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  • Interactive / Dynamic Filtering or Choice Menu

    I have a table named dt. I take the unique values of some columns and I create the following menu that gives the ability to the end user to filter the dt table based on the values of the columns and take a subset of this.
    However, taking the unique values of its column is risky because you may end up choosing a combination of attributes that doesn't exist in the table. 

    Is there any way to make this...

    Georgios_Tsim Georgios_Tsim
    Discussions |
    Jul 26, 2024 2:12 AM
    778 views | 4 replies
  • How to select the right data table to create a dashboard in a JMP Project

    I have a long script where in the first part different data tables are joined together and some calculations are made. The result of this part are 3 data tables and several graphs in one of the data tables. The second part of the script would create a dashboard from the already made graphs/plots. If I run the script it makes an empty dashboard, but if I run the first part then select the data tabl...

    IloinenHamsteri IloinenHamsteri
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    Jul 26, 2024 2:07 AM
    435 views | 1 replies
  • How to implement the function of financial analysis module like GPT-4o with JMP?

    I saw the financial analysis module of GPT-4o on POE website?Can JMP do something similar?
    It gives an example of an analysis that uses data directly from web pages.

    lala lala
    Discussions |
    Jul 26, 2024 1:37 AM
    503 views | 2 replies
  • How to make JMP home window invisible ?

    Hi all, 

    I's using JMP 18 and I have a Python script that runs several tests, queries data from SQL, and saves the results with different names. I then execute JSL scripts for plotting the data. However, each time a JSL script runs, it opens the JMP Home window. If I run 10 tests simultaneously, it opens 10 JMP Home windows, which blocks my screen view. Although I'm making the data tables invisible...

    mati mati
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    Jul 25, 2024 6:32 PM
    1103 views | 5 replies
  • JMP 18 creating exe from python code using pyinstaller

    All, I havent seen this question asked, but if I make an application using JMP 18 embedded python, can I leverage Pyinstaller to make an executable so other user can also use the application without needing JMP18 or installing all the python packages?

    Zach_Eyde Zach_Eyde
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    Jul 25, 2024 12:48 PM
    1312 views | 5 replies

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  • How do I add Mean and other values to BoxPlot in JMP Pro 17

    I have created a Boxplot graph and I need to show the Mean and other relevant stats/values and text inside or close to the Box and not on the top as part of the Summary Stats. I also need to be able to manipulate the figures like make it bigger, bold, etc...full customization like the attached Boxplot picture. Any suggestions? Thank you, Helal

    Helal Helal
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    Jul 22, 2024 11:57 AM
    533 views | 0 replies
  • JMP Methode zur Reliabilitätsanalyse einer Scorecard

    Hallo zusammen, ich bin unsicher bezüglich der Methode zur Reliabilitätsanalyse einer Scorecard.Ich möchte eine Scorecard bzgl. Ihrer Reliabilität analysieren. 5 verschiedene Anfragen werden dabei über eine Scorecard von jeweils 4 verschiedenen Personen bewertet. Jede der 5 Anfragen erhält dadurch einen Gesamtscore. Ich möchte gerne untersuchen, wie "gut" unsere Scorecard zur Bewertung unserer Anf...

    ConstructFish94 ConstructFish94
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    Jul 22, 2024 6:38 AM
    445 views | 0 replies
  • Feedback : 404 page for adobe svg plugin

    Setup : JMP 17.0.0 on Win11.I create boxplots and export to HTML (default graphics format = SVG).
    On line 16 of the html file, there is an autogenerated link to adobe :pluginspage=""This webpage doesn't exist and I think the Adobe SVG Viewer is not available anymore, so the above link should be removed.

    kkchen kkchen
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    Jul 7, 2024 10:33 PM
    446 views | 0 replies
  • How do I get the partial eta squared for a model with random effects?

    Hello, I am conducting a two-way ANOVA with a random effect and need to report the partial eta squared. Does anyone know how to do this or calculate it from values displayed in the output? I tried the add-on but it does not support models with random effects. For the model I have a dependent variable and my model effects looks like:variable1variable2variable1*variable2variable3 & random all variab...

    ELM890 ELM890
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    Jul 2, 2024 9:53 AM
    515 views | 0 replies
  • Hyperparameters and neural network architecture

    Hello,I'm trying to reproduce the results obtained on JMP with the "Neural" model by adding nested cross-validation, which is not possible on the software. However, the architecture is very unclear and I can't understand the calculations performed by the model. I don't have access to certain information such as batch size, optimizer used, loss, learning rate (except the one for the boosting), and ...

    Grizzly Grizzly
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    Jul 2, 2024 5:42 AM
    412 views | 0 replies
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