How to do 2SLS, 3SLS using JMPPRO-15
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view all learning resourcesHello, I have data which correspond to different cases (resistance values for different structures). I want to make the normal quantile plot for each case and see all cases in the same graph (each case with different marker or color, for example) in order to observe directly the differences and make comparisons.Is it possible? I try grouping by structure in the option "by" but I obtain one differe...
I am working to understand the statistical details for Variance Components platform: https://www.jmp.com/support/help/en/15.2/#page/jmp/statistical-details-for-variance-components.shtml# For this example, each part is processed within an X_1 group, then within an X_2 group, and then tested within an X_3 group. I think the crossed effects model is most applicable. Is this correct? More generally,...
My name is Martin, I’m french, so would you please forgive my english.
I start jmp and I’m no talented with logiciels and computers, but I am motived to progress.
My question is simple :
How can I create a new variable « duration » (in month) between the difference of two variables (date begin/date end) in dd/mm/yy.
Thank you for your comprehension.
Hello, I can't achieve to tabulate some variables in order to make descriptives statistics. Would you see my file. I would describe the "Type d'intervention" in function the "Groupe de randomisation" with percentage of total and in function of the "Age". I will be so greateful for your help. Sincerely,
Hi all, I am attempting to display a TOST or equivalence between two distributions of the same output, but on different manufacturing lines. I understand you can get to this by the Fit Y by X, but a little confused as there is no Response/Factor situation, but rather a distribution of output Y1 on the donor process, and a distribution of output Y2 on the recipient process. Is there a simple way to...
Hi!!I have previously been calculating the trapezoidal equation from my data without any issue in JMP but I need to run this time a Linear-Log trapezoidal method (lin up /log down).Can somebody give me a hand with the script or equation I should include for such type of analysis? Thanks in advance.Best, Marlly
How would I write a function or routine that would compare two strings and show the difference between them?e.g.string1="It will rain tomorrow"string2="It will snow tomorrow"comparison result (string2 vs string 1) = "It will rainsnow tomorrow"
I have situation where the data I need to analyze in JMP is stored somewhat haphazardly in in an Excel file. I fortunately can easily get a list of the Excel cells that the data is in, and I would like to automate with JSL importing those values. I am looking for ideas on how to do this effectively and efficiently. For example, let's say the data I need in a single column in JMP is stored in ...
Hello, Is there a way to force the standard deviations between clusters to be equal when doing the normal mixtures clustering analysis? Thanks for any help! Carmen Annevelink
Using JMP 12.x, I noticed that: tablebox() <<sort by column does sort the column fine, but it does not seem to preserve any existing cell coloring post row sort. Is there any way to force it to preserve the existing cell colors post row sorting?
thanks, DJ
I'm using the neural platform to calculate a model that makes predictions from some observed data and want to compare the performance of that model to other models (not from JMP). To compare the different models, I want to compare the observed data and the predictions from the different models.The R2 is not a good measure because it checks for any linear relationship between the observed and predi...
In graph builder I am interested in plotting a simple Y vs X for multiple X variables. By default graph builder combines all the different X variables on the same X axis and scale. Is there a simple way to change the X axis to have separate scales on the X axis for each variable? Default graph builder (script1, graph1)Plot 1 variable on Y axis vs 8 variables on X axisAll 8 variables on same x-axis...
My company recently began the migration from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online. I have found that my JSL scripts are now no longer able to open or save files to the new SPO site. Anyone have the correct updated syntax for this.
Example 1 (SP 2010): This worked.
TablePath4 = "\\sharepoint.amr.ith.company.com@ssl\sites\rpt\documents\JMP_tables\"; //set variable TablePath path location
I was wondering if someone can help me. I want to run a post hoc analysis for the chi square results in JMP. Thanks
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