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  • Larger marker for Handle

    Is there a way to make the box in the "handle" function larger ? The handle box is quite small and could lead to miss-clicks. I wonder if there are ways around this. 

    Djtjhin Djtjhin
    Discussions |
    Mar 25, 2022 5:35 AM
    1444 views | 4 replies
  • Mosaic Graph cell sizing

    I am building mosaic graphs and the cells are sized based on the count of each value in the graph. I am wondering if there is a way in jsl to force or fake the count to a set value? I am just trying to make the cells be the same size or show some symmetry. Thank you,Ray

    Raybob Raybob
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    Mar 25, 2022 5:12 AM
    654 views | 1 replies
  • "Read about it"

    I am taking the STIPS online course and there is often a reference to more information in the "Read about it" for the modules. Where and how does one acces this material? Thank you.

    CircularMeerkat CircularMeerkat
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    Mar 25, 2022 5:02 AM
    750 views | 1 replies
  • Is it possible to have timestamp or part-id on X-axis in the Model driven Multivariate control chart?

    JMP Model-driven multivariate control charts are great but unable to use in our factory as a daily driver due to MDMCC X-axis doesn't have date-time or part-ids. 

    Can someone help how to add time/ID to the x-axis?

    anudeep39 anudeep39
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    Mar 25, 2022 4:09 AM
    666 views | 1 replies
  • How to select & delete rows when the cell did not start with W

    Hello,I have a table with 2 columns (Process & MC)I want to select and delete rows that fulfill 2 conditions below using scripting ;1. Column Process = WB2. Column MC = does not start with "W"I've checked through the scripting help but couldn't find anything useful. If I use below script, it will delete all rows that MC column cells starts with "W"  which is not what I want. dt3 << select where(:P...

    WebDesignesCrow WebDesignesCrow
    Discussions |
    Mar 24, 2022 11:02 PM
    591 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Is it possible to have timestamp or part-id on X-axis in the Model driven Multivariate control chart?

    JMP Model-driven multivariate control charts are great but unable to use in our factory as a daily driver due to MDMCC X-axis doesn't have date-time or part-ids. 

    Can someone help how to add time/ID to the x-axis?

    anudeep39 anudeep39
    Discussions |
    Mar 25, 2022 4:09 AM
    666 views | 1 replies
  • How to select & delete rows when the cell did not start with W

    Hello,I have a table with 2 columns (Process & MC)I want to select and delete rows that fulfill 2 conditions below using scripting ;1. Column Process = WB2. Column MC = does not start with "W"I've checked through the scripting help but couldn't find anything useful. If I use below script, it will delete all rows that MC column cells starts with "W"  which is not what I want. dt3 << select where(:P...

    WebDesignesCrow WebDesignesCrow
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    Mar 24, 2022 11:02 PM
    591 views | 1 replies
  • Spec Limit

    Hi,I would like to ask if I set a particular column with spec limit(eg. low:100 and max:1000), from this limit set how can I create a corresponding column say Pass/Fail column to label those data within limit as Pass and out of spec as Fail.Thank you.   

    OneSidedCharts1 OneSidedCharts1
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    Mar 24, 2022 11:00 PM
    606 views | 1 replies
  • Usage of Beta Binomial Distribution in Manufacturing - reference to JMP Help Info?

    In JMP help under Discrete Fit Distributions, the following is mentioned:Beta BinomialThis distribution is useful when the data is a combination of several Binomial(p) distributions, each with a different p. One example is the overall number of defects combined from multiple manufacturing lines, when the mean number of defects (p) varies between the lines. Does anyone has a reference, article, sup...

    M_Kraus M_Kraus
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    Mar 23, 2022 1:31 PM
    906 views | 1 replies
  • I can't understand my data

    I need to calculate the prevalence of a group of ectoparasites in birds, and test the hypotheses about the effects of host and parasite life-history parameters on the prevalence of these ectoparasites. I've been told to use GLMM, and I started using it on jmp, but I can't understand the output of the program. I believe the input data is wrong and I can't figure out why...
    My response variable is pr...

    maykku maykku
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    Mar 23, 2022 1:15 PM
    3626 views | 6 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Column Switcher Button Removed from Plot Window Toolbar in JMP 16 for Mac

    Recently switched from JMP15 for Mac to JMP16 for Mac. I was surprised to see the column switcher button removed as an option in an analysis/plot window.  It used to reside up top next to the local data filter button (see black circle).  The option to customize it back is also missing and has been replaced by a 'properties' button.  This may also prove useful but I'm new to it.    To get the colum...

    datanaut datanaut
    Discussions |
    Mar 17, 2022 3:18 PM
    671 views | 0 replies
  • No table linking after saving the project?

    Hi,when I generate a summary table with the option "link to original data table" (selected by default), the two tables are linked:By selecting a row in the summary table the corresponding rows in the original table are selected.Cool.This also works for selections in Graphs and Dashboards.Very cool! Now my problem:After saving both tables to a project file, (precisely: after close & re-open the pro...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Feb 3, 2022 4:19 AM
    468 views | 0 replies
  • Setting Guardbands on Test Limits Using EMP

    Hello. I am trying to use the EMP tool to help set guardbands to my test limits based on my gauge R and R data from a final test machine.I used 10 devices and measured these devices 5 times each, across 5 different test sites on the machine.I need to know how much to guardband my Upper and Lower specs. I am having trouble understanding how to apply the data in the EMP report. I feel like this is a...

    Jbritsch04 Jbritsch04
    Discussions |
    Feb 2, 2022 8:49 AM
    574 views | 0 replies
  • How to introduce lower bounds for simulated data in Profiler platform

    Hi JMP community,   (JMP Pro 16.0.0)   I'm hoping to find out if there is a way to include lower bounds to simulated data in the Profiler platform. I have several predictors going into a model, but few data points to fit. So, in order to generate simulated ("synthetic") data, I use the Prediction Profiler platform along with the multivariate correlation structure of the data to generate thousands ...

    SDF1 SDF1
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    Feb 1, 2022 11:09 AM
    461 views | 0 replies
  • Query Builder filtering on date stored in Varchar(20)

    Query Builder - date filter.SQL ServerJMP version 16.2In the database (SQL Server) I get the Date field called RETURNDATE in ‘varchar20’ – I would like to use the Calendar functionality in the filter to select my dates I tried to create a calculated column (Calc1) and specify CAST([RETURNDATE] as date), which he doesn’t like. Using SQL outside Query BuilderSELECT TOP (1000) [LABJOBNO]      ,[DESPA...

    HansD HansD
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    Jan 25, 2022 6:12 AM
    1183 views | 0 replies
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