If I delete the "0" from Isocol I do get Variability charts created just fine?
For lines you are comparing characters and numeric values and Contains won't find any matches. Also for some reason you have to divide your aa_ref values by 100
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = Data Table("Untitled 910");
dt2 = Data Table("Soft Bin Summary");
dad = dt2 << get column names(strings);
r = dt << Get Rows Where(:Yield AlertType == "Wafer");
bin = dt:Yield iBin[r];
Isocol = {};
// 0 is last value, so we won't include it
For(i = 1, i < N Items(bin), i++,
Insert Into(Isocol, Char(bin[i]))
aa_refs = Associative Array(bin, dt:Yield fLimit[r]);
vc2 = dt2 << Variability Chart(
Analysis Type("Choose best analysis (EMS REML Bayesian)"),
Show Range Bars(0),
Std Dev Chart(0),
Points Jittered(1),
For(i = 1, i < N Items(Isocol), i++,
If(Contains(aa_refs, Num(Isocol[i])),
Report(vc2[i])[Framebox(1)] << DispatchSeg(CustomStreamSeg(3), {Line Width(2)});
Report(vc2[i])[AxisBox(1)] << {Add Ref Line(aa_refs[Num(Isocol[i])] / 100, "Solid", "Dark Green", "T", 2)};