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  • I want to use a local variable to track cyclic data

    Hi all, I'm very new to using more powerful statistical software and am slowly learning the ropes. I'm good at implementing feedback, but not so great at my own research. I work with batteries. We gather a ton of data, and we use different tests depending on what we want to find out. The data generated is cyclical in nature, as we charge the cell, rest it, discharge it, and rest it again. These ar...

    ScaredAntelope ScaredAntelope
    Discussions |
    Jul 7, 2022 4:38 AM
    1828 views | 5 replies
  • Indexing into a list without errors

    Let's say I have a file name that I parse into separate parts like so:nameWords = Words(name, "_")Let's say I want to make a short name out of the first five words of the original name:shortName = Concat Items( nameWords[{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}], "_" );Everything works fine while I'm getting names in the format that I expect, i.e. more than five words in the name.But as soon as I get name like "aaa_bbb_cc...

    miguello miguello
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    Jul 7, 2022 2:30 AM
    873 views | 2 replies
  • Stop Code When Cancel Button Pressed

    I have some code that allows users to pick several options. If they press OK then the code runs as expected but I can't get the cancel button to cancel the code. Exiting the window also results in the code being run. I would like the user to be able to cancel or exit the window and have that stop the = New Window( "Customise Analysis", <<Modal, <<Return Result, <<On Validate(x = cb<<Ge...

    Jemster Jemster
    Discussions |
    Jul 7, 2022 2:26 AM
    1087 views | 1 replies
  • How do I indicate that a mixture factor can take a number of categorical levels (types of component)

    Hello, I am trying to design and then analyse a mixture design with non-mixture factors and am having some trouble understanding how to do it properly. Briefly I am running an experiment on a blend of components under different temperature conditions. The samples are a blend of component 1 with component 2, where component 2 is one of three related materials. What I am having trouble with is encod...

    david_gillespie david_gillespie
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    Jul 7, 2022 2:10 AM
    1809 views | 4 replies
  • Multiple Logistic Regression Interpretation for Dependent Variables with Multiple Levels

    I am trying to run a multivariate logistic regression. The dependent variable has two categories, and the first independent variable has five groups, and the second independent variable has two groups.  Once I run the model (use Fit Model), the parameter estimates section reports the coefficient/beta value for four of the five groups for the first independent variable and one of the two groups for...

    KoalaPorcupine KoalaPorcupine
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    Jul 6, 2022 6:16 PM
    4505 views | 13 replies

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  • Urgent: covariance parameter estimates are all zero (i.e. estimate, Std error, confidence interval)

    Dear All,I have been analysing a two factorial (3*4) RCBD repeated measures design by using the mixed model approach in JMP. Above is a section of the report I got. Why are the estimates zero. Other information include about the analysis include:1. 14 continuous variables measured four times at unequal time periods2. All the three covariance structures I tried (AR1, Toeplizt and spatial power) had...

    MomentMonster90 MomentMonster90
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    Jun 13, 2022 5:53 AM
    618 views | 0 replies
  • Validate column values (make sure all values in column follow a specific pattern)

    Is there a better way rather than iteration of all the rows to validate values in column? Let's say before making something with the column I want to make sure that all values in column match specific Regex. Like so:!IsMissing(Regex(Column(myColumn)[1], "^\w+(\d{3})\w+$", "\1"))I can iterate through each row to make sure that all of them match, but maybe there is a better way?  

    miguello miguello
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    May 6, 2022 11:09 AM
    484 views | 0 replies
  • SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regressions)

    HI, How to find estimators of FGNLS and NLS (Seemingly Unrelated Regressions) Using JmpPro.# Note that it is present in SAS in the proc syslin
    and it is in stat in the nlsur command Regards

    Raaed Raaed
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    May 5, 2022 4:45 PM
    625 views | 0 replies
  • Friedman post hoc analysis

    Hello, I am trying to do a matched sample analysis across three different factors. I wanted to:1. Confirm that my sample would be what I pick for 'Block" when I do Fit Y by X when running Friedman's test2. Is there a post hoc analysis in JMP that I can use? I dont see Nemenyi or Conover as an optionThanks for your time.  

    pnakashe pnakashe
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    May 5, 2022 12:02 PM
    781 views | 0 replies
  • JMP script: Script Alarm Control chart- Table with atypical batch number and values

    Hello everyone,I am trying to make a table with the OOT (out of Trend) batches with their respective "atypical" values.I used for that the "script alarm" function as I could found some exemples on the JMP community. Here is my script:  z_KSigmaZ =1.4; // Création de la Carte de controle si N catégories > 5 Names Default To Here( 1 ); If(N Items(Associative Array(:"RNS/NS tordu (srg)")) > 5, Gr...

    Sebastienlg Sebastienlg
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    Apr 29, 2022 6:29 AM
    554 views | 0 replies
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