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Super User

How to select & delete rows when the cell did not start with W


I have a table with 2 columns (Process & MC)

I want to select and delete rows that fulfill 2 conditions below using scripting ;

1. Column Process = WB

2. Column MC = does not start with "W"

I've checked through the scripting help but couldn't find anything useful.


If I use below script, it will delete all rows that MC column cells starts with "W"  which is not what I want. 

dt3 << select where(:Process == "WB") & Starts With(:MC, "W") << delete rows ;

I'm using JMP 15.

Any idea how to do it?

Super User

Re: How to select & delete rows when the cell did not start with W

You are were close. Just combine both conditions inside Select Where and it should work

dt3 << select where(:Process == "WB" & Starts With(:MC, "W")) << delete rows ;