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  • Concatenate Tables and close the input files

    I am looking for a way to close the tables that are open and have served for input For( f2 = 1, f2 < N Items( Tables ), f2++,
            ConcTable = Tables[f2] <<  /*###*/Concatenate(
                Tables[f2 + 1],
                Output Table Name( "Both" )
            ) /*###*/;
            Close( filelist[f2], No Save );
        ); The answer in the log is: Send Expects Scriptable Object in access or evaluation of 'Send' ...

    Christian Christian
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    Mar 12, 2019 2:49 PM
    21790 views | 7 replies
  • How to get R standard output

    When I submit R Code via JSL, the R console standard output (stdout) displays in the JMP log.  Is there a way to capture that information in a text string?  I know I can redirect the stdout from R to a file (using the sink() function) and then get the file contents in a JMP variable with some JSL, but I'd rather not have to use an intermediate step like that. Example;  names default to here(1); R...

    MathStatChem MathStatChem
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    Mar 12, 2019 1:02 PM
    8200 views | 5 replies
  • JMP connection to MySql Database & graphs

    I have a question I can't seem to figure out. If I connect to a database, with joins, for example with the query builder. Then I generate a dashboard with graphs. If the database values change, will the graphs be modified automatically too? Or does JMP download the data from the database and, therefore, it will be static? Thanks, Juan Pablo.

    juanpamz juanpamz
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    Mar 12, 2019 6:19 AM
    3404 views | 1 replies
  • JSL script for save column in the Time Series

    Hi,I would like to know how to write in JSL script if I want to "save columns" for the first 2 models shown in the model comparison table. Referring to attachment 1 is showing the model comparison table for the first 2 models. Next, in attachment 2 is showing the "save columns" that I want it to open. I want to write both precedures above in script. Is there anyone that can show me?

    ReginaHong ReginaHong
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    Mar 12, 2019 5:17 AM
    8919 views | 5 replies
  • Column Formulas to slow : how to wait until they are done calculating

    Greetings, I have run into situations where I import raw data into a data table (dt1), and then open another data table that has say spec limits (dt2).   The spec limits table has an USL and a LSL only.  I insert a new calcultated column into dt2 that is the target spec limit (mean(USL,LSL)).   I then loop through all rows of my raw data dt1 and if I get a match of the name of the test and spec li...

    justvince justvince
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    Mar 12, 2019 3:20 AM
    10659 views | 7 replies

Latest Discussions

  • JMP connection to MySql Database & graphs

    I have a question I can't seem to figure out. If I connect to a database, with joins, for example with the query builder. Then I generate a dashboard with graphs. If the database values change, will the graphs be modified automatically too? Or does JMP download the data from the database and, therefore, it will be static? Thanks, Juan Pablo.

    juanpamz juanpamz
    Discussions |
    Mar 12, 2019 6:19 AM
    3404 views | 1 replies
  • converting a date from a string into a JMP date : AM/PM vs 24hr time problems

    Hi,I'm having trouble converting values like 08:49:46 PM
    10:30:46 AMfrom Character Column to Numeric h:m:s 24h format.I would like to run the conversion without JSL and without depending on Operation system time format.  Please assist.Regards,Tom.

    tom_abramov tom_abramov
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    Mar 12, 2019 2:53 AM
    2015 views | 1 replies
  • DOE Mixtures with disallowed combinations of components

    Hi,I have read one of the documents in the site (7 Component Mixture Design with Additional Constraints)I have a similar problem; I have one mixture component (A) for which i have three different types (A1, A2 and A3). I have similar constraints to what include in your paper (min/max % of A as a whole). However i also want to evaluate mixtures with * only A1 or A2 or A3 within total limits min/max...

    Asier Asier
    Discussions |
    Mar 11, 2019 8:02 AM
    16995 views | 17 replies
  • How to determine the Length t-ratio corresponding to p-value of 0.05 from screening design?

    Hi,I am a new user of JMP12.I am having a hard time to interpret the results of a screening design (please see the attached screenshot). I know JMP makes this split-plot by showing the Lenth t-ratio of each effect as the length of each bar. Also, the blue vertical line indicates the effects with individual p-value of 0.1.Now, I was wondering if there is any way to know the Length t-ratio correspon...

    Sham Sham
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    Mar 5, 2019 4:11 AM
    5257 views | 5 replies
  • For Loop inside a tab box where each loop creates a different tab in the window

    I'm attempting to loop through a variable list of tools (ChamberTool or Cham) to create a list.  Then using that list I create a contour of the data by date where each chamber is a separate tab on a tab box window.  I've done each of these things independently but my particular issue is creating a tab for each tool from this variable list.  Maybe my approach is way off but here is my script.   Fir...

    MuttonChops MuttonChops
    Discussions |
    Mar 4, 2019 2:49 PM
    9375 views | 11 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Selecting Number of Clusters in Hierarchical Clustering

    One way to select possible number of clusters in hierarchical methods is to identify the relatively large changes in distance as number of clusters change (see table below). When I look at the actual distance measure from the table (clustering history below dendogram), there is a bigger jump from 3 clusters to 4 than from 4 to 5 (smaller), suggesting 4 may be the right decision. However, when you ...

    pratyushdash pratyushdash
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    Feb 23, 2019 5:51 PM
    2518 views | 0 replies
  • Beta Generalized Regression and adjusted chi-square values

    I have a data set from a two-choice rodent feeding trial. We were testing the effectiveness of 10 deterrents by coating them on seeds and offering them to rodents alongside control seeds that were uncoated. The explanatory variable is which of the 10 deterrents the treatment seed was coated with, and the response variable is the proportion of control seed and treatment seed consumed.  The question...

    Mananahi Mananahi
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    Feb 13, 2019 9:58 AM
    1967 views | 0 replies
  • DF Dens for repeated measures ANOVAs

    Dear JMP Community, When I run repeated measures ANOVAs with JMP (RMS, with Subject as a random factor), I have noticed that when a certain factor is crossed with Subject, the corresponding DF Den stays independent while the DF Dens for the other factors are put together as “Residual”.  Please see Images 1-3 of the attached file on how “DF Den” under “Test Denominator Synthesis” change across imag...

    mu mu
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    Feb 6, 2019 8:10 AM
    3270 views | 0 replies
  • Partition and Pruning

    I'm working with a dataset of about 27,000 rows and am trying to use 9 factors to predict a response using the partition function and a decision tree.  I'm using both k-means and validation.  When I tell JMP to Go, it will split 100-200 times, however the Split History shows me very little improvement after about 20 splits. For what I'm trying to do, I want to back up to the 20th split, but I don'...

    NG NG
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    Jan 30, 2019 8:25 AM
    2941 views | 0 replies
  • I want to use LASSO and Group LASSO in JMP

    I'm involved in a project where we are applying lasso to build a logistic regression model from a "black box" set of predictors.  I need to get JMP Pro before trying out JMP's implementation.  I'm doing all the analysis in R at present.  Does JMP Pro also include group lasso?  I've found through using JMP Cluster Variables (CLUSVAR) that I can naturally group my predictors prior to group lasso.  F...

    gene gene
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    Nov 2, 2018 7:43 AM
    2227 views | 0 replies
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