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Two-sample hypotheses testing (Two-sample comparisons)
Formulate one hypothesis for any numerical variable and conduct a hypothesis test
for the difference between two means. Clearly state your decision (Reject H0 or Fail
to reject H0 and write your conclusion in plain English. Would anyone be kind enough to help me figure out how to do this ? Below is an excel file that goes along with it. I'd appr...
Hello everyone, I need help understanding the best approach to apply to my data.I constructed a dataset with 84 batches from various experimental designs (DoEs) in the development of a pharmaceutical drug product. After that, I built an ANN model to predict drug release. Now, I would like to predict drug release (functional response) using JMP Pro Functional DOE (FDOE) and compare with the finding...
I am trying to write a script that does the same thing as fit curve>save formula>save inverse prediction formula; where the predicted values are automatically calculated and placed in a new column. I've tried a few different scripts I've seen suggested under other users questions but they haven't worked for me. The fit curve runs fine, but the values aren't input into a column.Am I missing a line ...
Two-sample hypotheses testing (Two-sample comparisons)
Formulate one hypothesis for any numerical variable and conduct a hypothesis test
for the difference between two means. Clearly state your decision (Reject H0 or Fail
to reject H0 and write your conclusion in plain English. Would anyone be kind enough to help me figure out how to do this ? Below is an excel file that goes along with it. I'd appr...
Hello everyone, I need help understanding the best approach to apply to my data.I constructed a dataset with 84 batches from various experimental designs (DoEs) in the development of a pharmaceutical drug product. After that, I built an ANN model to predict drug release. Now, I would like to predict drug release (functional response) using JMP Pro Functional DOE (FDOE) and compare with the finding...
Hi All, I performed Functional machine learning using wavelet model and used the all the RES Wavelets Coefficients as input to NN model. see attached file name "Wavelets Model Summaries (Wavelet=Symlet 20)".Now I want to compare another data set (2.1_Wavelets Model Summaries (Wavelet=Symlet 20)), but when I combine tables, the prediction formula not working on the second data set. what can I do to...
Hi all,I have been provided with a report tracker, in which users in my organisation have provided different types of comments. Unfortunately, this all appears in one column per report (row). For most comments, it comes with a date (in a variety of different formats). I´m trying to get a reasonable overview of what happened when (e.g. create a new column per date), but cannot really find a good ap...
Hello All, Need assistance trying to get the goodness-of-fit test for the following parameters in JMP 16: 1. Discrete Fit2. Fit Negative Binomial (equivalent to Gamma Poisson as no option to choose gamma poisson)3. Goodness-of-fit4. output -> Pearson Chi-square -> no values From past version of JMP 14, there was a gamma poisson option with a goodness-of-fit option that outputted kolmogorov's D va...
Hello - I have a table of 180 factors. I have used the 2-way clustering to visualize the grouping in the dendrogram, which works really well for a few factors. Close to 200? Not so much, especially in a paper. In my mind, I have basically the K-means type plot of all of the factors clumped and colored. But this doesn't make sense for factors. Is there a way that to plot the clustering on a 2-D plo...
My excel formula is: =+IF(AND(E98=1, E108=1), IFERROR(E121-E$128, "NA"), "NA"). E98 = 1. E108 = 1. E121 is a calculation that came out to .267993337. E128 is a calculation that came out to -0.2792984. How can I re-create that formula in JMP? I'm trying with no success.
Hi, I'm trying to run daily scheduled job, but keep getting failing error "Process is terminated due to StackOverflowException".What might be the reason for this?
Did you notice that PickFile looks different when it's opened from within a project? More than that - when Pick File is opened from a project, with mydir pointing to a network drive with thousands of files, Jmp will freeze for dozens of seconds:mydir= "\\computername\directory";
Pickfile("select a file" , mydir)
So, if you work in a project, to prevent Jmp from freezing, please be sure that your i...
Mit JMP 17 wurde ein neuer interaktiver Profiler eingeführt, um die Auswirkungen von Faktorgrenzen a...
JMP 17 propose un profileur interactif qui permet d'explorer l'impact des limites de facteurs sur le...
JMP 17 introduced an interactive profiler to explore the impact of factor limits on the expected rat...
JMP includes shortcuts and capabilities that can streamline your JMP analyses and reporting. L...