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  • How to address weak heredity in screening designs?

    I'm about to prepare a DoE for a novel process which involves up to 11 continuous factors while one of these is hard to change.Since I'm trying to combine this with an effort to make the ideas behind DoE a bit more transparent to colleagues, I've come across a few questions, which can be summarized like this: What's the best design approach when domain knowledge suggests the existence of two-pair ...

    bjoern_arnold bjoern_arnold
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    May 14, 2024 12:29 AM
    2201 views | 9 replies
  • How can I perform Machine Learning Modeling using JMP18 Python Script?

    I am working on creating a LightGBM model using a JMP Python script (JMP18).
    My current setup is as follows:
      - X variables: "train1.csv" file, columns D1 through D1776
      - Y variable: "y1.csv" file, "Activity" column  - Prediction target "Activity": "test1.csv" file, columns D1 through D1776
      - Note: Original file "train_original.csv" file, columns Activity through D1776. from  (Pr...

    Steve_Kim Steve_Kim
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    May 13, 2024 9:12 PM
    2415 views | 2 replies
  • How do I copy and paste a formula

    I am using I am trying to paste the following formula from one data table to another (similar) table:However when I paste it into the new table I get an error message and the formula will not workHow do I resolve this so that the formula will operate properly?  Thanks

    ExpectedLlama88 ExpectedLlama88
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    May 13, 2024 2:27 PM
    2700 views | 11 replies
  • Graph Builder: multiple response + multiple histograms

    Gaph Builder can now display values with modeling type multiple response. That's very useful! the problem: If there are multiple histogram or bar charts next to each other and one of the displayed values has modeling type multiple response, it also affects the numbers in the other plots.In the example below, the number of visited countries affects the number of male and female students in the clas...

    hogi hogi
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    May 13, 2024 12:54 PM
    2367 views | 7 replies
  • How to read read from text file and load the data into Text Edit Box component?

    Hello, I am trying to save the content from a window into the Text file. After saving it, I am trying to give user the capability to read the content from the saved text file and populate it in the Text Edit Box so that they don't have to retype again. I was able to save the text file by using Save Text function.I was also able to browse the text file by using Pick File function. I need help with ...

    PunitPanjwani PunitPanjwani
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    May 13, 2024 9:51 AM
    1069 views | 4 replies

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  • How do I copy and paste a formula

    I am using I am trying to paste the following formula from one data table to another (similar) table:However when I paste it into the new table I get an error message and the formula will not workHow do I resolve this so that the formula will operate properly?  Thanks

    ExpectedLlama88 ExpectedLlama88
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    May 13, 2024 2:27 PM
    2700 views | 11 replies
  • Graph Builder: multiple response + multiple histograms

    Gaph Builder can now display values with modeling type multiple response. That's very useful! the problem: If there are multiple histogram or bar charts next to each other and one of the displayed values has modeling type multiple response, it also affects the numbers in the other plots.In the example below, the number of visited countries affects the number of male and female students in the clas...

    hogi hogi
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    May 13, 2024 12:54 PM
    2367 views | 7 replies
  • How to read read from text file and load the data into Text Edit Box component?

    Hello, I am trying to save the content from a window into the Text file. After saving it, I am trying to give user the capability to read the content from the saved text file and populate it in the Text Edit Box so that they don't have to retype again. I was able to save the text file by using Save Text function.I was also able to browse the text file by using Pick File function. I need help with ...

    PunitPanjwani PunitPanjwani
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    May 13, 2024 9:51 AM
    1069 views | 4 replies
  • How to group/seperate a correlation plot by a variable?

    Following is an example similar to my actual data case. I am interested in looking at the correlation between two process variables known to be dependent on each other. Especially, I would like to understand the wafer number dependence of the correlation.For my actual data case, unlike the example case here,  the x-axis variable is bi-modal on the wafer number (first say n wafers sit on one mode, ...

    Neo Neo
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    May 13, 2024 8:42 AM
    978 views | 2 replies
  • Interprétation ajustement des moindres carrés

     Bonjour,Pourriez vous me dire comment interpréter les résultats des moindres carrés que l'on obtient dans votre jeu de données dans l'outil Aide JMP "Policity" pour Analyse\Modèle linéaire.Est il possible de mettre des variables qualitative dans Y, si oui comment les interpréter également?En vous remerciant par avance,Bien cordialement,Florence GLAUDET   

    FlorenceJMP FlorenceJMP
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    May 13, 2024 5:45 AM
    501 views | 1 replies

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