Hi all,
I have two levels in x-axis and i am trying to color legend my boxplot using the first level. The only way i found that can do that is using Overlay but the boxplots would be distorted because each distinct grouping will be split into n areas of level 1.
For better illustration, i am using Animals.jmp as example
x-axis 1st level - Species
x-axis 2nd level - subject
y-axis - miles
Graph below does not have legend yet. I would like my boxplots to be arranged in such order.
Graph below is when i Overlay species. Now you can see boxplots for COYOTE were shifted slightly to the left and FOX were shifted to the right. This is because each axis is seperated into two areas of COYOTE and FOX, when the group is COYOTE it will move to the COYOTE area and leave the FOX area empty and vice versa. The result is worse when you have more type of species..
Therefore, my question is, is there anyway to hide group with no data in overlay?
I am not sure if i am asking the question correctly since im new with JMP, sorry for that.
I do know i can use one level of x-axis with "subject" and overlay on "species", but the arrangement would not be what i wanted in my report. See example below..
Thanks in advance! :)