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  • How to transform matrix into 2D data table?

    Input: Summarize(g=by(age, sex), c=count()); show(g, c); output: g:{{"12", "12", "13", "13", "14", "14", "15", "15", "16", "16", "17", "17"}, {"F", "M", "F", "M", "F", "M", "F", "M", "F", "M", "F", "M"}} c:[5,3,3,4,5,7,2,5,2,1,1,2] How to make the result into a data table with column as sex and row as age? Like pivot table?

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    Apr 1, 2021 1:33 PM
    3577 views | 4 replies
  • Moving text/numedit boxes into tab container without losing formatting/spacing - App Builder

    I have built an app using the JMP Application border. I have text boxes, numedit boxes, and buttons arranged in a format I wish to retain. I am attempting to move what I already have into a paged tab container. When I do so, it messes up all of the spacing and formatting of the individual text/numedit boxes. Is there a way to move them all into a tab page container without losing all the formattin...

    rickr135 rickr135
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    Apr 1, 2021 8:55 AM
    1651 views | 2 replies
  • Recording and recovering metadata in a table

    I have a stacked data table with three columns that contain strings and another numeric.  A: unique identifierB: textC: text As, Bs, Cs, Values-----A1, B1, C1, value11A1, B1, C1, value12A1, B1, C1, value13A2, B2, C2, value21A2, B2, C2, value22A2, B2, C2, value23 Right now, I am creating a concatenated column name with the form "A (B) [C]" which I split to have the final table like so: A1 (B1) [C1]...

    FN FN
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    Apr 1, 2021 8:36 AM
    1628 views | 5 replies
  • Using JSL script to sort a column in a data table using List Check or Value Order property

    Hi all, I'd like to use the List Check feature or the Value Order column property to custom sort a column in a datatable. This data table is created from a subset of another data table, but I am unable to get the property to custom sort the values in the data table. The relevant commands I'm using is as listed below:     dt_summary_table = (Data Table( "Name of table" )) << Make Into Data Table; /...

    JmpStatistician JmpStatistician
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    Apr 1, 2021 5:00 AM
    2612 views | 3 replies
  • How to subset a data table based on column value

    Hello!  I have a large JMP file which contains the stability testing results for many (>75 product lots).  I want to create a script to subset the rows of testing data based on the column value (i.e. the lot number) while only including certain test result columns from the file. I am fairly new to JMP and JMP scripting, but I have managed to put together the following script: Data Table( "Stabilit...

    KKlear KKlear
    Discussions |
    Mar 31, 2021 3:41 PM
    4843 views | 4 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Recording and recovering metadata in a table

    I have a stacked data table with three columns that contain strings and another numeric.  A: unique identifierB: textC: text As, Bs, Cs, Values-----A1, B1, C1, value11A1, B1, C1, value12A1, B1, C1, value13A2, B2, C2, value21A2, B2, C2, value22A2, B2, C2, value23 Right now, I am creating a concatenated column name with the form "A (B) [C]" which I split to have the final table like so: A1 (B1) [C1]...

    FN FN
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    Apr 1, 2021 8:36 AM
    1628 views | 5 replies
  • DOE: using subset full factorial to confirm results of a descriptive screen design

    Hi, Background: - I ran a 8-factor DSD and identified a total of 5 factors and 5 interactions are significant.- I selected two significant factors (each with three levels) and ran a 9-run full factorial DOE for the purpose to validate the DSD Result:- none of the two factors or their interaction are significant: disagree with DSD- the two factor does not has interaction: agree with DSD- quadratic ...

    ZenCar ZenCar
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    Mar 31, 2021 10:43 AM
    1283 views | 4 replies
  • #Screening DoE

    i have excipient A of 4 different grades, how Can I include all those 4 different grades in a Denitive Screening DOE?

    RevathiT RevathiT
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    Mar 31, 2021 10:26 AM
    747 views | 2 replies
  • Variance components and REML "within" calculation

    How is the within variation calculated? even when there is only 1 data point available for a combination of factors?I have a set of data with only one data point available for each factor combination and there is a pretty large amount of variation attributed to "within" and I'm curious how it is determining the within variation. For example:DayEquipmentAnalystData1ZA##1ZB##1YA##1YB##2ZA##2ZB##2YA#...

    chelseahudson chelseahudson
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    Mar 31, 2021 9:51 AM
    1232 views | 1 replies
  • Computing FPC scores

    I made an FDE analysis on a data set and obtained a good FPC model with two eigenfunctions. I now want to calcuate the FPC scores for some new samples using the two established eigenfunctions, how can I do this? 

    frankderuyck frankderuyck
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    Mar 31, 2021 9:38 AM
    745 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Workflow ideas for new projects

    Hi all, 

    After a year of playing around with JMP, I'm extremely satisfied with using it as my main data exploration platform. However, I'm overwhelmed about the tremendous amount of ways I can begin to explore my data. When starting a new project, let's say a biomonitoring study for instance, where does one begin their workflow? Are there any literature on JMP for starting a project from beginning ...

    MikeDereviankin MikeDereviankin
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    Mar 30, 2021 1:41 PM
    982 views | 0 replies
  • Manipulating data table properties (cell width/height) INSIDE application module

    Hello! I have created and Application consisting of data from multiple data tables, plotted it into few separate cross-linked graph builders and hosting one preview of data table (which has images, which is kind of the point). I would like to manipulate the cell width / height of the data table cells included into this application/dashboard, but the task seems impossible. For only the data table, ...

    plotMaster plotMaster
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    Mar 27, 2021 3:54 PM
    1247 views | 0 replies
  • What does it mean when the solution path for Elastic Net is not single-valued?

    Dear JMP Community,   (W10, 64-bit, JMP Pro 15.2.1)   I am running a model to assess the active predictors. I am doing this by using the Autovalidation add-in to generate a Null Factor for my data. I then use the GenReg platform to find estimates for each possible X-factor and then Bootstrap those estimates to get a better assessment of the contributions to the response. I came across a very stran...

    SDF1 SDF1
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    Feb 15, 2021 12:35 PM
    1151 views | 0 replies
  • Return number from specified row of calculation column in either a text edit box or number edit box in an add in

    Hello,  I'm attempting to build an application in application builder. I have two modules currently. The first module is a series of number edit boxes and lists that allow the user to input values and make selections.After pushing a button, the inputs and/or list selections update table variables in a data table that subsequently updates column equations. The data table opens in the background so ...

    tys5384 tys5384
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    Feb 15, 2021 7:33 AM
    1013 views | 0 replies
  • generalized regression

    How do I get a whole model significance test when conducting a generalized regression using the negative binomial distribution? I can get the individual effect significance tests, but I do not see where I can get the whole model significance.

    Mrubra Mrubra
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    Feb 3, 2021 2:31 PM
    831 views | 0 replies
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