I've performed Repeated Measures Analysis (Mixed Model) for my data [I've 3 groups (Control, 1mM treatment, 2mM treatment), Each group has two replications (R1 & R2) and I take measurements at 4 time points (0d,1d, 3d,5d). Each replication has six samples (subsampling) and same sample use for all the time points (repeated measures)]. (file attached)
This is how I perform the analysis:
Analyze > Fir Model
EG1 to Y
Group, Rep, Time added to Construct model
Then, Rep(Group) & Random (by changing attributes to Random effect)
Method: REML
Results output looks like:

I want to draw a graph like below and denote significance difference at each tim epoint?

I want to get the mean separation for each time point separately, and denote in the graph?
Time"0": what is the mean separation of Control /1mm/2mM
Time "1": etc.
And please tell me how did you create this graph in JMP and meanseparation for eachtime point separately?
Thank you for your kind support