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  • Screening Design with multiple-level factors and one six-level categrocial factor

    Dear JMP community. I struggle a bit in finding the right way to perform the DoE especially the screening design! First i want to find the most important factors with a screening design. Then I want to investigate the important factors in more details with more levels. I have 4 to 5 multiple factors (between 4-6 levels) and one categorical with 6-levels (the six levels represent different Technolo...

    A_Huber A_Huber
    Discussions |
    Jul 6, 2020 2:48 AM
    4079 views | 9 replies
  • Get column values using Loop

    Hi, I am a beginner, currently learning jsl scripting. I would like to know how shall i write a script (loop) to check N columns of values (names) and only output those that with a valid name, and ignore those "NA"? The end result (Column "All members") in each row shall be a combined list of valid names (ignoring column value with "NA"). See example below:-  Col 1Col 2 Col 3Col 4…………….Col nAll me...

    brandon_mcrv brandon_mcrv
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    Jul 6, 2020 1:19 AM
    3555 views | 2 replies
  • How do I classify group based on count

    Hi JMP community folks,   I have a data table with four columns as Side, TIME, Count, and ID. I am trying to add a new column that groups a batch of IDs based on the Count column. The data has already been sorted by Time and Count.  The desired output I am trying to achieve is in the "Cycle (desired output)" column. The formula which I tried to use was lag. But I am not able to achieve the desired...

    tantaibi tantaibi
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    Jul 4, 2020 8:50 PM
    1545 views | 3 replies
  • Running JSL in background without any windows popping up

    Hello, New JSL user here. I have a nested for loop where I am using a bivariate platform to extract Rsq for each pair and creating a concatenated data table which will eventually hold all Rsq values for all pairs. I am able to get the desired output in the end. However, while the script is running, I get temp tables to pop up and I cannot seem to make them invisible or close (post contenation to a...

    AmanS AmanS
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    Jul 4, 2020 1:10 PM
    3213 views | 5 replies
  • Hierarchical clustering: JMP & R disagree

    When I cluster the same exact dataset in JMP and in R, using Ward's method, I get results that are non-identical.  R provides two options (ward.D and ward.D2), wherein the latter squares the values in the distance matrix before clustering them.  According to Murtagh & Legendre (2014), that's what JMP does too. But even when I specify method="ward.D2" in R, the output I get is non-trivially differe...

    matthall_resear matthall_resear
    Discussions |
    Jul 4, 2020 12:49 PM
    3593 views | 7 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Screening Design with multiple-level factors and one six-level categrocial factor

    Dear JMP community. I struggle a bit in finding the right way to perform the DoE especially the screening design! First i want to find the most important factors with a screening design. Then I want to investigate the important factors in more details with more levels. I have 4 to 5 multiple factors (between 4-6 levels) and one categorical with 6-levels (the six levels represent different Technolo...

    A_Huber A_Huber
    Discussions |
    Jul 6, 2020 2:48 AM
    4079 views | 9 replies
  • How do I classify group based on count

    Hi JMP community folks,   I have a data table with four columns as Side, TIME, Count, and ID. I am trying to add a new column that groups a batch of IDs based on the Count column. The data has already been sorted by Time and Count.  The desired output I am trying to achieve is in the "Cycle (desired output)" column. The formula which I tried to use was lag. But I am not able to achieve the desired...

    tantaibi tantaibi
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    Jul 4, 2020 8:50 PM
    1545 views | 3 replies
  • Hierarchical clustering: JMP & R disagree

    When I cluster the same exact dataset in JMP and in R, using Ward's method, I get results that are non-identical.  R provides two options (ward.D and ward.D2), wherein the latter squares the values in the distance matrix before clustering them.  According to Murtagh & Legendre (2014), that's what JMP does too. But even when I specify method="ward.D2" in R, the output I get is non-trivially differe...

    matthall_resear matthall_resear
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    Jul 4, 2020 12:49 PM
    3593 views | 7 replies
  • Basic interpretation of PCA plots

    Hi all, I was wondering if someone can explain the second graph that shows up after general PCA analysis on JMP. There are three graphs that typically appear: eigenvalues chart, a second scatterplot, and the loading graph. What's the relationship between the second graph and the loading graph? I notice the loading graph typically has a lot more details than that second scatter plot. Thanks!

    crystal007 crystal007
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    Jul 3, 2020 3:18 PM
    4310 views | 4 replies
  • Populate List Box with list of Strings

    Hello,I would like to give the user the opportunity of choosing a Tag name, which will then show a time series plot of various variables based on that tag name.I have created this script to create a list of the TAG names, and will then use that selection (onchange) to populate the variables in a graph builder script.However, this is creating an empty list box. Can anyone identify why?thanksNames D...

    spudton spudton
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    Jul 3, 2020 10:42 AM
    1464 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • [JSL Contour Plot] Method of define contour plot, number, minimum, maximum

    The contour plot is very helpful to show 3D map, however the problem of defining the zone is always a trouble. In my typical jsl plot, I use something below to define the contour plot zone number = 8, maximum = 1.4, minimum =1. However, the table column :Length may change time to time, and the scale will have to be modified manually for each corresponding plot.   Does someone have experience how t...

    Stokes Stokes
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    Jun 25, 2020 12:09 PM
    984 views | 0 replies
  • Impact of screen resolution on html output

    Hi, I'm preparing a dashboard using jmp that will be used for a daily meeting. It contains information in form of data tables and text boxes. In order to transfer text sizes and colors for the text as well as the data tables into the html output I transformed them into pictures (rep = dt << get as report(); pic = rep << get picture(); ). I set up all font sizes on my external monitor and it worked...

    Ole Ole
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    Jun 9, 2020 6:21 AM
    945 views | 0 replies
  • How do I have two different chart types in a single graph using two axis?

    While doing some research to answer this question, I found this article on the JMP community that helped me get started. How do I do a combination bar and line plot using Overlay Plot?    Using the big class sample data example of height and weight I was able to create a bar chart for weight and a line plot for height on the same chart using the Overlay Plot.     To do this, first clear the row s...

    Bass_Masri Bass_Masri
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    Apr 28, 2020 4:28 PM
    3583 views | 0 replies
  • How do I calculate z-scores at different aggregation levels?

    Hello,  How do I use JSL to calculate Z-scores at different levels of aggregation? I am working with cancer mortality data (1999 - 2015) at the county-level. I need to calculate Z-scores to compare each county to the others within a state and all counties within the country. I cannot simply use the standardize function because it automatically takes an average of rates--which is invalid unless the...

    Jmsouch Jmsouch
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    Feb 26, 2020 7:04 AM
    1629 views | 0 replies
  • Calling Windows API ImageViewer.dll to display JPG files.

    I am working with a very large database of image files and want to be able to display the file for the user for visual inspection from a script. I have been able to get the following code to load the DLL but get an error requesting a signature argument. Does anyone know how to get a signature string from the system to pass to the DLL.   ERROR MESSAGE FORM LOG: Second argument to CallDLL must be a ...

    DMeakin1 DMeakin1
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    Jan 17, 2020 10:19 AM
    1486 views | 0 replies
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