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  • DOE Binary Choice Design with option "none"

    I am currently trying to build a reduced design for a discrete choice experiment with JMP. In the end I want to have a binary choice design where you can either buy or not buy the product. Is there a way to create a reduced design? Unfortunately, JMP does not give me the option of setting the "number of profiles per set" to 1, as it always automatically corrects itself to 2. Does anyone know how t...

    LatinBiasesOwl7 LatinBiasesOwl7
    Discussions |
    Apr 11, 2024 12:44 AM
    734 views | 2 replies
  • are two sets of data different

    I have 2 sets of simulated particle trajectory data. I'm trying to figure out if they are statistically significantly different. If it's helpful each data set contains x-coordinate, y-coordinate, distance, energy etc. I've tried plotting histogram with x-coordinate1 (continuous) and x-coordinate2 (continuous). In plotting the normal quantile plot I see both data sets aren't Gaussian so I tried mea...

    hallef18 hallef18
    Discussions |
    Apr 10, 2024 7:01 PM
    1111 views | 2 replies
  • Is there an equivalent function to excel's BETA.INV() in JSL?

    I'm trying to calculate confidence intervals with the following formula that I use in Excel: =BETA.INV(alpha/2, x, y -x +1) I can't seem to find an equivalent function in the scripting index so am not sure if one exists. Any help is appreciated.

    iamericha iamericha
    Discussions |
    Apr 10, 2024 10:10 AM
    1661 views | 4 replies
  • Sum of all rows into a list

    I'm trying to take the sum of all of my rows and add it to a list.  So, the sum of row 1 will be item 1, sum of row 2 will be item 2, etc.  Is there an easy way to do this using jsl?

    wyler00 wyler00
    Discussions |
    Apr 10, 2024 8:51 AM
    1327 views | 3 replies
  • Markers

    Hello I would like to do marker "full" square by rowActually, I see it works, but I'm getting frame square.How do I get a full square?wafer_dt << Select Rows << Select where (:"UNIT_STATUS" == "pass") << Colors ("Light Green") << Markers("square"); I found the code and it is marker 15, but the number doesn't work 

    Dennisbur Dennisbur
    Discussions |
    Apr 10, 2024 6:18 AM
    554 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • DOE Binary Choice Design with option "none"

    I am currently trying to build a reduced design for a discrete choice experiment with JMP. In the end I want to have a binary choice design where you can either buy or not buy the product. Is there a way to create a reduced design? Unfortunately, JMP does not give me the option of setting the "number of profiles per set" to 1, as it always automatically corrects itself to 2. Does anyone know how t...

    LatinBiasesOwl7 LatinBiasesOwl7
    Discussions |
    Apr 11, 2024 12:44 AM
    734 views | 2 replies
  • are two sets of data different

    I have 2 sets of simulated particle trajectory data. I'm trying to figure out if they are statistically significantly different. If it's helpful each data set contains x-coordinate, y-coordinate, distance, energy etc. I've tried plotting histogram with x-coordinate1 (continuous) and x-coordinate2 (continuous). In plotting the normal quantile plot I see both data sets aren't Gaussian so I tried mea...

    hallef18 hallef18
    Discussions |
    Apr 10, 2024 7:01 PM
    1111 views | 2 replies
  • How do I use the Enter key instead of clicking the "OK" button in JSL?

    Make a dialog box with JSL, click "ok" to confirm, how can you also achieve confirmation by pressing the Enter key, without clicking "OK"? Thanks!dt = Current Data Table(); ex = New Window( "", <<modal, Border Box( "", teb = Text Edit Box( "", <<Set Width( 500 ) ) ), Panel Box( "", H List Box( Button Box( "OK", ng = teb << get text ) ) ) );

    lala lala
    Discussions |
    Apr 9, 2024 11:14 PM
    901 views | 3 replies
  • Process development with multiple factors

    Hi everyone, I'm currently engaged in a process development project with the goal of 1) minimizing the total process time while 2) maintaining or enhancing the yield. This objective is similar to viral vector production case, where maximizing virus yield in the shortest production time is crucial. After consulting with subject matter experts, we've pinpointed 10 factors for potential modification....

    BJK_JerseyBoy BJK_JerseyBoy
    Discussions |
    Apr 9, 2024 2:47 PM
    475 views | 0 replies
  • I need help in improving RMSEA and CFI

    I have a model which is shown in the picture. RMSEA is at .16 and not improving. I need to play with the latent variables but there are too many variables and combinations. I need pointers on how I can improve the RMSEA  

    ujaganna ujaganna
    Discussions |
    Apr 9, 2024 7:48 AM
    459 views | 0 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Process development with multiple factors

    Hi everyone, I'm currently engaged in a process development project with the goal of 1) minimizing the total process time while 2) maintaining or enhancing the yield. This objective is similar to viral vector production case, where maximizing virus yield in the shortest production time is crucial. After consulting with subject matter experts, we've pinpointed 10 factors for potential modification....

    BJK_JerseyBoy BJK_JerseyBoy
    Discussions |
    Apr 9, 2024 2:47 PM
    475 views | 0 replies
  • I need help in improving RMSEA and CFI

    I have a model which is shown in the picture. RMSEA is at .16 and not improving. I need to play with the latent variables but there are too many variables and combinations. I need pointers on how I can improve the RMSEA  

    ujaganna ujaganna
    Discussions |
    Apr 9, 2024 7:48 AM
    459 views | 0 replies
  • Project ignoring H Splitter Box Set Sizes . . . sometimes

    I'm working with a JMP 17 Project and have a script to import a CSV file, embed a script into the Data Table, and execute the embedded script. The embedded script creates a graph from the data and sets the Project layout. All of these pieces, executed individually, work as intended. The problem I am having is that when I execute the combined script, the outer H Splitter Box ignores <<Set Sizes and...

    ionatx ionatx
    Discussions |
    Apr 4, 2024 1:25 PM
    424 views | 0 replies
  • Multiple imputation of ordinal data

    HiWe're doing a study regarding whole number ordinal data, answers being 0 to 4. It probably being MAR and not knowing the probability of each response, made us wonder how to do multiple imputation of this data. A post showed:go to analyze > consumer research > categorical But we're stuck...Thank you in advance! 

    CovariateFilter CovariateFilter
    Discussions |
    Mar 28, 2024 10:00 AM
    479 views | 0 replies
  • How to categorize the same ID in row with other columns?

    Hi, I have the data set that the same ID in multiple rows. Each rows had 1 to 3 categories. The columns represent costA to costZ that I need to stack in the same Cost column. However, I need to generate group by category 1 ( 1 if category 1 < 2000, 2 if category 1 = 2000 - 4000, 3 if category 1 = 4000 - 6000, 4 if category 1 = 6000 - 10000, 5 if category 1 > 10000). However, I need to delete categ...

    doraemengs doraemengs
    Discussions |
    Mar 25, 2024 9:12 PM
    656 views | 0 replies
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