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Try the Materials Informatics Toolkit, which is designed to easily handle SMILES data. This and other helpful add-ins are available in the JMP® Marketplace

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Data Access

  • Getting Started with JMP: On Demand Course

    Click the Begin! button below to start, or click Resume to return to where you left off. You can watch the videos in order, or jump to specific topics using the navigation pane on the left. Download the file linked above to follow along with the demonstrations. The Big data file is used in the introductory videos. In these videos you'll learn about: the four com...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    Getting Started with JMP |
    Aug 30, 2024 3:34 AM
    114649 views | 11 replies
  • Tips and Tricks 2024 (JMP 18)

    Here are some Tips and Tricks for using JMP more effectively!   Drilling Down into Data Create Graphlets and use graphs to filter on additional graphs! (view in My Videos) Capturing Data Selections Capture data selections that have been made interactively to filter and create new variables for analysis. Name Selection in Column and creating a formula that uses row states interactively are shown. (...

    Laura_Higgins Laura_Higgins
    Learning Center |
    Aug 23, 2024 9:38 AM
    1277 views | 1 replies
  • From Excel to JMP: Importing, Consolidating and Maximizing the Value of Excel Data (JMP 18, 2024)

    See how to import Excel files and use the Excel Import Wizard. The Excel Import Wizard is part of JMP and helps get Excel data into the right format for analysis.     Part 1: Introduction to the Excel Import Wizard We need to get data into the right structure for analysis in JMP, and the Excel Wizard will help us accomplish this. JMP has a structured row/column approach to data, where columns repr...

    Laura_Higgins Laura_Higgins
    Learning Center |
    Jun 25, 2024 9:35 AM
    1448 views | 0 replies
  • STIPS Module 1: Statistical Thinking and Problem Solving

    Statistical Thinking for Industrial Problem Solving (STIPS) is a free, online course available to anyone interested in building practical skills in using data to solve problems better. The course is comprised of seven modules. Module 1 covers mapping a problem, defining and scoping your project, and determining the data you need to solve your problem. The topics covered in this module are outlined...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    2122 views | 0 replies
  • Work Efficiently with Projects

    With JMP Projects, you can: Explore your data more efficiently in a single, tabbed JMP window.Quickly save and reopen a set of related files and reports.Share your work by embedding your tables and scripts in a self-contained project file. Example of a Project Create a project Select File > New > Project (Windows) or File > New > New Project (MacOS).Open, import, or create your data tables and sc...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:36 PM
    648 views | 0 replies
  • Use the Enhanced Log

    The enhanced log shows summary information in an interactive table and scripting details in a text pane. To open the log, select View > Log (Windows) or Window > Log (macOS). Tip: If you do not see the enhanced log, check the mode setting under Preferences > Log. Enhanced Log This log shows that the following actions were performed: The Nicardipine Lab data table was openedA column na...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:35 PM
    436 views | 0 replies
  • Explore the Numbers Behind a Graph in a Hover Label

    Do you want to explore the actual numbers behind a visualization? Add a Tabulate table to a hover label. In a JMP graph, right-click and select Hover Label > Tabulate.Select a Hover Label Type Hover over a point in the graph.Show a Hover Label Click the hover label graph to open it in a new window.Click the disclosure icon to open the Local Data Filter.Open a Local Data Filter To update the Tabula...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:35 PM
    562 views | 0 replies
  • Drill Down in Hover Label Graphs

    Do you want to drill down along a categorical hierarchy and see an aggregation at different levels? Add a bar chart to a hover label. In a JMP graph, right-click and select Hover Label > Bar.Select a Hover Label Type Hover over a bar in the graph.Show a Hover Label Click the hover label graph to open it in a new window.Open a Hover Label For more information, see the hover labels section in the J...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:35 PM
    396 views | 0 replies
  • Find Out Why Data Is Not Interactive

    When you publish a report to JMP Live or export it to interactive HTML, most features are interactive. If your report contains features that are not supported and will be static, you get a notification during the publishing process. Notification of Partially Implemented HTML Features To find out which features are not supported, open the JMP Log. Select View > Log. JMP Log

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:35 PM
    373 views | 0 replies
  • Close Multiple Windows (Windows)

    If you have many windows open, and you want to close all but one, use the Close All But This option in the Window List. Close All But This Example

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:35 PM
    533 views | 0 replies
  • Close Multiple Windows (macOS)

    If you have many windows open, and you want to close all but one, select File > Close Multiple and select the windows. Close All But This Example

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:35 PM
    351 views | 0 replies
  • Find and Select Columns by Property or Statistic

    If your data table contains many columns, it can be easy to forget where things are. Find columns that contain a column property or certain statistics with the Columns Viewer. Results in the Columns Viewer are linked to the source data table, which means that results are automatically selected in the data table and in launch windows. If you have many similar columns, you can find and select column...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:35 PM
    518 views | 0 replies
  • Create a Dashboard

