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  • Model tuning - Optimization per line

    Dear all, I will first of all try to introduce with an example the problem I am facing. Imagine a table with 100 lines and 6 columns (PAR1, PAR2, VAR, MOD, MEA, ERR).The column MOD contains a model (=a formula) that depends on 3 parameters P1, P2 and VAR.The values of the columns P1 and P2 are fixed and different for each lines.The column VAR contains the third parameters, which is initialized at ...

    Steph_Georges Steph_Georges
    Discussions |
    Apr 8, 2018 10:54 PM
    4227 views | 2 replies
  • Does anyone know how p value of Actual by Predicted Plot in Fit Model platform?

    HiAfter running a linear regression using the Fit Model platform, JMP displays P value (as P), RSq and RMSE on the bottom of the a Actual by Predicted Plot. I would like to understand how P value is calculated and what it means.I ask this because in a simple Y =aX+b case, the p value is identical to the p value of the X but if there are more Xs (e.g. Y = aX1+ bX2 + c) then, p value is something el...

    woongkim79 woongkim79
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    Apr 8, 2018 8:48 AM
    10755 views | 4 replies
  • how to know what rows are my validation dataset when I run model with random split (JMP PRO)

    How can I identify which rows(observations) are my validation points when my target variable is category variable when I use random selections? such as example from I know for continuous target variable, I could select rows from predict vs actual plot to know which observations are labeled as validat...

    lucy_luo_conoco lucy_luo_conoco
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    Apr 6, 2018 11:33 AM
    8421 views | 6 replies
  • Test of agreement for presence/absence by month

    Hi, I collected data on the monthly occurrence of a parasite and the monthly occurrence of a histological lesion in the tissues where the parasite infects.  The parasite is strongly seasonal - peak prevalence and intensities occur in March and April.  The lesions are more spread out throughout the year but appear to be more common in those months.  So for each (lesion or parasite), I can construct...

    fishguy fishguy
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    Apr 6, 2018 8:35 AM
    5740 views | 11 replies
  • Converting Between Data Tables and Associative Arrays

    Hi there, Is there a simple way to convert a data table to an associative array?  I'm trying to pass the associative array to an external API for analysis, and then getting the results back into JMP as a data table afterwards. Thanks! Howard

    hyue hyue
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    Apr 6, 2018 2:10 AM
    5707 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Does anyone know how p value of Actual by Predicted Plot in Fit Model platform?

    HiAfter running a linear regression using the Fit Model platform, JMP displays P value (as P), RSq and RMSE on the bottom of the a Actual by Predicted Plot. I would like to understand how P value is calculated and what it means.I ask this because in a simple Y =aX+b case, the p value is identical to the p value of the X but if there are more Xs (e.g. Y = aX1+ bX2 + c) then, p value is something el...

    woongkim79 woongkim79
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    Apr 8, 2018 8:48 AM
    10755 views | 4 replies
  • Test of agreement for presence/absence by month

    Hi, I collected data on the monthly occurrence of a parasite and the monthly occurrence of a histological lesion in the tissues where the parasite infects.  The parasite is strongly seasonal - peak prevalence and intensities occur in March and April.  The lesions are more spread out throughout the year but appear to be more common in those months.  So for each (lesion or parasite), I can construct...

    fishguy fishguy
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    Apr 6, 2018 8:35 AM
    5740 views | 11 replies
  • Col Mean behaviour with hide/exclude

    Hello, I observe that when I use ColMean function in one column that the value in the column is not updated when I hide/exclude some rows.I think this is not a normal behaviour - there is no automatic recalculation. May be we can avoid this with script but I would prefer to avoid. If someone has a solution, thank you in advance Regards Sébastien  

    seb38360 seb38360
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    Apr 4, 2018 11:50 AM
    2481 views | 1 replies
  • Multivariate results interpretation

    Hi JMP experts!  I have a question about how to interpret multivariate results: say I have a data set y, x1, x2 three colums. I try to answer the question whether y is correlated with x1, or x2 or both. I have got Rsquares values and correlation probability both in 3 by 3 matrix form from JMP. The question is whether should I use the probability value to answer the question, or should I use the Rs...

    JMPstart JMPstart
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    Apr 4, 2018 5:41 AM
    6393 views | 4 replies
  • How to hide x-variables with no data when Overlay with Boxplot for Legend.

    Hi all, I have two levels in x-axis and i am trying to color legend my boxplot using the first level. The only way i found that can do that is using Overlay but the boxplots would be distorted because each distinct grouping will be split into n areas of level 1. For better illustration, i am using as examplex-axis 1st level - Speciesx-axis 2nd level - subjecty-axis - miles Graph below ...

    cchiat cchiat
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    Apr 3, 2018 6:02 PM
    2724 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • P value, L-R Chi Square, Prob Chi Square in Choice results

    Hello everybodyI am going to undrestand the P value, L-R Chi Square, Prob Chi Square in Choice results. But different interpretations of these values can be found in the web. It seems that the true interpretation is related to null hypothesis and confidence intervel.The results of the study are as the attached pictures.Could any body inform me what exactly these statistics are saying and base on w...

    aryasohrabi aryasohrabi
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    Mar 17, 2018 2:22 AM
    3543 views | 0 replies
  • Convert separate DATE and TIME columns in formats YYYYMMDD and HHMMSS into a single column

    Hello, I manage an addin for my company where all data is imported into JMP via command line utilities owned by our automation team. My addin translates a users request into a formatted command and issues the command in the background. The data is returned back as a text file on the users system. My addin can then load the data from the text file. The issue that I have is that the columns vary bas...

    Picard Picard
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    Mar 15, 2018 1:57 PM
    2379 views | 0 replies
  • pseudo r square in JMP choice model platform

    Hi,I am using JMP's choice model platform to analyse some Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) data. I am trying to find the pseudo r square but the platform does not provide it. Is there a way to calculate pseudo r square based on the results JMP presents under the choice model platform? I know pseudo R square comes up as entropy RSquare under JMP's fit model platform, nominal logistic fir for respon...

    DG DG
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    Mar 11, 2018 6:27 AM
    2004 views | 0 replies
  • chnging colors on PCA plot

    Hi,I seem to be able to change the color of the circle around the PCA plot but not the arrows which remain red no matter what I do. I changed the circle by Right Clicking on the plot --> Customize --> Circle and selecting the black color. I did the same using the option of Customize --> Arrow but nothing changes.Any advice would be appreciated.Thanks a lot.Helga

    helga55 helga55
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    Mar 9, 2018 2:20 PM
    3247 views | 0 replies
  • .jsl scripts will lock files even while set to read and execute permissions only

    I am having an issue where an add-in script which runs another script via the include(); function is locking the included script file while other users are running it. This renders me unable to update that script. I tried setting the permissions on the repository and the file as read and execute only but it still locks when other users access it.

    nbullen nbullen
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    Feb 5, 2018 12:05 PM
    2077 views | 0 replies
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