I have 6 variables: Step1=12, Step2=13, Step3=10, A=500, B=900, C=1300.
and I'm ploting col "x" vs first three variables ,that are names of columns, like below; but I want to change the name of them to variables A, B, and C in the legend of plot. (see pic). how can I do that? how can I change :Name("12") to show 500 (the value of A) instead of 12?
t = current data table();
Overlay Plot(
X( :x ),
Y( Column( dt, Char(Step1)), Column( dt, Char(Step2)), Column( dt, Char(Step3)) ) ,
Connect Points( 1 ),
:Name("12")(Connect Color( 3), Overlay Marker Color( 3 ),
Overlay Marker( 12 ), Line Width( "Thin" )),
:Name("13")(Connect Color( 0 ), Overlay Marker Color( 0 ),
Overlay Marker( 16 ), Line Width( "Thin" )),
:Name("10")(Connect Color( 20 ), Overlay Marker Color( 20 ),
Overlay Marker( 15 ), Line Width( "Thin" )));