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  • Format Date Time yyyymmdd_hhmmss

    Greetings, I am having an issue with a date-time format when save a csv file.
    The filename should be like "Summary_20231103_082637".

    formattedDate = Format(Today(), "yyyymmdd_hhmmss");
    filename = Convert File Path("C:\Path\Summary_" || formattedDate || ".xlsx", absolute );
    if(File Exists (filename),
    dt << Save (filename, Mode("Append")),
    dt << Save (filename));

    I tried to format the datetime with


    Celine1 Celine1
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    Nov 3, 2023 3:43 AM
    1221 views | 1 replies
  • Automate concatenating data tables based on name

    Hi, I want to concatenate data tables based on their name.For example I have 6 Data tables, and their names will be something like M1a M1b M2a M2b M3a M3b. So I want to join all M1 devices together etc. However, the M1 part will vary by name so I need the script to be able to get name and then compare part of the name. Any help to get started is very appreciated

    MedianRooster10 MedianRooster10
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    Nov 3, 2023 2:17 AM
    1639 views | 6 replies
  • How to elegantly perform an update, but for a single row?

    Hello - I'm trying to take a row from one table, and throw it into another table at a row the user specifies in an entry box. However, the update function doesn't seem to have the ability to specify rows, and so I'm left with taking an hour and typing out each of my 105 columns for both data tables as such: dt:{"ColA"}[rownumber] = dt1:{"ColA"}[1];
    dt:{"ColB"}[rownumber] = dt1:{"ColB"}[1];

    ehchandlerjr ehchandlerjr
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    Nov 3, 2023 1:52 AM
    814 views | 2 replies
  • 关于JMP分析结果的解读

    嗨,各位: 我是一位从事制程工艺的技术人员,具备简单的统计学知识,jmp的使用很人性化,给出了很多有用的结论,但是我不知道该怎样像别人解读这些结果。 我周边的领导和同事在统计方面知识较为欠缺,很多时候我得出了结论,但是无法让他们认可我的结果,这让我感到很苦恼。 我希望大家能介绍一些统计方面书籍,让我能补充统计方面的知识,解读JMP给出的结论。

    宁南 宁南
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    Nov 3, 2023 1:14 AM
    1909 views | 4 replies
  • Grouped Interpolate

    While writing the post I was reminded of a question that a colleague of mine had some while ago: Is there a grouped Interpolate function in JSL?Interpolate(myheight, :height, :weight, by(:sex), for({"F","M"}))which returns {weightF, weightM} @ myheight for F & M after separately interpolating :weight vs. :...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Nov 2, 2023 1:23 PM
    969 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • How to elegantly perform an update, but for a single row?

    Hello - I'm trying to take a row from one table, and throw it into another table at a row the user specifies in an entry box. However, the update function doesn't seem to have the ability to specify rows, and so I'm left with taking an hour and typing out each of my 105 columns for both data tables as such: dt:{"ColA"}[rownumber] = dt1:{"ColA"}[1];
    dt:{"ColB"}[rownumber] = dt1:{"ColB"}[1];

    ehchandlerjr ehchandlerjr
    Discussions |
    Nov 3, 2023 1:52 AM
    814 views | 2 replies
  • Grouped Interpolate

    While writing the post I was reminded of a question that a colleague of mine had some while ago: Is there a grouped Interpolate function in JSL?Interpolate(myheight, :height, :weight, by(:sex), for({"F","M"}))which returns {weightF, weightM} @ myheight for F & M after separately interpolating :weight vs. :...

    hogi hogi
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    Nov 2, 2023 1:23 PM
    969 views | 2 replies
  • DOE

    Hello,A general question regarding an application of DOE. I have a dataset with 30 independent features. The response is yield. Of course the data is rather noisy and when I run Random Forest (RF), I get at best R^2 of 70% on the validation data. To conduct an actual DOE is not possible at all due to logistics of it. However, let's say I take the RF model as my data generating process. I then desi...

    MarkovVaribles1 MarkovVaribles1
    Discussions |
    Nov 2, 2023 11:47 AM
    572 views | 1 replies
  • When a JSL code block crashes, is it possible to post a dialog box with a simple message?

    Hello,I am trying to run a python script using JMP's Run Porgram to read a zipped file and parse the data. Occationally the Zip file has issues and python would through out an error message that " File is not a zip file" Here is the JSL code blockrp = Run Program( executable( python_executable ), Options( {path_python_file, path_working_folder, path_datalog} ), readfunction( "text" ) ); When I exe...

    shafi-arifuzzam shafi-arifuzzam
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    Nov 2, 2023 10:48 AM
    547 views | 1 replies
  • stack columns

    I have X1,Y1 and X2,Y2 values and I want to plot them. First, I need to stack X1 with X2 and Y1 with Y2. How can I do that? When I stack for example X1 and X2, makes a mess for Y1 and Y2. 

    sam8546 sam8546
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    Nov 2, 2023 10:07 AM
    2053 views | 4 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Nested Cross-Validation Script?

    Hello, how can I apply nested cross-validation outside of the model screening platform? I would strongly suggest to extend the Make-Validation-Column Section by an option to automate nested cross validation for all predictive models. It would be cool to just select a validation column (or 2 validation columns) for nested cross-validation. In the meantime, could you please provide me with an exampl...

    MarkusJH MarkusJH
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    Nov 2, 2023 3:21 AM
    525 views | 0 replies
  • Functional data in rows-as-functions, but different rows have different step size

    Hello - I have a table with 250+ experiments and thousands of columns, about 100 that are for either raw or transformed data, and then I'm taking output from an xml file with functionally "spectral data" (XRD diffractograms for anyone that is familliar), and just laying that on its side in row form (more explanation if needed in another question I posted here:

    ehchandlerjr ehchandlerjr
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    Oct 28, 2023 12:33 PM
    511 views | 0 replies
  • How to adjust the factor range for specific factors within an ongoing DOE

    Hi, I designed a DOE that has two independent buffers. This DOE will range components in each buffer which will be used in a processing step sequentially. IE, buffer A, followed by buffer B. We already prepared for the DOE, and formulated the A buffers as per the recommended design. For the B buffers, we intended on ranging 2 components but later decided to reduce to ranging one component, and als...

    MetaLizard62080 MetaLizard62080
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    Oct 26, 2023 5:25 PM
    466 views | 0 replies
  • Type 1 MSA for microscope and Offset.

    Hello Everyone,I was looking for someone who could help me with a dilemma I'm facing with respect to an MSA for a microscope. The specific problem is that i do not have tolerance I can input for my type 1 analysis. Resolution used is 5 microns per pixel, the accuracy cannot be below 5 microns. This is the standard resolution for particles starting from 50 microns. I have attached the Linearity stu...

    MSAanalysis MSAanalysis
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    Oct 23, 2023 12:58 AM
    1008 views | 0 replies
  • Is it possible to customize such buttons in the toolbar: a button next to an editor bar?

    The edit bar can fill in characters, click the button to run a JSL, JSL can automatically read the content of the edit bar and write into the variable. Thanks!

    lala lala
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    Oct 19, 2023 11:01 PM
    418 views | 0 replies
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