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  • Change color and underline contents of a string col box or table box.

    Hi, I posted a similar version of the code below last week, and now I'm trying to update the values in the string col box() / table box() to be blue and underlined so they appear to be hyperlinks. The table box << text color() command was not working for me, but the string col box << text color() works. Is there a way to do this so the header of the column, "names" in the example below, does not c...

    mikedriscoll mikedriscoll
    Discussions |
    May 13, 2022 10:02 AM
    2570 views | 9 replies
  • Put in a list values of a table with condition

    I have this table :dut  |  values0  | 16381  | 618 2  | 4863  | 94180  | 6541  | 791 2  | 13983  | 4836... And I want put in a list, all values where the dut is 0, so have this : list = { 1638, 654 }What syntax used ?

    OrderedColt522 OrderedColt522
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    May 13, 2022 8:12 AM
    807 views | 2 replies
  • Confounded data identification

    Dear JMP Professionals, I have a question regarding confounded data for RSM DoE. If I have a 4 factor optimization DoE with RSM, how can I identify, which factor effects are confounded with other effects. I know about the confounding matrix, buth How do I identify it when I have my final dataset collected an I analyze the data.Thanks a lot for your help!! Best Simon

    SimonFuchs SimonFuchs
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    May 13, 2022 7:00 AM
    1133 views | 2 replies
  • Copy paste data from different table

    Hi all,I have 2 data tables, the main table (dt) and a summarized table (dt2). I wanted to get the Disk quantity (Nrows) from dt2 and distribute it on dt, matching each Disk column. How can I get the values of Disk from dt2 and paste it into dt with the same Disk?

    UserID16644 UserID16644
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    May 12, 2022 8:38 PM
    926 views | 1 replies
  • Use the content of a selected cell and use it as the name for a new column.

    Dear all, I try to create a script where I use the cell value or content of a selected cell an use this as the name for a new created column. In general I could not find the script command to copy or read the content of a selected cell - maybe it is to obvious that I can't find it... Many thanks for any help.  

    Heinrich Heinrich
    Discussions |
    May 12, 2022 11:16 AM
    848 views | 2 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Confounded data identification

    Dear JMP Professionals, I have a question regarding confounded data for RSM DoE. If I have a 4 factor optimization DoE with RSM, how can I identify, which factor effects are confounded with other effects. I know about the confounding matrix, buth How do I identify it when I have my final dataset collected an I analyze the data.Thanks a lot for your help!! Best Simon

    SimonFuchs SimonFuchs
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    May 13, 2022 7:00 AM
    1133 views | 2 replies
  • Time series correlation dynamic issue

    Hi JMP Community, I try to find a solution to evaluate the relation between two time series  not only as whole but also its dynamic within or along with specific time periods (see picture bellow).  Thank you for any idea/solution!  

    bgalusca bgalusca
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    May 12, 2022 8:10 AM
    904 views | 4 replies
  • How to perform equivalence test for the slope of fit line?

    Hello,I am performing validation the analytical procedure and checking the accuracy. Recommendation from USP<1225> is to built the regression line of observed concentration of tested substance vs expected concentration and have the confidence interval for the slope be contained in predefined interval around 1. This is sort of equivalence test (TOST). But I can only get estimate for the slope and s...

    ovirchenko ovirchenko
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    May 12, 2022 7:37 AM
    760 views | 1 replies
  • Unable To Install The Software On Windows 10

    Friends, good afternoon. I hope you are doing well. I'm posting this today in response to a request. When I try to install " JMP" on my Windows 10 PC, I get an error notice that says "error opening file for writing." Even when I put in my best effort to install it, the problem persists. Is there anyone who can assist me in resolving this issue? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Nicolasrules Nicolasrules
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    May 11, 2022 10:42 PM
    1626 views | 3 replies

    I am utilising JMP PRO 16 for validating the data results from a Finite Element Simulation. I want to utilise both Linear Regression models and Neural Network models and carry out a comparison. For the Linear Regression model , I have found that variable transformations are required to fulfill the assumptions of linearity , normality of residuals and constant variance. The transformations are the ...

    sreekumarp sreekumarp
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    May 11, 2022 7:22 PM
    1291 views | 4 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Validate column values (make sure all values in column follow a specific pattern)

    Is there a better way rather than iteration of all the rows to validate values in column? Let's say before making something with the column I want to make sure that all values in column match specific Regex. Like so:!IsMissing(Regex(Column(myColumn)[1], "^\w+(\d{3})\w+$", "\1"))I can iterate through each row to make sure that all of them match, but maybe there is a better way?  

    miguello miguello
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    May 6, 2022 11:09 AM
    484 views | 0 replies
  • SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regressions)

    HI, How to find estimators of FGNLS and NLS (Seemingly Unrelated Regressions) Using JmpPro.# Note that it is present in SAS in the proc syslin
    and it is in stat in the nlsur command Regards

    Raaed Raaed
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    May 5, 2022 4:45 PM
    625 views | 0 replies
  • Friedman post hoc analysis

    Hello, I am trying to do a matched sample analysis across three different factors. I wanted to:1. Confirm that my sample would be what I pick for 'Block" when I do Fit Y by X when running Friedman's test2. Is there a post hoc analysis in JMP that I can use? I dont see Nemenyi or Conover as an optionThanks for your time.  

    pnakashe pnakashe
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    May 5, 2022 12:02 PM
    781 views | 0 replies
  • JMP script: Script Alarm Control chart- Table with atypical batch number and values

    Hello everyone,I am trying to make a table with the OOT (out of Trend) batches with their respective "atypical" values.I used for that the "script alarm" function as I could found some exemples on the JMP community. Here is my script:  z_KSigmaZ =1.4; // Création de la Carte de controle si N catégories > 5 Names Default To Here( 1 ); If(N Items(Associative Array(:"RNS/NS tordu (srg)")) > 5, Gr...

    Sebastienlg Sebastienlg
    Discussions |
    Apr 29, 2022 6:29 AM
    554 views | 0 replies
  • How to create a graph builder box plot with mean values, and including the "group X" variable in the legend

    I'm using JMP 16.2.0 and I'm trying to automatically generate a graph builder with box plots and their mean values with the group X variable as the color. I'm using a bar chart with style=floating to display the mean value (inspired by this topic)My current graph:This is almost what I want, except for a few things.1. I'd like the Group X variable (Recipe) to be visible in the legend as well. One w...

    mvanderaa1 mvanderaa1
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    Apr 20, 2022 4:13 AM
    1985 views | 0 replies
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