I have multiple files (Excel and JMP) stored in SharePoint and this script will open the JMP file and create graphs, copy to a Journal and save as a .doc file.
Everything works fine except for a Windows modal that I cannot seem to close using JSL.
Anyone have suggestions?
Using JMP 16.1.
//save blood pressure.jmp file to SharePoint
//In SharePoint, click on the jmp file and select "copy link"
//for the Sharepoint PATH you need to remove all characters after "...../Blood%20Pressure.jmp?"
//for the SharePoint FILE you need to ADD "download=1" after "...../Blood%20Pressure.jmp?"
Names Default To Here( 1 );
Batch Interactive = (1);
Web("<<LINK>>",JMP Window);
// Setup an Example Data table
dataCols = dt << get column names( continuous );
dt:Dose << set name( "WhichTest" );
dt << set name( "Filtered_raw" );
// Run the charts
OWA = Data Table( "Filtered_raw" ) << Oneway(
Y( Eval( dataCols ) ),
X( "WhichTest" ),
Each Pair( 0 ),
Means( 0 ),
Plot Actual by Quantile( 0 ),
Plot Quantile by Actual( 1 ),
Mean Diamonds( 1 )
// Create a journal containing each Oneway
OWA << Journal;
// Obtain a reference to the journal
jj = Current Journal();
// Save the journal to disk
jj << Save MSWord( "$DOCUMENTS\Oneway_normalQ.doc" );
jj << Close Window;
Close (dt, No Save);
Window( "Web Browser" ) << close window; //closes JMP web window
Batch Interactive = (0)