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  • Integer data type vs Number data type

    I have a column matrix, called "a", with x rows. I'm trying to create a matrix filled with 1's that has the same number x rows. When I say newmat = [](N Rows(a), 2), I get the error "Expected integer for number of rows" when trying to create the matrix. Type(3), and any other integer argument, will return "Integer" but Type(N Rows(a)) returns "Number". I tried setting the x rows to a variable name...

    pen51 pen51
    Discussions |
    Mar 21, 2018 1:37 PM
    5586 views | 3 replies
  • DOE- Custom Design with Blocking

    I am a very new to JMP software and need help to develop a table for DOE. I have three factors at two levels with two blockings, Operators at four level (Operator, 1 to 4) and Cavities at four level (Cavity, 1 to 4). Each operator will check three samples from each cavity from each run for breakage or no breakage. So, with three factors at two leveles, four operatores, four cavities, there will be...

    JG JG
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    Mar 21, 2018 11:45 AM
    4206 views | 4 replies
  • Boosted Neural Network in JMP 13 Pro

    I find the JMP 13 manual description of the boosting procedure in neural networks to be vague. Here is a snap of it:"The first step is to fit a one-layer, two-node model. The predicted values from that model are scaled by the learning rate, then subtracted from the actual values to form a scaled residual. The next step is to fit a different one-layer, two-node model on the scaled residuals of the ...

    pans pans
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    Mar 21, 2018 9:53 AM
    7395 views | 5 replies
  • Time as a grouping variable: column format-sensitive?

    I want statistics (e.g. median, mean, etc.) on my data by various time intervals: day, week, month, year, etc. Two niggly questions: If I have a single time column, is the interval used for grouping sensitive to the column format? i.e. if the format to "m/y", does it group by months? If I then change the column format to "m/d/y", does it now group by days? If not, then I can certainly use the Day ...

    john_madden john_madden
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    Mar 21, 2018 7:02 AM
    5968 views | 6 replies
  • Overlay plot including both grouped and ungrouped column data

    I have a column of continuous y-data that I want to graph against an x-axis (time, in this case). There is also a grouping column that distinguishes the y-data into several groups.I want an easy way to automate production of a series of graphs, each of which shows the results for a single group overlayed on the results of the aggregate (ungrouped) data. So, let's say there are 10 groups. I'd like ...

    john_madden john_madden
    Discussions |
    Mar 21, 2018 6:11 AM
    4412 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • DOE- Custom Design with Blocking

    I am a very new to JMP software and need help to develop a table for DOE. I have three factors at two levels with two blockings, Operators at four level (Operator, 1 to 4) and Cavities at four level (Cavity, 1 to 4). Each operator will check three samples from each cavity from each run for breakage or no breakage. So, with three factors at two leveles, four operatores, four cavities, there will be...

    JG JG
    Discussions |
    Mar 21, 2018 11:45 AM
    4206 views | 4 replies
  • How is are Scaled Estimates Calculated ?

    I am a new JMP Pro User with the following query. Using the Fit Model Standard Least Squares platform, I have 67 columns of continuous data. Each column has 213 rows. The 67 columns are entered as Y. Construct model effects adds another column containing five groups, each categorical. I am using this platform instead regular ANOVA to test interactions and other interactive effects. I find the scal...

    rexneal rexneal
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    Mar 19, 2018 12:51 PM
    10624 views | 5 replies
  • Issue running JSL files in C#.NET

    I am trying to execute JSL files in a C#.NET wrapper. I am able to sucessfully run the files but my code does not wait for the script to finish. Below is a sample:JMP.Application jmpInstance = new JMP.Application();FileInfo fJSLFile = new FileInfo(@"C:\Test\Test.JSL");jmpInstance.RunJSLFile(fJSLFile.ToString());                        if (jmpInstance.HasRunCommandErrorString()){     throw new Appl...

    gpuckett gpuckett
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    Mar 19, 2018 7:18 AM
    4528 views | 4 replies
  • Kruskal Wallis + post-hoc testing?

    Ok I am VERY green at this whole JMP thing, and I have come to a roadblock. About a month ago, I ran some tests on data collected and I was able to work it all out perfectly but now I am unable to replicate what I did, so I'm hoping someone can help me! I have three columns of data: BMI Category (ordinal), year (ordinal), and number of patients (continuous). The data I would like to run is a compa...

    KTrotta89 KTrotta89
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    Mar 17, 2018 6:30 AM
    9134 views | 4 replies
  • P value, L-R Chi Square, Prob Chi Square in Choice results

    Hello everybodyI am going to undrestand the P value, L-R Chi Square, Prob Chi Square in Choice results. But different interpretations of these values can be found in the web. It seems that the true interpretation is related to null hypothesis and confidence intervel.The results of the study are as the attached pictures.Could any body inform me what exactly these statistics are saying and base on w...

    aryasohrabi aryasohrabi
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    Mar 17, 2018 2:22 AM
    3543 views | 0 replies

Latest Discussions

  • P value, L-R Chi Square, Prob Chi Square in Choice results

    Hello everybodyI am going to undrestand the P value, L-R Chi Square, Prob Chi Square in Choice results. But different interpretations of these values can be found in the web. It seems that the true interpretation is related to null hypothesis and confidence intervel.The results of the study are as the attached pictures.Could any body inform me what exactly these statistics are saying and base on w...

    aryasohrabi aryasohrabi
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    Mar 17, 2018 2:22 AM
    3543 views | 0 replies
  • Convert separate DATE and TIME columns in formats YYYYMMDD and HHMMSS into a single column

    Hello, I manage an addin for my company where all data is imported into JMP via command line utilities owned by our automation team. My addin translates a users request into a formatted command and issues the command in the background. The data is returned back as a text file on the users system. My addin can then load the data from the text file. The issue that I have is that the columns vary bas...

    Picard Picard
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    Mar 15, 2018 1:57 PM
    2379 views | 0 replies
  • pseudo r square in JMP choice model platform

    Hi,I am using JMP's choice model platform to analyse some Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) data. I am trying to find the pseudo r square but the platform does not provide it. Is there a way to calculate pseudo r square based on the results JMP presents under the choice model platform? I know pseudo R square comes up as entropy RSquare under JMP's fit model platform, nominal logistic fir for respon...

    DG DG
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    Mar 11, 2018 6:27 AM
    2004 views | 0 replies
  • chnging colors on PCA plot

    Hi,I seem to be able to change the color of the circle around the PCA plot but not the arrows which remain red no matter what I do. I changed the circle by Right Clicking on the plot --> Customize --> Circle and selecting the black color. I did the same using the option of Customize --> Arrow but nothing changes.Any advice would be appreciated.Thanks a lot.Helga

    helga55 helga55
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    Mar 9, 2018 2:20 PM
    3248 views | 0 replies
  • .jsl scripts will lock files even while set to read and execute permissions only

    I am having an issue where an add-in script which runs another script via the include(); function is locking the included script file while other users are running it. This renders me unable to update that script. I tried setting the permissions on the repository and the file as read and execute only but it still locks when other users access it.

    nbullen nbullen
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    Feb 5, 2018 12:05 PM
    2077 views | 0 replies
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