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  • autoscaling of graphs in dashboard

    Hi,I am relatively new to scripting.I want to create a dashboard with a few reports and I would like to run it every week  with the updated data table (it is weekly analysis report). I have managed to  autoscale the axis of the graphs (x axis is week , y axis is count) by removing min and max values in the script, and it works well with the updated data table when I run the graph builder script it...

    gudubet55 gudubet55
    Discussions |
    Jan 15, 2022 1:13 PM
    1140 views | 1 replies
  • rule-extraction algorithms for verify the Artificial Neural Network (ANN)

    Hello, I recently start to use JMP Pro also for the artificial neural network.I would like to know, how can I verify the neural network architectures with JMP?
    E.g., using the mathematical expressions, symbolic logic, fuzzy logic, or decision trees...
    I read that this system could resolve the "black box." Thank you so much,

    AngeloF88 AngeloF88
    Discussions |
    Jan 15, 2022 9:10 AM
    20629 views | 17 replies
  • Disable Graph Updates with Interaction

    I have a data table with columns ox, oy, dx, and dy. For demonstration purposes, you can assume all columns are random with formula: Random Normal(0, 10). The real problem is a network with a list of coordinates.
    I would like to draw lines between (ox, oy) and (dx, dy) and I can do this with either Graph Builder or Graph Box (example below). However, with every interaction, JMP redraws the lines wh...

    burakbagdatli burakbagdatli
    Discussions |
    Jan 14, 2022 2:54 PM
    1646 views | 4 replies
  • Process Capability - Within Sigma Summary Report - How do I save column settings to prevent adding the same columns every time?

    I cannot seem to find any way in preferences (MacOS) to permanently save the types of columns that appear within a "Within Sigma Summary Report" in Process Capability.  I've combed through most of preferences and cannot find it. 

    Any tips or tricks for this?  Ex. I want to display N, st dev, Observed Count OOS every time, and remove stability index 

    HunterJMPs HunterJMPs
    Discussions |
    Jan 14, 2022 11:11 AM
    825 views | 1 replies
  • Temp Files? Can I configure JMP?

    Does JMP create temp files while saving large files? I keep getting an I/O not enough disk space error message when I try to save a file. I am saving a very large file to an external server with lots of free space, so I know there's disk space. However, my copy of JMP resides on a hard drive with no space (maybe 0.5% available; C:). I'm thinking that this is the problem. My computer has another dr...

    jswislar jswislar
    Discussions |
    Jan 14, 2022 8:03 AM
    7027 views | 5 replies

Latest Discussions

  • autoscaling of graphs in dashboard

    Hi,I am relatively new to scripting.I want to create a dashboard with a few reports and I would like to run it every week  with the updated data table (it is weekly analysis report). I have managed to  autoscale the axis of the graphs (x axis is week , y axis is count) by removing min and max values in the script, and it works well with the updated data table when I run the graph builder script it...

    gudubet55 gudubet55
    Discussions |
    Jan 15, 2022 1:13 PM
    1140 views | 1 replies
  • Disable Graph Updates with Interaction

    I have a data table with columns ox, oy, dx, and dy. For demonstration purposes, you can assume all columns are random with formula: Random Normal(0, 10). The real problem is a network with a list of coordinates.
    I would like to draw lines between (ox, oy) and (dx, dy) and I can do this with either Graph Builder or Graph Box (example below). However, with every interaction, JMP redraws the lines wh...

    burakbagdatli burakbagdatli
    Discussions |
    Jan 14, 2022 2:54 PM
    1646 views | 4 replies
  • Process Capability - Within Sigma Summary Report - How do I save column settings to prevent adding the same columns every time?

    I cannot seem to find any way in preferences (MacOS) to permanently save the types of columns that appear within a "Within Sigma Summary Report" in Process Capability.  I've combed through most of preferences and cannot find it. 

    Any tips or tricks for this?  Ex. I want to display N, st dev, Observed Count OOS every time, and remove stability index 

    HunterJMPs HunterJMPs
    Discussions |
    Jan 14, 2022 11:11 AM
    825 views | 1 replies
  • Temp Files? Can I configure JMP?

    Does JMP create temp files while saving large files? I keep getting an I/O not enough disk space error message when I try to save a file. I am saving a very large file to an external server with lots of free space, so I know there's disk space. However, my copy of JMP resides on a hard drive with no space (maybe 0.5% available; C:). I'm thinking that this is the problem. My computer has another dr...

    jswislar jswislar
    Discussions |
    Jan 14, 2022 8:03 AM
    7027 views | 5 replies
  • 如何用脚本下载这个网站的查询结果?

    这个是其他语言的代码、要如何修改才能工作?谢谢大家!Sub West() Dim result, antistop, Values As Variant, i, j, x, y, cnt Dim Json As Object cnt = Range("b1") & "" antistop = "{""question"":""ROE>20"",""perpage"":" & cnt & ",""page"":9,""secondary_intent"":""stock"",""log_info"":""{\""input_type\"":\""click\""}"",""source"":""Ths_iwencai_Xuangu"",""version"":""2.0"",""query_area"":"""",""block_list"":"""",""a...

    lala lala
    Discussions |
    Jan 14, 2022 5:37 AM
    1354 views | 4 replies

Latest Discussions

  • How do I apply time fixed effects with multiple regression

    I have financial panel data and would like to hold dummy time variables fixed as I regress the other independent variables to test my model's significance. Not sure how to proceed. Is this function only available in SAS? Thanks   

    RiDe RiDe
    Discussions |
    Jan 10, 2022 11:18 PM
    548 views | 0 replies
  • separating labelled values from graph points

    I have looked in the scripting help section and all over this community and haven't found a solution for my problem so hopefully someone can help. I have a graph containing two trend lines and a bar graph and want to label the values of each point but when I set the labels both values show up on each trend line and I can't figure out how to separate the labels. I tried stacking the labelled column...

    Cdougz Cdougz
    Discussions |
    Dec 31, 2021 7:38 AM
    685 views | 0 replies
  • Expand Contours


    I understand that the contouring is done based on triangulation to data points, but is there a method for expanding them further to fit a custom SHP file I've imported into JMP? I've already set the alpha and the lowest value so the contour should cover the, 'most', area. Any other methods? Thanks! 

    MikeDereviankin MikeDereviankin
    Discussions |
    Dec 15, 2021 12:49 PM
    553 views | 0 replies
  • Getting all Zeros for the AR(1) estimate/std error in a Repeated Measures Mixed Model Using JMP Pro

    I am fitting a model of a continuous response against 7 fixed effects. When running the Standard Least Squares; my residuals plots/assumptions checks don't look too bad but the Durbin Watson test is suggesting an AR(1) structure in the residuals. This is expected for this particular analysis and is consistent with other data sets looking at the same response/factors. The Time Series platform also ...

    lisa2442 lisa2442
    Discussions |
    Dec 14, 2021 7:32 AM
    671 views | 0 replies
  • Export Functional Data Explorer prediction formula

    Hi,I want to export the prediction formula generated by Functional Data Explorer either to Excel or Python (via Formula Depot), but there is a problem because the formula contains P Spline Coef() interpolation, which I think is not available in Excel or in Python libraries. Do you have any suggestions how to solve this?Best regards

    ruskicar ruskicar
    Discussions |
    Dec 14, 2021 2:11 AM
    663 views | 0 replies
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