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  • CDF customization in JMP14.0.0

    Hi,My colleague upgraded from JMP11 to JMP14.0.0 and we noticed some differences with CDF (from Bivariate plot) customization.1. We can't change the line style by right clicking graph and selecting "Customize...". There is GUI for changing it but even if we click "Apply" or "OK", it is not applied. The only way to change the line style is to click on the legend itself.x2. The more important one. I...

    shaira shaira
    Discussions |
    Dec 20, 2018 6:21 AM
    4522 views | 2 replies
  • Changing the Number of Significant Digits Displayed

    I am trying to change the number of significant figures on my Distribution Statistics Summary. I am getting a mean with ~10 sig figs but I only need to be reporting up to 3 sig figs. Is there a way I can change the number of decimal places the statistics does to? I am able to create a table and change the values but it does not reflect on my distribution graph.

    ttupspe ttupspe
    Discussions |
    Dec 19, 2018 11:49 AM
    17771 views | 3 replies
  • Read/omit particular columns from a .csv file

    Hi,I would like to read in particular columns from a .csv file. The .csv files (which I currently read into jmp and concatonate) have hundreds of columns and hundreds of thousands of lines so the time to read the files into JMP becomes very large and also the JMP file becomes so big that it eventually freezes. As not all of the columns in the CSV are required for analysis I was wondering if a JSL ...

    David_Morrow David_Morrow
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    Dec 19, 2018 8:30 AM
    7611 views | 5 replies
  • JMP 14.1 Excel Add-in checkbox missing during installation

    In previous versions of JMP, during install there was checkbox to add the JMP add-in to excel. During the 14.0 and 14.1 installation this checkbox was not an available option. Does anyone know why it's missing? Is there a way to install it manually?


    meye1474 meye1474
    Discussions |
    Dec 19, 2018 7:54 AM
    7407 views | 2 replies
  • Parse a column formula and swap out parameters for column references

    I'm writing a script that will allow users to select one of the fit models in Non-linear platform. Save the parameterized version out to the data table and then take the parameters and replace them with column references. So how to detect the parameters in the equation, change them and insert the whole thing back into the column as a formula. In general I want to parse all arguments of a formula, ...

    pauldeen pauldeen
    Discussions |
    Dec 18, 2018 9:21 AM
    2563 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Read/omit particular columns from a .csv file

    Hi,I would like to read in particular columns from a .csv file. The .csv files (which I currently read into jmp and concatonate) have hundreds of columns and hundreds of thousands of lines so the time to read the files into JMP becomes very large and also the JMP file becomes so big that it eventually freezes. As not all of the columns in the CSV are required for analysis I was wondering if a JSL ...

    David_Morrow David_Morrow
    Discussions |
    Dec 19, 2018 8:30 AM
    7611 views | 5 replies
  • how to compare the shape of curves vs a baseline in JMP?

    Hi there We are trying to evaluate the differences between measured data against an ideal baseline; in this case we're comparing the shape / magnitdue / quality of force displacement curves.   We've in the past compared the various slopes, peaks and valleys to do this, but are finding this doesnt capture all the variation we are seeing.   Is there a way to compare the entire "shape" of one curve a...

    abdulj abdulj
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    Dec 14, 2018 10:03 AM
    11614 views | 9 replies
  • Tips to improve control chart visualization

    Hello,I created several control charts out of a JMP data table and saved everything as a report, I would like to do the following:how can I modify the script in order to get plotted only the last 30 datapoints from the data table?how can I modify the script in order to set the correct size of the chart? Right now every time I open it the graph is compressed on the left sideThanks for your support!

    js1985 js1985
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    Dec 14, 2018 8:01 AM
    5339 views | 11 replies
  • Creating webpage for html output

    How do I create webpage where I can post jsl html output so that people without jmp can view  html?

    Discussions |
    Dec 13, 2018 12:04 PM
    6385 views | 4 replies
  • Combining scatter plot and broken line graph with the graph builder

    Hi guys, I needs some idea for the graph builder.
    I got problem after making a scatter plot which has several data on the Y axis. After that I recognized I have to build in a broken line graph which has the avg data.
    I'm trying this by 2 methods but none works.

    1. Adding a column that has the avg of the data to my data sheet and use the graph builder again -> Doesnt work because I dont know how to co...

    sojun1218 sojun1218
    Discussions |
    Dec 13, 2018 6:55 AM
    2253 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • I want to use LASSO and Group LASSO in JMP

    I'm involved in a project where we are applying lasso to build a logistic regression model from a "black box" set of predictors.  I need to get JMP Pro before trying out JMP's implementation.  I'm doing all the analysis in R at present.  Does JMP Pro also include group lasso?  I've found through using JMP Cluster Variables (CLUSVAR) that I can naturally group my predictors prior to group lasso.  F...

    gene gene
    Discussions |
    Nov 2, 2018 7:43 AM
    2234 views | 0 replies
  • Contingency table and mosaic plot are not same orientation

    // For a contingency table report, swap the x and y // currently can swap the mosaic plot only Names Default to Here(1); dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" ); myr = Contingency( Y( :Age ), X( :sex ) ); // Have to have a Contingency Analysis report open // Can add test to make sure it is open in the future myr = Current Report(); // taking apart CrossTabBox was easier using XML than JSL ...

    Vball247 Vball247
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    Oct 29, 2018 2:18 PM
    2931 views | 0 replies
  • how to change the type and color of lines in graph

    I am trying to show line of fit in graph builder for several sets of data. The data table have many columns, I want to show the column(i) vs column(1).Every column can  be grouped by A1 & a, also can  be grouped by B1 & b, but except column(1). The follow is the chart about column(2) vs column(1):  I use the follow script to change the type of lines:Dispatch( {}, "400", ScaleBox, {Legend Model( 8,...

    Yu Yu
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    Sep 25, 2018 2:34 AM
    3242 views | 0 replies
  • Mean separation letter from test slices


    How do I get the mean separation letter in for each level of a factor when interaction is significant? For example, if I have A*B interaction and I want to get the mean separation of B at each level of A, how do I get the LSD letters in JMP? I can do test slices and that will use the DF of the full analysis, but this does not shows which mean of B differs. If I do multiple comparison: How ca...

    jfranc19 jfranc19
    Discussions |
    Sep 14, 2018 2:35 PM
    2080 views | 0 replies
  • repeated-measures ANCOVA: How to perform the analysis when the parallel slope assumpt. doesn't meet?

    Hi all,I need to perform the ANCOVA for a repeated-measures design. I tried to adapt the Julian's ANCOVA procedure showed on the to my study case (repeated-measures design). Initially, I did the following actions: 1. In the Fit Y by X dialogue: I selected VAR_Y as "Y, Response" and VAR_X as "X, Factor";2. For "Group by" I selected the variable Timepoint;...

    Reinaldo Reinaldo
    Discussions |
    Jun 18, 2018 6:31 AM
    2956 views | 0 replies
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