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  • PCA and T-Square T^2

    Multivariate Control Chart (from the control chart menu) shows results for Principal Components on Covariances. Doing Principal Components (from the multivariate methodes menu), also on Correlations gives the same eigenvalues and cumulative percentage. Both are scaled. However, the eigenvectors and pc formulas (those that are save to the data table) are not the same. Am I missing something? Thanks

    RonB RonB
    Discussions |
    Jul 3, 2018 6:18 AM
    2979 views | 1 replies
  • Problem with Clear log () in JMP14

    Hi, I have a problem with the clear log (); instruction.It was working well in jmp 12, 11, 10, etc...But with the new JMP14 ( Iswitch about 1 month ago), some time it works, some time not.  All my scripts start with this header: Names Default to here (1); // set all variables as local Open log (1); clear log(); include("My_own_path.jsl"); // define the path stored in include_path variable
    // Real

    r23426 r23426
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    Jul 3, 2018 4:24 AM
    2887 views | 3 replies
  • calculate week of year based on start time and end time

    Hello all, I am working on a test that needs me make a calendar of week based on two columns that I have in dat table. By doing so, uses will be able to select different weeks of year to see the trend. Does anyone know the better way to achieve it? Thanks,Winnie

    Anonymous Anonymous
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    Jul 2, 2018 2:45 PM
    6299 views | 6 replies
  • Numeric values in wrong order on axis

    I am trying to plot some data in graph builder, but the numeric values (x axis below) plot in order of the number while ignoring the decimal place.  I am plotting overlays that use the same 116 numeric categories on the x-axis, so dragging these values manually is not efficient.  The values are in the correct order within the data table.  What settings can I use to maintain either the order assign...

    GZ78 GZ78
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    Jul 2, 2018 12:23 PM
    7425 views | 4 replies
  • Repeated randomized 4 by 4 latin square

    I have a field setup with 4 treatments in a latin sqaure setup repeated 5 times. A B D C
    C A B D
    B D C A
    D C A BThis field setup is enclosed.The setup is repeated 5 times but randomized between each run.9 animals are released into an enclosure and can freely choose from all of the treatments. The number of times an animal visit a treatment is recorded and summarized for a period of times (1 hour) for...

    vestlink vestlink
    Discussions |
    Jul 2, 2018 4:46 AM
    5903 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • PCA and T-Square T^2

    Multivariate Control Chart (from the control chart menu) shows results for Principal Components on Covariances. Doing Principal Components (from the multivariate methodes menu), also on Correlations gives the same eigenvalues and cumulative percentage. Both are scaled. However, the eigenvectors and pc formulas (those that are save to the data table) are not the same. Am I missing something? Thanks

    RonB RonB
    Discussions |
    Jul 3, 2018 6:18 AM
    2979 views | 1 replies
  • Problem with Clear log () in JMP14

    Hi, I have a problem with the clear log (); instruction.It was working well in jmp 12, 11, 10, etc...But with the new JMP14 ( Iswitch about 1 month ago), some time it works, some time not.  All my scripts start with this header: Names Default to here (1); // set all variables as local Open log (1); clear log(); include("My_own_path.jsl"); // define the path stored in include_path variable
    // Real

    r23426 r23426
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    Jul 3, 2018 4:24 AM
    2887 views | 3 replies
  • Determine the correct sampling rate for SPC data

    Hello, I have an SPC data with UCL = 12.015 and LCL = 12 (target is 120.007) - see attached.My OOC (Out Of Control) values are too high and I want to check that my sampling rate is correct.Current sample rate is 0.1 (1 out of 10 parts are measured) and we are missing OOC measurements (there are 2 groups of SPC values with same limits: "Measure Depth 7" and "Measure Depth 1"). I tried using the sam...

    yoni-b yoni-b
    Discussions |
    Jun 29, 2018 3:59 AM
    9041 views | 4 replies
  • Exact match and Nearest Match for updating a table with another table

    I have a big data table (1M rows).  One column is serialNumber, one column is dateTime, one column is elapsedTime.  Another much smaller table also has these columns, but the dateTime is earlier by an small amount (5-20 minutes) and the elapsedTime is a much more accurate value.  The small table also has lots of extra rows associated with other events at other dateTimes (I do not have an 'event' c...

    mann mann
    Discussions |
    Jun 28, 2018 11:01 AM
    3022 views | 3 replies
  • normalcy test for residuals

     I am plotting Y vs X (see attachment). The regression line apperas to be quite good. R seq > 0.99. However when I make a residul plot, I get an inverted U. Some people say that such a residual plot point to that the Regression line is not good enough. My question is:  1. Is there some way to improve the residual plot and the Leniar regression (may be by changing intercept ?).  2. I performed a te...

    peerr12 peerr12
    Discussions |
    Jun 28, 2018 2:30 AM
    5552 views | 8 replies

Latest Discussions

  • repeated-measures ANCOVA: How to perform the analysis when the parallel slope assumpt. doesn't meet?

    Hi all,I need to perform the ANCOVA for a repeated-measures design. I tried to adapt the Julian's ANCOVA procedure showed on the to my study case (repeated-measures design). Initially, I did the following actions: 1. In the Fit Y by X dialogue: I selected VAR_Y as "Y, Response" and VAR_X as "X, Factor";2. For "Group by" I selected the variable Timepoint;...

    Reinaldo Reinaldo
    Discussions |
    Jun 18, 2018 6:31 AM
    2941 views | 0 replies
  • Time Series - Prewhiten

    Hello Everyone, My question pertains to understanding what the terminology in JMP's prewhiten platform means.Also, understanding how that helps me determine an appropriate Transfer Function that I can use to test whether x causes y. JMP's prewhiten output shows three different ACF's labeled "Prewhiten Corr", "Noise AutoCorr", & "Noise Partial AutoCorr".
    What is the Prewhiten Corr, Noise AutoCorr, &...

    nopon649 nopon649
    Discussions |
    Jun 7, 2018 11:10 PM
    2056 views | 0 replies
  • Fit Spline By Group: Save Spline Coefficients to Column?

    Hi all--having an issue.  I am using Fit Y by X to fit 5,000 separate regressions.  I hold control, select red drop-down arrow, and Fit->Flexible, Fit->Spline and select, say, 0.1.   This fits a spline to all 5,000 graphs with lambda of 0.1.  I have 28 X values in each of 5,000 graphs, and I understand there are 4 different spline coefficients (A, B, C, D).  I understand if I just had 1 regression...

    M0gAl0g M0gAl0g
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    Jun 5, 2018 3:19 PM
    2547 views | 0 replies
  • Why does Profiler not stop

         I have a script I am trying to profile and improve on. When I run the script without the profiler, it runs and ends within 4 minutes. When I try to profile the script, even after a good 5-6 minutes, it does not stop. Wondering why this is happening and if there is a way to use profiler and not run into this.      I am using JMP 13.   

    uday_guntupalli uday_guntupalli
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    Apr 27, 2018 7:12 AM
    1556 views | 0 replies
  • P value, L-R Chi Square, Prob Chi Square in Choice results

    Hello everybodyI am going to undrestand the P value, L-R Chi Square, Prob Chi Square in Choice results. But different interpretations of these values can be found in the web. It seems that the true interpretation is related to null hypothesis and confidence intervel.The results of the study are as the attached pictures.Could any body inform me what exactly these statistics are saying and base on w...

    aryasohrabi aryasohrabi
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    Mar 17, 2018 2:22 AM
    3543 views | 0 replies
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