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  • How do I get the setting for Dec in "Fixed Dec" format in Axis Column Property??

    I need to get the setting for Dec in "Fixed Dec" format in Axis Column property. I can get similar setting, e.g. Max, Min etc by running "get property("Axis")", but cannot get the Dec number. Here is one example of the Axis property info. In this case, I need to get "0", but only "Fixed Dec" is seen, not "5" & "0". Probably we can get it as we like by having proper "character function" like Substr...

    WakuWakuGoku WakuWakuGoku
    Discussions |
    Jun 3, 2024 6:35 AM
    991 views | 3 replies
  • DOE Response and Factor Entry using datatable

    Hello guys,  I have recently started to use DOE platform in JMP. is there any way to create response variable from datatable or use copy paste type of any kind. i have 40-50 response variable it feels tedious to type response name forrow wise. can we create this using datatable or any alternative?

    ComplexNerd ComplexNerd
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    Jun 3, 2024 6:30 AM
    651 views | 1 replies
  • JMP DOE Summary Table

    Hello, I have recently started using DOE Platform in JMP. How do we create a summary table with all parameter estimates and summary of fir for all response variable in one table.meaning a table with column as response variable name and row with parameter estimates and goodness of fit values. I am not able to find any options for this in red triangle of fit model. If there is no default option for ...

    ComplexNerd ComplexNerd
    Discussions |
    Jun 3, 2024 6:09 AM
    1480 views | 6 replies
  • SEM / Path diagram

    Hello, How do I edit the text boxes in path diagram? My latent variable is being truncated.  How do I resize the size of the text boxes on output for Path diagram. 

    i2-k i2-k
    Discussions |
    Jun 3, 2024 5:26 AM
    909 views | 2 replies
  • Trying to make an advanced graph builder but not sure if my tables are correct

    Hello, This is a somewhat complicated request, so I hope I am clear with what I need and have.  I currently have this graphic: but it is confusing and I need to add more to clarify it.  I need it to include the total number of all the centers (like it currently is on the right y-axis). But I also need to include the number of centers (along with the percent) labelled in the bar for the left y-axis...

    patriciafm811 patriciafm811
    Discussions |
    Jun 3, 2024 5:02 AM
    421 views | 0 replies

Latest Discussions

  • SEM / Path diagram

    Hello, How do I edit the text boxes in path diagram? My latent variable is being truncated.  How do I resize the size of the text boxes on output for Path diagram. 

    i2-k i2-k
    Discussions |
    Jun 3, 2024 5:26 AM
    909 views | 2 replies
  • Trying to make an advanced graph builder but not sure if my tables are correct

    Hello, This is a somewhat complicated request, so I hope I am clear with what I need and have.  I currently have this graphic: but it is confusing and I need to add more to clarify it.  I need it to include the total number of all the centers (like it currently is on the right y-axis). But I also need to include the number of centers (along with the percent) labelled in the bar for the left y-axis...

    patriciafm811 patriciafm811
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    Jun 3, 2024 5:02 AM
    421 views | 0 replies
  • Survery based

    i am analyzing my data for thesis using jmp software, tell me how to put data in jmp , i have 3 groups, i.e. men 60, women 60, senior citizen 30, total 150 participantsi have different parameters i.e. crop damage, house damage, livestock damage
    crop damage frequency is 123
    house damage is 113
    livestock damage is 86how to analyze this, this is survey based data, can someone give me example sheet, how ...

    Survery1275 Survery1275
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    Jun 3, 2024 2:26 AM
    397 views | 0 replies
  • Can I add text to an image file without using Graph Box()?

    How do I add text to an image file using JSLimg = Open( "$SAMPLE_IMAGES/tile.jpg", jpg ); {x, y} = img << size; img =img << Text( Center Justified, {50, 55}, "test" ); //?Thanks!

    lala lala
    Discussions |
    Jun 3, 2024 2:11 AM
    511 views | 1 replies
  • Importing from excel when numbers are scientific

    Hello all,I have the same problem as this post from 2021:,-Apr%2020%2C%202021&text=I%20see%20the%20same%20behavior,decimals%20before%20importing%20into%20JMP. I have data in an excel i...

    Katz0801 Katz0801
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    Jun 1, 2024 9:14 AM
    980 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Trying to make an advanced graph builder but not sure if my tables are correct

    Hello, This is a somewhat complicated request, so I hope I am clear with what I need and have.  I currently have this graphic: but it is confusing and I need to add more to clarify it.  I need it to include the total number of all the centers (like it currently is on the right y-axis). But I also need to include the number of centers (along with the percent) labelled in the bar for the left y-axis...

    patriciafm811 patriciafm811
    Discussions |
    Jun 3, 2024 5:02 AM
    421 views | 0 replies
  • Survery based

    i am analyzing my data for thesis using jmp software, tell me how to put data in jmp , i have 3 groups, i.e. men 60, women 60, senior citizen 30, total 150 participantsi have different parameters i.e. crop damage, house damage, livestock damage
    crop damage frequency is 123
    house damage is 113
    livestock damage is 86how to analyze this, this is survey based data, can someone give me example sheet, how ...

    Survery1275 Survery1275
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    Jun 3, 2024 2:26 AM
    397 views | 0 replies
  • hybrid models

    Why doesn't a large and powerful program like JMPPRO contain hybrid models in time series such as the ARIMA-ANN model, ARMAX model, and others?

    Raaed Raaed
    Discussions |
    May 31, 2024 9:43 AM
    485 views | 0 replies
  • How do I make scattorplot Matrix with multiple cloumns I select?

    Hi. I'm Jeon.I'm beginner of JMP. I want to have a script for making scattorplot Matrix with Items I select.Could you give me a help with it? I splited one data table to two data table. one has value of test items(*Data type : Numeric & Continuous) , another one has upper limit & lower limit.(*Charactor & Norminal) Column names(=test item names) are the same in 2 different data table. Two sample d...

    NagneTE1 NagneTE1
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    May 27, 2024 5:18 PM
    445 views | 0 replies
  • Importing multiple text files with different decimal separators (dot vs comma from English vs European speakers)

    It seems that, sometimes, JMP 18 struggles to import files with different regional settings. This is a problem for first-time users who need to load multiple text files from different lab machines (JSL should not be the only answer). For example, if I have Windows and JMP in English, decimal separators can be changed from default to European (e.g., 3,14 instead of 3.14). With that option activated...

    FN FN
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    May 22, 2024 3:24 AM
    629 views | 0 replies
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