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  • Can you remove all menu items from New Window() ?

    Hello,I'd like to remove all the default menu items from the Window I create when using the New Window() function.I didn't find any documentation on this in the "JMP 10  Scripting Guide" that I'm using to learn JSL.The default menu items have no meaning within my application, and I like to be able to present the users with an uncluttered dialog box.Thanks for your help.Robert 

    restonian restonian
    Discussions |
    Jun 11, 2012 6:41 AM
    8462 views | 2 replies
  • select text between delimiters

    Hello,  I'm trying to write a formula to select text that lies between the delimiters [ ].All text in my column appears as below:RinseAid[Apex.Rinse]*(Temp-130)RinseAid[AutoDri]*(Temp-130)RinseAid[Bright&Dry]*(Temp-130)RinseAid[Clarity]*(Temp-130)...I want to keep only the text between the [ ] symbols:Apex.RinseAutoDriBright&DryClarityBut using a formula such as below, Iget a mesage that the formu...

    paulp paulp
    Discussions |
    Jun 10, 2012 1:33 PM
    3257 views | 1 replies
  • Sort order on JMP graphs?

    Is there a way to order elements in a graph?  The attached example includes ranges of years and doesn't look right in an alphabetized order

    rossmiller rossmiller
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    Jun 8, 2012 1:19 PM
    11916 views | 2 replies
  • How to multiply multiple columns by a constant?

    I am working with a data table near ~250 columns. For about half of the columns, I need to multiply the column by 1000 (for mA).I would like to do this without having to create a new column every time (reassigning the column). Throwing this code into my script, I  have DataTable("Temp")<< (:Col_To_Multiply *= 1000);This equation is not changing my column at all, and its also not throwing any error...

    matt_p matt_p
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    Jun 7, 2012 8:36 AM
    17711 views | 2 replies
  • JSL: make check box in loop

    Hello guys,I'm learning JSL recent days , but come across many problems , one of them is like this:see I have 3 names stored in a table, I want to put these names into a window with check box infront of each name:I can make it by the script below:/* script 1 */x1="Name1";x2="Name2";x3="Name3";New Window("Hi", y1=Check Box(eval(x1)),y2=Check Box(eval(x2)),y3=Check Box(eval(x3)));how can I do it in ...

    yc4037 yc4037
    Discussions |
    Jun 5, 2012 4:04 AM
    8799 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • select text between delimiters

    Hello,  I'm trying to write a formula to select text that lies between the delimiters [ ].All text in my column appears as below:RinseAid[Apex.Rinse]*(Temp-130)RinseAid[AutoDri]*(Temp-130)RinseAid[Bright&Dry]*(Temp-130)RinseAid[Clarity]*(Temp-130)...I want to keep only the text between the [ ] symbols:Apex.RinseAutoDriBright&DryClarityBut using a formula such as below, Iget a mesage that the formu...

    paulp paulp
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    Jun 10, 2012 1:33 PM
    3257 views | 1 replies
  • Control Charts Alarm

    Hi,Kind of a newbie with JMP Scripting. Appreciate any help that I can get.Here are the steps that I'm trying to achieve. First I'm opening the excel file and within that excel file selecting a sheet.  Then I'm applying few SQL statements to get a subset of the sheet;s data and naming that data setas Subset of Adherence.  Following that is creation of log to which I'm writing all the control point...

    ashwing ashwing
    Discussions |
    May 28, 2012 12:14 PM
    3851 views | 1 replies
  • Outline Box Title Font (can it be set)?

    Can the font of an Outline Box title be set (e.g. size, type, color)?  I see there's nothing direct, but was wondering if there was some novel way to reference a TextBox (which can be set), etc?  Since virtually every canned JMP chart seems to use an Outline Box by default, it would be slick if JMP would let us control the Outline Box font.  I almost succeeded trying something different, but ran i...

    djhanson djhanson
    Discussions |
    May 27, 2012 4:35 PM
    3595 views | 3 replies
  • can i convert date mm/dd/yyyy to character "mmddyyyy"

    I need to concat the date information with the file name, however during concat the date variable changes to sas or hexadecimal format. Thanks Gowri

    gow gow
    Discussions |
    May 24, 2012 5:18 AM
    3950 views | 2 replies
  • How to properly format formula result as date?

    Hi,I need to create a Date field in a data set imported into JMP. In the original data, the date is embedded in the date-time format YYYYMMDDhhhhmmss. I wrote the following simple formula and attached it to a new column:Munger(:DATE, 0, 8).The result looks OK but when I change the column format Numeric > Continuous > Date > yyyymmdd, the values change to the format “1904….”.I thought maybe I need ...

    qafnagy qafnagy
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    May 23, 2012 6:20 AM
    4073 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Sample Size

    Hello I have a sample of 159 individuals and I want to run an exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis using SAS .How much individuals should I consider in ordrer to run both of them ? Is there a rule to choice?What are the SAS command associated?Can we do them by JMP,Thank you

    radhi radhi
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    Mar 5, 2012 6:36 AM
    2195 views | 0 replies
  • Selecting List of variables

    I would like select in a data table some variables from a list that I have copied from a previous analysis or from another data table containing those names in cells. Would some body know a straightforward way to do that?ThanksYves

    yves yves
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    Jan 4, 2012 8:30 AM
    2165 views | 0 replies
  • oh my - so many different methods to calculate percentiles - I did not realize there were so many different ways to calculate percentiles! I just noticed my results from Excel (formula =percentile (array, percentile) and JMP (quantile plots and data) differed, and that led me to the above website, which identifies about 12 or more different methods! I am at a bit of a loss, for I often use res...

    deer_dog deer_dog
    Discussions |
    Nov 29, 2011 8:55 AM
    3703 views | 0 replies
  • nonparametric equivalent to two-way ANOVA?

    Hi all,I have data that does not transform to fit assumptions of normality and homoscedasticity needed to perform a two-way ANOVA. I have found information on how to run nonparametric tests that are the equivalent of one-way ANOVAs, but can't find a way to do a two-way nonparametric analysis. Suggested tests (from an online search) are Cochran Q and/or Friedman's test. Not sure if there is some ot...

    aquastralis aquastralis
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    Sep 18, 2011 4:57 PM
    3932 views | 0 replies
  • Do you think you're up to the challenge?

    I've just posted a JSL scripting challenge to the JMP Blog.     Take the JMP Add-In challengeIf you think you've got what it takes, please submit an entry.I'm looking forward to seeing what you come up with!-Jeff

    Jeff_Perkinson Jeff_Perkinson
    Discussions |
    Sep 8, 2011 5:43 AM
    2113 views | 0 replies
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