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Issue running JSL files in C#.NET

Level I

I am trying to execute JSL files in a C#.NET wrapper. I am able to sucessfully run the files but my code does not wait for the script to finish. Below is a sample:

JMP.Application jmpInstance = new JMP.Application();

FileInfo fJSLFile = new FileInfo(@"C:\Test\Test.JSL");


if (jmpInstance.HasRunCommandErrorString())


     throw new ApplicationException("Error with JMP script: " + jmpInstance.GetRunCommandErrorString());


Level VIII

Re: Issue running JSL files in C#.NET

       Were you able to figure this out ? I am looking to run JSL functions by passsing parameters to it from C#. Wondering if you could share any insight ? 



Level III

Re: Issue running JSL files in C#.NET

I use myJMP.RunCommand(command); to pass data to JMP for C#, where command is a string you build up in C# to set up variables.
JMP.Application myJMP = new JMP.Application();
string command = "a=1";

Example code snippet below:
Below I set spec limits properties on columns that have specs:

JMP.Application myJMP = new JMP.Application();

foreach (var item in Specs)
bool setprops = false;
StringBuilder SpecList = new StringBuilder();
if (item.Value.LowerSpec.ToLower() != "nan")
SpecList.Append("LSL(Expr(" + item.Value.LowerSpec.ToLower() + ")),");
setprops = true;
if (item.Value.UpperSpec.ToLower() != "nan")
SpecList.Append("USL(Expr(" + item.Value.UpperSpec.ToLower() + ")),");
setprops = true;
// SpecList.Length--; //removes last characther from SB (ending comma)
if (setprops)
command = @"Eval(
Eval Expr(" +
"column(dts, Expr(\"" + item.Key + "\")) << set property(" +
"\"spec limits\"," +
" {" + SpecList.ToString() + " Show Limits( 1 )}" +
); ";


Level VIII

Re: Issue running JSL files in C#.NET


  Thank you for the snippet. I am trying to understand, where in your snippet are you invoking a function ? 

TestPower = function({base,expn},{default local},
			res = base ^ expn ; 

Let us assume we have a user defined function in JMP like the one shown above. Now, starting from C#, how can I invoke this function by passing it parameters for base and exp and run this function ? 
The snippet you shared addresses the part about how we can use the RunCommand function to pass a value, but can you use a simple example like this to explain the process a little more in detail ? 
So, if i have the above function stored as TestPower.jsl on my C:\ , can you kindly share on how I would be able to run using C#, by passing it the parameters and calling this function ?

Level VIII

Re: Issue running JSL files in C#.NET

        I actually managed to get it to run using your suggestion and a little luck of playing around. Here is my C# code that works. 

            // Create an instance of JMP and make it visible
            JMP.Application MyJMP; 
            MyJMP = new JMP.Application(); 
            MyJMP.Visible = true;

            // create command 
            string arg1 = "base = 2"; // arguments to my User defined function in JSL 
            string arg2 = "expn = 3"; // arguments to my User defined function in JSL 
            string FilePathOfFileToRun = "C:\\Test.jsl";
            MyJMP.RunJSLFile(FilePathOfFileToRun); // Running the user defined function 

            // Needed to keep JMP from automatically closing
            JMP.DataTable dt = MyJMP.NewDataTable("test");
            MyJMP.RunCommand(@"Close(Data Table(""test""), NoSave)");


