data in Column 1 is matching with Column 2, It doesn't have to match row by row. All what i am interested in checking is to see if we have the same observations, The order in which they are in both the columns if not a concern.Can anybody help me with a formulae to be used to check this? ThankShawn

    RMSEBudgie341 RMSEBudgie341
    Discussions |
    Aug 27, 2024 4:43 AM
    419 views | 2 replies
  • Show group means constantly popping up

    Hi All! Using JMP 16.2.0 (570548). When I create a Variability / Attribute Gauge Chart a window automatically pops up to show group means. if I have a local data filter active and use it to view groups of data this window pops up every time. so if I want to sort for 3 out of 5 variables this pop up comes up 3 times and I have to select OK or Cancel every time.  - is there a way to suppress this po...

    DanaG DanaG
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    Aug 27, 2024 3:39 AM
    1277 views | 3 replies
  • Interactive journals

    Hello, I am working with JMP and need assistance with creating an interactive journal. My goal is to include a feature that allows users to select and highlight specific batches within a graph. Here are the details of the script and what I am trying to achieve:     Names Default To Here(1); Current Data Table(dt); dt << New Column("Time Point Months", Formula(Round(:Time Point Days / 30.438), 2))...

    ConvergentWhale ConvergentWhale
    Discussions |
    Aug 27, 2024 1:07 AM
    585 views | 2 replies
  • What are some reasons JMP fails to see an equivalence (==)? Is there an approximately equal function ~== to manage rounding errors?

    I'm working on a script to check some parametric data generated by a test program. The table I have is for some laser spectra which have a single SpectralPeak and Left and/or Right Side Peaks. I would like to visualize the data in JMP, so I created this plot: I'm able to highlight the Peak from the spectra with a column which uses a simple formula to populate the rows only at the SpectralPeakPower...

    jbovingt jbovingt
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    Aug 26, 2024 5:26 AM
    370 views | 1 replies
  • Considering Significant Figures in Control Limits Calculation for an X-bar Chart

    I want to build an X-bar chart for data on the thickness of tablets over 20 intervals (200 measurements). The specification limits are 3.0-3.5 mm. JMP calculated very narrow control limits for me, which are 3.28 and 3.35. In rounding these numbers, the limits become 3.3-3.3. I am interested in having only one decimal place, and I see through JMP's calculations that it does not consider significant...

    Bar2024 Bar2024
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    Aug 26, 2024 3:38 AM
    579 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • AlT two factors with example fail

    Could you provided me some example, file,with example of ALT, two faftors, for example temerature and humidity. Please

    Juancho97 Juancho97
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    Aug 25, 2024 12:16 PM
    328 views | 0 replies
  • Machine data source list remove in "Database Operations"

    I used "File"-->Database-->Open table-->New connection to setup some tables from DB. but I found my list for new connections becomes longer and longer. like the attached pic. I did not found there is a way that i can remove any items from the connection list. the question is that is there a way that i can delete them. Thanks in advanced. KRSean

    Sean_ShCn0 Sean_ShCn0
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    Aug 22, 2024 7:24 AM
    474 views | 0 replies
  • Write Data from Data Table to Database

    Hello JMP-Community,I am searching your help here because I didn't found a sufficent solution for myself in other posts. It is about writing content of a data table into a table of a database.For that I wrote this little function: myInsertInto = function({dt, dbConnection, destinationName}, cols = dt << GetColumnNames(String); rows = dt << Select All Rows << GetSelectedRows; show(cols, rows); ...

    DBo_94 DBo_94
    Discussions |
    Aug 22, 2024 6:38 AM
    336 views | 0 replies
  • Is there a way to tell LCA that the rows are ordered by class?

    Typical dataset: 120-200 rows, 15 classes. Rows are known to be ordered by class. What is unknown is where the 'fences' between classes are. As-is -- i.e., without taking row order into account -- LCA correctly classifies about 94% of rows. My intuition is that if I knew how to tell the algorithm that the rows are grouped by class on input, we'd be at 100%. Visual, in case my use of 'grouped by' i...

    mtowle419 mtowle419
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    Aug 15, 2024 5:03 PM
    347 views | 0 replies
  • latin hyper cube

    Hi there, 

    I am attempting to run latin hyper cube with three continuous and one categorical factors, but the option is not available except for fast flexible filing design; can anyone assist me with this? thanks in advance

    H6Habib H6Habib
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    Aug 14, 2024 1:58 PM
    401 views | 0 replies
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