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Getting Started with JMP: On Demand Course

Started ‎04-07-2023 by
Modified ‎04-04-2024 by
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This 45-minute self-paced course features videos with practice exercises and quizzes designed to help you become familiar with JMP. It lets you begin using JMP comfortably and see where to continue your learning.  The course uses a case study to demonstrate key JMP features and tools. 


In these videos you'll learn about:

  • the four components of the JMP data table
  • manipulating and managing data by recoding data, adding column properties, and creating formulas
  • summarizing and joining data tables
  • importing data into JMP
  • using JMP analysis and graphing platforms such as Distribution and Graph Builder
  • saving scripts as part of a data table file, so you can easily recreate your analyses and share them with colleagues.

You can watch the videos in order, or use the navigation pane to navigate to specific topics. There are opportunities to practice your JMP skills throughout.


Please download the zipped course files ( at the top of the page to follow along with the demonstrations in the course. The Big data file is used in the introductory videos.



Amazing format: Short videos, great explanations, question to ensure that the content can be applied. Thank you very much for sharing. Could this format be useful for you?

 @Aziza @Steffen_Bugge @JohannD @shoffmeister @Ole_Luehn @Andreas_Büchse @Will_Penland @gerd @Peter_Vogel @Georg 


Excellent! Thanks for sharing! 


Love this format of Getting Started, especially the practice problems! Thank you for this!




I am unable to download the Excel file "Product and Supplier Info.xlsx"  from the Resources menu.

When I attempt to do so I get the "Not Found" error message. 


Is the link broken or is there some other issue?







jthi  provided another link where the Excel file is located:


Getting Started with JMP Journal and Data - JMP User Community

@jpol Thanks.

Wish I would have known about this sooner. @monique_lander were you aware of this resource?

Is there a cert at the end of the introductory module?


it is working now . thanks 

@anis72 what is not working?  The files are downloadable on this page and also here:


And the video is working  on Chrome and Edge.  If you send details I can try to help.