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  • Connect to Access accdb file

    I am trying to use JMP to connect to an Access Database which is an accdb file format. Can JMP do that? I have both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of JMP.

    Martin Martin
    Discussions |
    Oct 2, 2018 5:23 AM
    15374 views | 7 replies
  • Generating Columns with a for loop

    Hello, I try to generate several columns with the next JSL script line but when running the script the data table is blank:   For(i=0,i<3,i++,New Column( "A", Numeric, Continuous, Format( "Best", 10 ), Set Values( [1, 2, 3, .] )))How can it be fixed?

    axcelenator1 axcelenator1
    Discussions |
    Oct 2, 2018 4:35 AM
    7577 views | 3 replies
  • Graph Builder in Loop: How do I maintain Y-axis scale across each column?

    Hi JMP Community, I just ran into a little problem with the auto-scalling of axis in the GB platform.I wish to loop through 100 columns to plot some data on a fixed Y scale (i.e. Min = -1.3, Max = 0.2, Increment = 0.2).When I save the script from GB, the SendToReport > Dispatch command refers to the Y Axis by its label ("Y-Axis") which will change for each column when I loop through my 100 columns...

    Thierry_S Thierry_S
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    Oct 1, 2018 4:59 PM
    5820 views | 1 replies
  • nonlinear models and data visualisation

    I am trying to create a script that captures the results from nonlinear model fitting and outputs these into a graph. The data set was captured through time continuously to which I fitted a nonlinear model (see picture attached). I have 12 different samples for which I have the same graph if you owuld to scroll down. However, I would like to report the graph in a way that I can see the data captur...

    ivomdb ivomdb
    Discussions |
    Oct 1, 2018 10:09 AM
    10466 views | 6 replies
  • Editing in graph builder?

    Dear Friends, I have done some simple analysis using big class and data filter as below. Could you please tell me an option (or Property for scripting) to change font of Data filter Contents (for instance Age:12,13 etc or Height:51,70),  Axis label (Count), Data Lables(45% 55%), Legend font (F,M). Also, I would request you to suggest any format for my thesis document if I want to use this as an im...

    sanqub sanqub
    Discussions |
    Sep 28, 2018 3:16 AM
    3692 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Editing in graph builder?

    Dear Friends, I have done some simple analysis using big class and data filter as below. Could you please tell me an option (or Property for scripting) to change font of Data filter Contents (for instance Age:12,13 etc or Height:51,70),  Axis label (Count), Data Lables(45% 55%), Legend font (F,M). Also, I would request you to suggest any format for my thesis document if I want to use this as an im...

    sanqub sanqub
    Discussions |
    Sep 28, 2018 3:16 AM
    3692 views | 1 replies
  • Graph Builder: Heatmap Label By Value - How do I control the number of decimal points?

    In Graph Builder I am using a heat map to show the average gain for different combinations of wafers. I have set Label By Value, to get the mean gain value added to the plot for each combination, but I see no way to limit the number of decimal points in the calculated value (changing the number of decimal places for the :Gain column does not affect the label). If possible, I would also like to be ...

    MarkDayton MarkDayton
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    Sep 27, 2018 11:32 AM
    6597 views | 2 replies
  • Help with Fit Model > Standard Least Square > Transform > Logistic

    Hi JMP Community, I'm struggling with the proper implementation of the Transform option in the Fit Model > Standard Least Square platform. In order to better understand the issue, I created a mock data set where the Response is continuous; and the Model effects are: 1) Biomarker levels (continuous), 2) Treatment (2 categories), and 3) their interaction. The Response in the ACTIVE treatment is depe...

    Thierry_S Thierry_S
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    Sep 27, 2018 9:18 AM
    3521 views | 4 replies
  • Sample size, power and TOST for a comparability/equivalence test against a gold standard

    I have a historical dataset as a baseline (key product measure) for a manufacturing process, then the process has changed due to optimization. How do I: 1)  estimate sample size and power for a comparability study? 2) use TOST to establish if the product from the optimized process produced the same/comparable product? (assuming equal variance between the 2 datasets) For the 1) my current approach ...

    elu elu
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    Sep 26, 2018 12:02 PM
    4487 views | 6 replies
  • reporting R-square for customised nonlinear model fit

    I am trying to find the best way to report a nonlinear model fit to my experimental data.    I have managed to write a script that fits a nonlinear model and finds the parameters estimates using the loss function. It then reports each parameter estimates and the non linear errors. However, I would like to get the RMSE or R-square of the resulting fit also. Is this not available for nonlinear model...

    ivomdb ivomdb
    Discussions |
    Sep 26, 2018 9:44 AM
    5599 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • how to change the type and color of lines in graph

    I am trying to show line of fit in graph builder for several sets of data. The data table have many columns, I want to show the column(i) vs column(1).Every column can  be grouped by A1 & a, also can  be grouped by B1 & b, but except column(1). The follow is the chart about column(2) vs column(1):  I use the follow script to change the type of lines:Dispatch( {}, "400", ScaleBox, {Legend Model( 8,...

    Yu Yu
    Discussions |
    Sep 25, 2018 2:34 AM
    3242 views | 0 replies
  • Mean separation letter from test slices


    How do I get the mean separation letter in for each level of a factor when interaction is significant? For example, if I have A*B interaction and I want to get the mean separation of B at each level of A, how do I get the LSD letters in JMP? I can do test slices and that will use the DF of the full analysis, but this does not shows which mean of B differs. If I do multiple comparison: How ca...

    jfranc19 jfranc19
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    Sep 14, 2018 2:35 PM
    2081 views | 0 replies
  • repeated-measures ANCOVA: How to perform the analysis when the parallel slope assumpt. doesn't meet?

    Hi all,I need to perform the ANCOVA for a repeated-measures design. I tried to adapt the Julian's ANCOVA procedure showed on the to my study case (repeated-measures design). Initially, I did the following actions: 1. In the Fit Y by X dialogue: I selected VAR_Y as "Y, Response" and VAR_X as "X, Factor";2. For "Group by" I selected the variable Timepoint;...

    Reinaldo Reinaldo
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    Jun 18, 2018 6:31 AM
    2960 views | 0 replies
  • Time Series - Prewhiten

    Hello Everyone, My question pertains to understanding what the terminology in JMP's prewhiten platform means.Also, understanding how that helps me determine an appropriate Transfer Function that I can use to test whether x causes y. JMP's prewhiten output shows three different ACF's labeled "Prewhiten Corr", "Noise AutoCorr", & "Noise Partial AutoCorr".
    What is the Prewhiten Corr, Noise AutoCorr, &...

    nopon649 nopon649
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    Jun 7, 2018 11:10 PM
    2083 views | 0 replies
  • Fit Spline By Group: Save Spline Coefficients to Column?

    Hi all--having an issue.  I am using Fit Y by X to fit 5,000 separate regressions.  I hold control, select red drop-down arrow, and Fit->Flexible, Fit->Spline and select, say, 0.1.   This fits a spline to all 5,000 graphs with lambda of 0.1.  I have 28 X values in each of 5,000 graphs, and I understand there are 4 different spline coefficients (A, B, C, D).  I understand if I just had 1 regression...

    M0gAl0g M0gAl0g
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    Jun 5, 2018 3:19 PM
    2577 views | 0 replies
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