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  • Assistance with DoE

    I am trying to set up a DoE in my organization. This is the first time ever we are using this approach, there a couple of people watching and I want to get this right to underline the value of DoE and JMP. Therefore, I hope it is acceptable to post this question here. Example tables are attached. This is the situation. We have:4 continuous responses:Yield_AYield_BImpurity_AImpurity_B4 continuous f...

    Ressel Ressel
    Discussions |
    Aug 6, 2024 2:54 PM
    1834 views | 6 replies
  • Taylor Graph Builder expression

    Dear Community,I would like to make a Graph Builder Script (want to put that as script in a new table) that contains a long list of y vars.My first approach was to try expression manipulation, but this did not work as expected.Can anyone please explain what would be a good way to write that script?The example below also contains my current way, creating the GB instance, and adding y vars afterward...

    Georg Georg
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    Aug 6, 2024 8:33 AM
    1136 views | 6 replies
  • Is there a way to uses Week of the year in Format Patterns?

    Dear Community,I want to make a string containing the week of a date,is it possible to do so with Format Patterns?Of course I could compose as a string, but I like the tight way doing it with Format Patterns. Thanks and best regards,  Names Default To Here( 1 ); Print( Format( Today(), "Format Pattern", "<YYYY>_<MM>" ) ); // Format Patern does not recognize WW Print( Format( Today(), "Format Patte...

    Georg Georg
    Discussions |
    Aug 6, 2024 8:13 AM
    735 views | 3 replies
  • Script executing differently on other computer?

    The following scenario: I have colleague overseas whom I wrote a script for. It is a script that loads data from a database, organizes the data in a table and puts a table script for control charting into the table. The table contains a few different products/processes and this one table script is targeted at only one of them (i.e., a tiny fraction of all rows). When I run the main and table scrip...

    Ressel Ressel
    Discussions |
    Aug 6, 2024 5:39 AM
    1241 views | 6 replies
  • How can I create a multiple line graph with a categorical X-axis?

    Hey team, I'm Darshan Hiranandani,  I need to create a multiple line graph with a categorical X-axis for my project. Does anyone have any suggestions or best practices on how to achieve this? Your input would be greatly appreciated! Regards Darshan Hiranandani 

    darshanhira23 darshanhira23
    Discussions |
    Aug 6, 2024 3:38 AM
    399 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • How can I create a multiple line graph with a categorical X-axis?

    Hey team, I'm Darshan Hiranandani,  I need to create a multiple line graph with a categorical X-axis for my project. Does anyone have any suggestions or best practices on how to achieve this? Your input would be greatly appreciated! Regards Darshan Hiranandani 

    darshanhira23 darshanhira23
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    Aug 6, 2024 3:38 AM
    399 views | 1 replies
  • How do I make my Mixed model work with AR(1) covariance structure?

    I have a large(2010X 4) data set and I need to calculate the effects of cycles and stresses on my wave speeds along with the interaction between them. My wavespeeds are collected for 4 stress levels so stresses here are repeated measurements. Here is a glimpse of what my stacked table looks like : N=subject on first row, CYC=cycle number on second row, STR: stress levels on third row and wave spee...

    AvgMethodMoose7 AvgMethodMoose7
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    Aug 5, 2024 3:05 AM
    534 views | 1 replies
  • Scaled Logitic Model

    Hi- need to fit the following logistic model to data, where Y=binary (1=diseased, 0=no-disease) and X is continuous. The model is similar to a logistic but with an added parameter, lambda. Any advice on how to proceed in JMP will be appreciated.  

    vincem vincem
    Discussions |
    Aug 4, 2024 3:34 AM
    896 views | 4 replies
  • incorrect values on labels in graph

    Hi,I am trying to display the mean value at each timepoint in the graph below. However, the value label is completely incorrect. I'm unclear on what I'm doing wrong. 

    stat3 stat3
    Discussions |
    Aug 3, 2024 9:56 PM
    573 views | 2 replies
  • Database to practice experimental designs.

    Please, could you tell me where I can find a database to practice the different experimental designs, other than books? I would like scientific papers, but these only provide summary results. Thank you very much.

    CrhistianDoE CrhistianDoE
    Discussions |
    Aug 3, 2024 12:03 PM
    469 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Multivariate Rho Boostrap option not in Mac Jmp 17.

    I am not getting the bootstrap option after running multivariate Spearson's Rho. How to proceed further? I want a forest plot with correlation and CI. <Jmp17>

    NoSQLBird361 NoSQLBird361
    Discussions |
    Aug 2, 2024 11:00 AM
    359 views | 0 replies
  • Overlying map files and merging content

    I have two map files--one of economic and health conditions by US  county.  The other of  congressional districts. I wish to overlay the county map on the congressional district map and attrribute the county measures to the ( larger opr smaller) congressional districts.  For example, what is the average rate of coronary heart disease in districts represented by  women versus those represented by m...

    LNitz LNitz
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    Aug 1, 2024 2:04 AM
    364 views | 0 replies
  • Fitting distributions NOT in the distribution platform?

    I have many many non normal distributions I need to transform for later analysis of the data.  The Distribution platform fit all distributions is very slow with this task.  I know I saw another platform can do this fitting of the best distribution type, but can't remember which that was.Google has let me down. Thanks in advance

    cravin187 cravin187
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    Jul 31, 2024 8:29 AM
    328 views | 0 replies
  • How do I add Mean and other values to BoxPlot in JMP Pro 17

    I have created a Boxplot graph and I need to show the Mean and other relevant stats/values and text inside or close to the Box and not on the top as part of the Summary Stats. I also need to be able to manipulate the figures like make it bigger, bold, etc...full customization like the attached Boxplot picture. Any suggestions? Thank you, Helal

    Helal Helal
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    Jul 22, 2024 11:57 AM
    564 views | 0 replies
  • JMP Methode zur Reliabilitätsanalyse einer Scorecard

    Hallo zusammen, ich bin unsicher bezüglich der Methode zur Reliabilitätsanalyse einer Scorecard.Ich möchte eine Scorecard bzgl. Ihrer Reliabilität analysieren. 5 verschiedene Anfragen werden dabei über eine Scorecard von jeweils 4 verschiedenen Personen bewertet. Jede der 5 Anfragen erhält dadurch einen Gesamtscore. Ich möchte gerne untersuchen, wie "gut" unsere Scorecard zur Bewertung unserer Anf...

    ConstructFish94 ConstructFish94
    Discussions |
    Jul 22, 2024 6:38 AM
    464 views | 0 replies
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