I am working with JMP and need assistance with creating an interactive journal. My goal is to include a feature that allows users to select and highlight specific batches within a graph. Here are the details of the script and what I am trying to achieve:
Names Default To Here(1);
Current Data Table(dt);
dt << New Column("Time Point Months", Formula(Round(:Time Point Days / 30.438), 2));
// Loop for each parameter
For(i = 1, i <= N Items(numPar), i++,
col1 = Col Box("");
col2 = Col Box("");
col3 = Col Box("");
// Create all batches plot
gb = Graph Builder(
Size(500, 500),
Variables(X(:Time Point Months), Y(:Result), Overlay(:Batch)),
Elements(Points(X, Y))
gb << Local Data Filter(
Add Filter(
columns(:Component, :Batch, :Source Table),
Where(:Component == numPar[i]),
Where(:Batch == {cyc, bat}),
Where(:Source Table == dt_name)
dt << Clear Select();
gbb = Report(gb)[GraphBuilderBox(1)];
gbb << Add Element(1, 1, {Type("Line Of Fit"), X, Y, Confidence of Fit(0), Equation(0)});
// Set Y axis
minval = Min(
:Result[dt << get rows where(
:Component == numPar[i] & :Batch == cyc & :Source Table == dt_name | :Batch == bat
& :Component == numPar[i] & :Source Table == dt_name
) * 0.95;
maxval = Max(
:Result[dt << get rows where(
:Component == numPar[i] & :Batch == cyc & :Source Table == dt_name | :Batch == bat
& :Component == numPar[i] & :Source Table == dt_name
) * 1.05;
maxvalts = Max(
:Time Point Months[dt << get rows where(
:Component == numPar[i] & :Batch == cyc & :Source Table == dt_name | :Batch == bat
& :Component == numPar[i] & :Source Table == dt_name
) * 1.05;
gbb[AxisBox(1)] << Min(-0.1);
gbb[AxisBox(1)] << Max(maxvalts);
gbb[AxisBox(2)] << Min(minval);
gbb[AxisBox(2)] << Max(maxval);
gbb[AxisBox(2)] << inc((maxval - minval) / 10);
// Set Y axis label
unitList = Associative Array(
:Result Unit[dt << get rows where(
:Component == numPar[i] & :Batch == cyc & :Source Table == dt_name | :Batch == bat
& :Component == numPar[i] & :Source Table == dt_name
) << Remove("") << Get Keys;
If(N Items(unitList) == 1,
gbb[Text Edit Box(4)] << Set text(numPar[i] || " [" || unitList[1] || "]")
If(N Items(unitList) != 1,
gbb[Text Edit Box(4)] << Set text(numPar[i])
// Set graph title
gbb[Text Edit Box(1)] << Set text(numPar[i] || " vs. Time Point ");
gbba = Report(gb);
col1 << Append(gbba);
gb << close window;
For(k = 1, k <= N Items(cyc), k++,
check = dt << get rows where(
:Component == numPar[i] & :Batch == cyc[k] & :Source Table == dt_name | :Batch ==
bat[k] & :Component == numPar[i] & :Source Table == dt_name
If(N Items(check) > 0,
gb = Graph Builder(
Size(500, 500),
Variables(X(:Time Point Months), Y(:Result), Overlay(:Batch)),
Elements(Points(X, Y))
gb << Local Data Filter(
Add Filter(
columns(:Component, :Batch, :Source Table),
Where(:Component == numPar[i]),
Where(:Batch == {cyc[k], bat[k]}),
Where(:Source Table == dt_name)
dt << Clear Select();
gbb = Report(gb)[GraphBuilderBox(1)];
gbb << Add Element(
{Type("Line Of Fit"), X, Y, Confidence of Fit(0), Equation(0)}
minval = Min(
:Result[dt << get rows where(
:Component == numPar[i] & :Batch == cyc[k] & :Source Table == dt_name |
:Batch == bat[k] & :Component == numPar[i] & :Source Table == dt_name
) * 0.95;
