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  • Multivariable Logistic Regression Interpretation

    Hello, I have used a multiple regression to explore the important features in running.  I am finding it very hard to interpret these results.  Is there anyone who could please offer some advice?  I have read the statistical knowledge portal all day and things are still no clearer.Thanks,Scouse.

    Scouse Scouse
    Discussions |
    May 21, 2019 1:21 AM
    3564 views | 4 replies
  • Problem closing image obj in JSL

    Hello,  Hoping to get some help with a JSL script.  I am having issues with a newImage object staying open but is completely hidden.  Only way I know it is open is because windows fails to delete the file because it says it is open in another program which is fixed by closing JMP.  Here is a snippet of my code, I have tried a few obj << close() and obj << close window() but the object remains. img...

    jjswan33 jjswan33
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    May 20, 2019 5:51 PM
    3087 views | 1 replies
  • increasing the thickness of the line between panels of a multi-panel plot

    So in the graph builder, when we create multi-panel plots, there is a thin line that marks the boundary between adjacent panels. When I turn on gridlines, these thin lines become indistinguishable from the gridlines, and it isn't clear where one panel ends and another begins. Is there a way to adjust the thickness of the line that marks panel boundaries?

    Cookiemole Cookiemole
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    May 20, 2019 1:28 PM
    3430 views | 1 replies
  • Buttonbox to Zoom in/out Chart?

    Does anyone know if one could buttonbox() some JSL to zoom in and another buttonbox() to zoom out a JMP chart?  In this case a bivariate chart display x/y coordinates.I don't mind the stock JMP magnifier tool, but it doesn't allow zoom out and it would be nicer to let the user do this with a JSL control box of some sort. 

    So wasn't sure if there is some source JSL code that might do the chart zoomi...

    djhanson djhanson
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    May 20, 2019 12:17 PM
    5415 views | 3 replies
  • File selection input box in JMP Application builder

    Hi, I am creating a JMP application which would open a xlsx workbook, load individual sheets into datatables in background and link the datatables to Graph building JSL script buttons in JMP app. Is there a way to create a file selection input box in JMP Application builder, where in user can browse and select the xlsx workbook from the app?

    dileepkr dileepkr
    Discussions |
    May 20, 2019 11:47 AM
    3629 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Multivariable Logistic Regression Interpretation

    Hello, I have used a multiple regression to explore the important features in running.  I am finding it very hard to interpret these results.  Is there anyone who could please offer some advice?  I have read the statistical knowledge portal all day and things are still no clearer.Thanks,Scouse.

    Scouse Scouse
    Discussions |
    May 21, 2019 1:21 AM
    3564 views | 4 replies
  • increasing the thickness of the line between panels of a multi-panel plot

    So in the graph builder, when we create multi-panel plots, there is a thin line that marks the boundary between adjacent panels. When I turn on gridlines, these thin lines become indistinguishable from the gridlines, and it isn't clear where one panel ends and another begins. Is there a way to adjust the thickness of the line that marks panel boundaries?

    Cookiemole Cookiemole
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    May 20, 2019 1:28 PM
    3430 views | 1 replies
  • Multivariate Statistical Distance (MSD)

    Hi, Is there a way to calculate the multivariate statistical distance (MSD) in JMP? This calculation will help understand the difference between dissoulutions. Thank you,Rami

    rshehadah rshehadah
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    May 14, 2019 12:41 PM
    8170 views | 10 replies
  • Remove line from Graph builder

    Hello comunity,  I am writing you because i have a small question related a line which i woul like to remove from a graph that made by using the graph builder. The lines that i want to remove are in black color because there are two different types of data Please find attach the pictureBest regards

    Archy Archy
    Discussions |
    May 14, 2019 11:50 AM
    5561 views | 3 replies
  • fit a spline with a variable

    Hey, I build a chart with dinamic legend that the user can choose by radio box. The name of the legend that the user choose is saved as 'L1' variable. I want to add a function that when a user clicks on one value from the legend the spline of this value become more bold. I add a state handler to the file and tried to use this script:   rsh1 = test1 << Make Row State Handler( dt, rsupdate1 ); rsup...

    shiro shiro
    Discussions |
    May 14, 2019 6:11 AM
    7636 views | 4 replies

Latest Discussions

  • How to analyze PSM data(Propensity Score Matching) in JMP?

    How to analyze PSM data(Propensity Score Matching) in JMP?If it is yes, please tell me what detail steps in JMP manu,If there is any available examples in JMP sample data?

    mujahida mujahida
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    May 7, 2019 9:30 PM
    1974 views | 0 replies
  • Chi square or Cochran's Q test

    Okay, so i have to decide whether i should use chi-square or Cochran's Q test for one of my study.If i assume meat as experimental unit (EU) and impose 6 different wood smoke (like apple smoke, cedar smoke, hickory smoke etc.) on EU and consumers (people) act as observational unit (OU). I have 10 consumers and each one will taste each treatment (6 treatments) and respond liking (9 point scale), an...

    sharmachetan sharmachetan
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    Apr 16, 2019 3:54 PM
    2364 views | 0 replies
  • Selecting Number of Clusters in Hierarchical Clustering

    One way to select possible number of clusters in hierarchical methods is to identify the relatively large changes in distance as number of clusters change (see table below). When I look at the actual distance measure from the table (clustering history below dendogram), there is a bigger jump from 3 clusters to 4 than from 4 to 5 (smaller), suggesting 4 may be the right decision. However, when you ...

    pratyushdash pratyushdash
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    Feb 23, 2019 5:51 PM
    2516 views | 0 replies
  • Beta Generalized Regression and adjusted chi-square values

    I have a data set from a two-choice rodent feeding trial. We were testing the effectiveness of 10 deterrents by coating them on seeds and offering them to rodents alongside control seeds that were uncoated. The explanatory variable is which of the 10 deterrents the treatment seed was coated with, and the response variable is the proportion of control seed and treatment seed consumed.  The question...

    Mananahi Mananahi
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    Feb 13, 2019 9:58 AM
    1964 views | 0 replies
  • DF Dens for repeated measures ANOVAs

    Dear JMP Community, When I run repeated measures ANOVAs with JMP (RMS, with Subject as a random factor), I have noticed that when a certain factor is crossed with Subject, the corresponding DF Den stays independent while the DF Dens for the other factors are put together as “Residual”.  Please see Images 1-3 of the attached file on how “DF Den” under “Test Denominator Synthesis” change across imag...

    mu mu
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    Feb 6, 2019 8:10 AM
    3269 views | 0 replies
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