Presenter: Guillaume Bugnon ( @guillaumebugnon)
Senior Manufacturing Data Engineer - SOITEC
hogi: Who is using Add-in Manager to create and manage the Add-ins?
It's great - it facilitates a lot the work, but one cannot create Toolbars.
@Georg : I'm not using it, I use the JMP new Add-in method, it is easy and powerful enough for my needs
@Georg: You can open Add-ins in JMP as well

@hogi: we use it to automatically update the Add-In on the Notebooks of JMP users. Quite convenient
@Georg :I use the JMP Add-In Builder, and the automatic update I manage with a small start-up script.
@jthi: I use Add-In Manager to build my add-ins but I don't use it for updating. I manage add-in updates (and installations) using version control, these update checks are run when the add-in is launched from JMP menu.
@scwise: What are the best practices to create and deploy a JMP Add-Ins for a group of many separate scripts (like a series of custom data utility tools)?
@hogi: We bundle Add-ins by functionality, 3-10 JSL files + menu items per Add-In. The Add-ins are hosted on SharePoint - and get automatically update when JMP starts (via the Script from Add-In Manager)
@jthi: I separate them into different jsl files. And when I build the add-in I will either have multiple menu items OR I will build user-interface which is used to launch those different functionalities
@scwise: Can you still use the JMP Custom Starter Menu format as an add-in template?
This add-in downloads to your menu a JMP Custom Starter Menu created to orient common JMP tools to follow a Six Sigma DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve & Control) flow. Works with releases ...
@hogi: Toolbars: the tiniest custom starter menus - always available