    A dashboard is a visual tool that lets you run and present reports on a regular basis. To create a dashboard: Open the windows that you want to combine. Select File > New > Dashboard (Windows) or File > New > New Dashboard (Macintosh).Select the Blank Dashboard template.From the Reports pane, double-click each open window to place it on the dashboard.From the Dashboard Builder red triangle menu, s...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    1399 views | 0 replies
  • Keyboard Shortcuts for Tools

    To access JMP tools, press the following keys: Arrow tool = aHelp tool = ?Selection tool = sScroller tool = rGrabber (Hand) tool = hBrush tool = bLasso tool = lMagnifier (Zoom) tool = zCrosshairs tool = cRuler tool = d(Text) Annotate tool = tLine, Polygon, and Simple Shape tool = no shortcuts Note: The letter can be lowercase or capitalized.

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    378 views | 0 replies
  • Change Modeling Types

    When changing the modeling type of a column, you can choose from these options: Continuous - For numeric dataNominal or Ordinal - For categorical dataNone - No modeling type (for data that is not included in the analysis)Multiple Response - For cells in a column that contain more than one response value, often separated by commasUnstructured Text - For data with free textVector - For Expression ...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    1218 views | 0 replies
  • Laser Pointer

    JMP has a built-in laser pointer that enables you to visually emphasize parts of a report. It is off by default. To turn it on, open Preferences and click Reports.From the Laser pointer menu, select the color that you want the laser pointer to use.Click OK.To use the laser pointer, click and drag anywhere on a JMP report where the cursor appears as a left-pointing arrow. The colored line of the ...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    608 views | 0 replies
  • Text Import Preview (Windows)

    Use the Text Import Wizard window to see a preview of how JMP imports a text file: Select File > Open.Select the text file that you want to open.At the bottom of the Open Data File window, select the option Data (Using Preview).Click Open. The Text Import Preview shows you how your text file is imported. You can change settings and see what effect the changes have on the text.When the data is se...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    424 views | 0 replies
  • Text Import Preview (macOS)

    Use the Text Import Preview window to see a preview of how JMP imports a text file: Select File > Open.Select the text file that you want to open.Select Open As > Data (Using Preview).Click Open. The Text Import Preview shows you how your text file is imported. You can change settings and see what effect the changes have on the text.When the data is set the way you want, click Next to see a wind...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    299 views | 0 replies
  • Quickly Import Data

    Use a wizard to quickly import data from the web, Excel, a PDF, and more. Select View (Windows) or Window (macOS) > JMP Starter.Click Import.Depending on the type of data or where you want to import it from, choose a wizard.Follow the steps in the wizard to import your data. Import Data from the JMP Starter

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    293 views | 0 replies
  • Show the Text Log in the Script Window (Windows)

    Display the embedded log to quickly see the results of your changes as you run and develop a script. To open the embedded log, right-click in the Script Editor and select Show Embedded Log. Or, to open the embedded log every time you open the Script Editor, select File > Preferences > Script Editor > Show embedded log on script window open. Embedded Log

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    696 views | 0 replies
  • Show the Text Log in the Script Window (macOS)

    Display the embedded log to quickly see the results of your changes as you run and develop a script. To open the embedded log, right-click in the Script Editor and select Show Embedded Log. Or, to open the embedded log every time you open the Script Editor, select JMP > Preferences > Script Editor > Show embedded log on script window open. Embedded Log

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:34 PM
    326 views | 0 replies
  • Switch Columns (Windows)

    Switch columns in a report using the Column Switcher: There are two ways to open the Column Switcher:In the Report toolbar, click Column Switcher Column Switcher Icon.If you don't see the Report toolbar, select View > Toolbars > Report. From the red triangle menu, select Redo > Column Switcher. Choose the column that you want to switch from. Choose the columns that you want to switch to.Click OK....

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:33 PM
    440 views | 0 replies
  • Virtually Join Data Tables

    If you want to merge related content in different data tables, save memory and time by joining them virtually. A virtual join links a main data table to one or more secondary data tables. The main table can then access data in the secondary tables without physically joining them. To do a virtual join: Open the tables that you want to virtually join.In the secondary table that contains a unique i...

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:33 PM
    531 views | 0 replies
  • Automatically Save Open Windows (Windows)

    Automatically save all open projects, reports, data tables, journals, or scripts at specified intervals. Select File > Preferences > General, and set the number of minutes next to Autosave Timeout. Automatically Saving Open Windows

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:32 PM
    450 views | 0 replies
  • Automatically Save Open Windows (macOS)

    Automatically save all open projects, reports, data tables, journals, or scripts at specified intervals. Select JMP > Preferences > General, and set the number of minutes next to Autosave Timeout. Automatically Saving Open Windows

    ruthhummel ruthhummel
    JMP Tips |
    Oct 11, 2023 1:32 PM
    302 views | 0 replies
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