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  • column name change JSL script no longer works

    Hello JMP community,   After downloading fine scale weather data, I have a script to summarize the data which includes changing the column names in the new table. However, it seems the following script no longer works in the latest version of JMP. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? I've attached the full script for context, but the following is what no longer works:     Names Default To Here( 1 )...

    jpmontagne jpmontagne
    Discussions |
    Sep 16, 2021 4:16 PM
    801 views | 1 replies
  • Backup User Customization Addin

    In the past I used a JMP Addin called something like User Customization Backup.  I've lost access to this Addin and wonder if it, or something similar, still exists?  I've searched the JMP Add-ins section but no luck.  This Addin was useful for scheduling a backup of the user customization file.  

    terapin terapin
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    Sep 16, 2021 1:22 PM
    1051 views | 2 replies
  • Is there a keyboard shortcut to switch tabs in a project?

    Is there a keyboard shortcut to switch data table tabs in a project? For example, some other tabbed programs recognize Alt+PgUp and Alt+PgDn to go to tabs left and right of current.

    sunbears sunbears
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    Sep 16, 2021 11:40 AM
    1361 views | 3 replies
  • Distributions and Curves Intersection

    Dear Community I have a need to be solved (I do not found similar question in blog). I have 2 set of data.I created the 2 distributions.I "aks to JMP" to found the better curve fit for each single distribution.Now I need to found the intersetion point (X= ...) between the 2 curves.In attachement you can find the example of dataset and the visualization of what I need.Thanks in advance for your fee...

    Simone1 Simone1
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    Sep 16, 2021 11:10 AM
    4609 views | 8 replies
  • Search where

    Hi, I want to select all rows containing value > 5. In the following script I used for, if and contain statement to select columns containing string "SE" and to highlight row containing values > 5 from the selected column I used the select where( Row() > 5) but doesn't work. Names Default To Here( 1 ); Clear Globals(); Clear log(); dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Water"); dt << Clear Column...

    Jackie_ Jackie_
    Discussions |
    Sep 16, 2021 9:47 AM
    1050 views | 4 replies

Latest Discussions

  • column name change JSL script no longer works

    Hello JMP community,   After downloading fine scale weather data, I have a script to summarize the data which includes changing the column names in the new table. However, it seems the following script no longer works in the latest version of JMP. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? I've attached the full script for context, but the following is what no longer works:     Names Default To Here( 1 )...

    jpmontagne jpmontagne
    Discussions |
    Sep 16, 2021 4:16 PM
    801 views | 1 replies
  • Backup User Customization Addin

    In the past I used a JMP Addin called something like User Customization Backup.  I've lost access to this Addin and wonder if it, or something similar, still exists?  I've searched the JMP Add-ins section but no luck.  This Addin was useful for scheduling a backup of the user customization file.  

    terapin terapin
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    Sep 16, 2021 1:22 PM
    1051 views | 2 replies
  • Traversing a nested tree box.

    I am building a dynamic tree box based on a directory I don't know in advance how many roots and nodes there will be in the tree. The final nodes of the tree could have the same name. I then put the tree into an application.When a user clicks on a node I want to re-create the 'Path' from that node back to the root. So if someone selects say 'Ducato' I want to be returned 'Trucks -...

    thickey thickey
    Discussions |
    Sep 16, 2021 9:40 AM
    726 views | 1 replies
  • Determining Certainty of continuous data

    I have a dataset that is comprised of multiple continuous measurements of a system. I would like to determine the bounds of certainty in my response which will then be used to create an equation to predict the input. I would like to be able to use JMP to determine the certainty bounds vs the x-axis. The attached image shows how the data appears for a portion of the dataset. Any help would be much ...

    Discussions |
    Sep 16, 2021 9:34 AM
    782 views | 1 replies
  • JMP 16 Functionality Issue

    Hello - When using the EMP Measurement Analysis my software does not appear to work correctly. To Cast Selected Columns into Roles you select the column and drag to the appropriate box such as Y, Response. Typically, the selected column name appears in the box. For some reason, my JMP is not showing the name of the column. It drags the name invisibibly and looks like the boxes are not filled out. ...

    KellyG KellyG
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    Sep 16, 2021 8:36 AM
    2817 views | 7 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Skip Lot Sampling Plan

    Hi,I am interested to use JMP for skip lot sampling plan. I like to test only a fraction (f) of samples after successful inspection of (n) number of samples. Here is the link to NIST I appreciate any help you can provide. Thanks Adam

    AT AT
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    Sep 10, 2021 10:38 AM
    763 views | 0 replies
  • Time values in xls or xlsx, csv, and JMP

    Hi all, I have a strange issue with the time values from my excel. I have some data (example is attached here as excel file), the time column is an interest for me and I would add the date and time column together to create a date time column. To analyze the data, I use JMP so I am importing the excel file.However, I ran into a number of oddities:1. When I import multiple files (from customers to ...

    fliew0410 fliew0410
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    Sep 7, 2021 7:25 AM
    704 views | 0 replies
  • Error while using Azure MFA to connect with JMP

    I have rightly set up the ODBC connection version 17 for SQL server using Azure MFA. However, when I try to connect for the DSN via JMP i get the following error. how to overcome this error in JMP14.  [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]Password option must not be specified, if Authentication option is 'ActiveDirectoryInteractive'.

    hariharan249 hariharan249
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    Sep 3, 2021 7:14 AM
    506 views | 0 replies
  • Applying Boolean Logic to filtering/selecting records in a Dashboard/Application built from multiple platforms

    Hi everyone,  I've been working on a systematic map to accompany a literature review on forest bird habitat relationships that is getting much closer to completion. A hearty shout out to community members @cwillden , @txnelson , @danschikore , @brady_brady , and technical support crew Adam Morris, Sarah Seligman, Laura Archer, and Wendy Murphrey for helping me get this project this far along.  I f...

    caseylott caseylott
    Discussions |
    Aug 17, 2021 11:15 AM
    914 views | 0 replies
  • Projects Window List in JMP 15 for Mac -- Reorder?

    I'm trying to use JMP projects more with the promise of re-using graphs and analyses on new sets of similar data. I'm using the Window List in the UL as a kind of 'table of contents' that I can click into to see/show my findings for various analyses.  There is a flow to the findings which I'd like to order in that Window List.  Is this possible? I can't click and drag an entry for a window up or d...

    datanaut datanaut
    Discussions |
    Aug 16, 2021 6:38 AM
    475 views | 0 replies
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