maxval = Max(
:Result[dt << get rows where(
:Component == numPar[i] & :Batch == cyc[k] & :Source Table == dt_name |
:Batch == bat[k] & :Component == numPar[i] & :Source Table == dt_name
) * 1.05;
maxvalts = Max(
:Time Point Months[dt << get rows where(
:Component == numPar[i] & :Batch == cyc[k] & :Source Table == dt_name |
:Batch == bat[k] & :Component == numPar[i] & :Source Table == dt_name
) * 1.05;
gbb[AxisBox(1)] << Min(-0.1);
gbb[AxisBox(1)] << Max(maxvalts);
gbb[AxisBox(2)] << Min(minval);
gbb[AxisBox(2)] << Max(maxval);
gbb[AxisBox(2)] << inc((maxval - minval) / 10);
unitList = Associative Array(
:Result Unit[dt << get rows where(
:Component == numPar[i] & :Batch == cyc[k] & :Source Table == dt_name |
:Batch == bat[k] & :Component == numPar[i] & :Source Table == dt_name
) << Remove("") << Get Keys;
If(N Items(unitList) == 1,
gbb[Text Edit Box(4)] << Set text(numPar[i] || " [" || unitList[1] || "]")
If(N Items(unitList) != 1,
gbb[Text Edit Box(4)] << Set text(numPar[i])
gbb[Text Edit Box(1)] << Set text(numPar[i] || " vs. Time Point ");
gbba = Report(gb);
col2 << Append(gbba);
gb << close window;
gb2 = Graph Builder(
Size(500, 500),
Variables(X(:Time Point Months), Y(:Difference), Color(:Batch)),
Elements(Points(X, Y))
gb2 << Local Data Filter(
Add Filter(
columns(:Component, :Batch, :Source Table),
Where(:Component == numPar[i]),
Where(:Batch == cyc[k]),
Where(:Source Table == dt5_name)
dt4 << Clear Select();
gbb2 = Report(gb2)[GraphBuilderBox(1)];
gbb2 << Add Element(1, 1, {Type("Line"), X, Y});
l_idx = dt4 << Get rows where(dt4:Component == numPar[i] & :Batch == cyc[k]);
ul = Min(dt4:HC[l_idx]);
If(Is Missing(ul),
:Difference[dt << get rows where(
:Component == numPar[i] & :Batch == cyc[k] & :Source Table ==
) == 0,
minval = -5;
maxval = 5;
minval = Min(
:Difference[dt << get rows where(
:Component == numPar[i] & :Batch == cyc[k] & :Source Table ==
) * 0.95;
maxval = Max(
:Difference[dt << get rows where(
:Component == numPar[i] & :Batch == cyc[k] & :Source Table ==
) * 1.05;
minval = Min(
:Difference[dt << get rows where(
:Component == numPar[i] & :Batch == cyc[k] & :Source Table == dt5_name
) * 1.05;
maxval = Max(
:Difference[dt << get rows where(
:Component == numPar[i] & :Batch == cyc[k] & :Source Table == dt5_name
) * 1.05;
If(!Is Missing(ul),
gbb2[AxisBox(2)] << Add Ref Line(ul, "solid", "black", Char(Round(ul, 2)));
gbb2[AxisBox(2)] << Add Ref Line(-ul, "solid", "black", Char(Round(-ul, 2)));
gbb2[AxisBox(2)] << Add Ref Line(0, "Dashed");
gbb2[AxisBox(2)] << Min(minval);
gbb2[AxisBox(2)] << Max(maxval);
gbb2[AxisBox(2)] << inc((maxval - minval) / 10);
gbba2 = Report(gb2);
col3 << Append(gbba2);
gb2 << close window;
results << append(ob = Outline Box(numPar[i], V List Box(col1, H List Box(col2, col3))));
ob << close;
Edit (jthi 2024-08-26): Added JSL formatting
- Interactive Dropdown Menu: I want to create a dropdown menu that lists the unique batch values (
column) in my data table.
- Highlighting Functionality: When a user selects a batch from the dropdown menu, the corresponding points in the graph should be highlighted.
- Embedding in a Journal: The dropdown menu and the graph should be embedded in a journal that can be saved and shared.