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  • How to display baseline/reference data in many sub graphs using the graph builder

    Hi, I have some trouble with displaying baseline/reference values in my graphs using the graph builder. For many of my experiments I first take some samples before the actual start of the experimental conditions.The data from these samples can thus be considered as baseline/reference/T=0 data.They always have a value of 0 on the x-axis of. Examples of such data are depicted in red in the attached ...

    PedeGe PedeGe
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    Jul 27, 2020 3:30 AM
    3231 views | 4 replies
  • Creating a new character column by sorting multiple columns

    american_indianasianblackdeclined_racemultiracialpacific_islanderunavilable_racewhite0000000101000000000000010010000000000001000000011000000000000001 Is there a simple way (without a script) to create a new column (race) that can sort each of the individual columns information? I would like the new column to be something like this:.american_indianasianblackdeclined_racemultiracialpacific_islanderu...

    abhi_dp abhi_dp
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    Jul 26, 2020 2:51 PM
    1688 views | 3 replies
  • Parallel Plot > Ribbon / River Plot > Change Size with Each X Category?

    Hi JMP Community Is it possible in Graph Builder > Parallel Plot > Ribbon/River Plot to assign a different Size value for each X axis category?In the example below (see also table attached), I can easily set the Size to one column but it would be greatly advantageous to be able to set different size values for the DATA1 and DATA2. Thank you for your input. Best,TS 

    Thierry_S Thierry_S
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    Jul 26, 2020 8:40 AM
    2287 views | 3 replies
  • Setting General Graph Preferences

    Currently there is a long list of graph type and preferences in JMP13.There are two improvements I see which would be quite helpful:#1 A category at the top of the list called something like "Common Platform Preferences" which enables changing all the common settings across all platforms. #2 Being able to default preferences while editing a graph (sends current settings to Preferences of that spec...

    rburton rburton
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    Jul 26, 2020 4:37 AM
    6425 views | 2 replies
  • Mediation analysis - the one offered by Andrew Hayes (The PROCESS macro for SPSS and SAS) - is there a script we could run to get bootsrapped CI for indirect effects?

    I know it is possible to do bootstrapped CI in JMP. But, when we build and test complicated mediation model, the indirect effects need to be calculated and then a bootstrapped CI is needed to build on that indirect effect. I am sure some smart JMP user has figured it out. I hope that person may write a script or a step-by-step procedure for doing this in JMP. Otherwise JMP developers, please take ...

    goutam goutam
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    Jul 25, 2020 2:02 PM
    1650 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Parallel Plot > Ribbon / River Plot > Change Size with Each X Category?

    Hi JMP Community Is it possible in Graph Builder > Parallel Plot > Ribbon/River Plot to assign a different Size value for each X axis category?In the example below (see also table attached), I can easily set the Size to one column but it would be greatly advantageous to be able to set different size values for the DATA1 and DATA2. Thank you for your input. Best,TS 

    Thierry_S Thierry_S
    Discussions |
    Jul 26, 2020 8:40 AM
    2287 views | 3 replies
  • Setting General Graph Preferences

    Currently there is a long list of graph type and preferences in JMP13.There are two improvements I see which would be quite helpful:#1 A category at the top of the list called something like "Common Platform Preferences" which enables changing all the common settings across all platforms. #2 Being able to default preferences while editing a graph (sends current settings to Preferences of that spec...

    rburton rburton
    Discussions |
    Jul 26, 2020 4:37 AM
    6425 views | 2 replies
  • Mediation analysis - the one offered by Andrew Hayes (The PROCESS macro for SPSS and SAS) - is there a script we could run to get bootsrapped CI for indirect effects?

    I know it is possible to do bootstrapped CI in JMP. But, when we build and test complicated mediation model, the indirect effects need to be calculated and then a bootstrapped CI is needed to build on that indirect effect. I am sure some smart JMP user has figured it out. I hope that person may write a script or a step-by-step procedure for doing this in JMP. Otherwise JMP developers, please take ...

    goutam goutam
    Discussions |
    Jul 25, 2020 2:02 PM
    1650 views | 1 replies
  • Referencing columns from other tables

    I'm trying to make a new table by reading from two source tables.  I'd like to avoid joining them into one big table and manipulating from there.  The new table will be an array of deltas between the two source tables.  The script is creating the columns just fine, but it's not populating them with anything.  I'm assuming there's some syntax i'm missing in referencing columns from other tables in ...

    bwkeller2 bwkeller2
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    Jul 24, 2020 7:47 AM
    3520 views | 7 replies
  • How to make Col List Box Report only specific data type

    try to make a column list box so the user can select parameters for analysis. Want to limit to column with data type "character" in this col list box.  Use the script below but it report all columns. nw = new window("Select Parameter for Pareto", borderbox(left(3),top (2), hlist box( textBox("Select Group for Yield Analaysis"), hlistbox( vlistbox( panelbox("Select group", C...

    yanee yanee
    Discussions |
    Jul 23, 2020 6:21 PM
    1862 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • XPath Query() and XML namespaces

    I have a bunch of XML documents that I want to put into a data column. I want to use XPath expressions to pull out values from them, by appending columns that contain formulas that make use of the XPath Query() function. Some of my documents have XML-namespace qualified element names. For example, one might look like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <synopsis xmlns="

    john_madden john_madden
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    Jul 23, 2020 9:53 AM
    976 views | 0 replies
  • Using JMP to Calculate Surface Flatness

     Has anyone used JMP to calculate the Minimum Zone surface flatness of a point cloud? I have some differences between two metrology areas for our surface flatness requirements and wanted to check them in JMP. There are different algorithms for doing the calculation. (There is an ASME standard for the general rule, ASME Y14.5: " a tolerance zone defined by two parallel planes within which the surfa...

    jay_holavarri jay_holavarri
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    Jul 20, 2020 11:26 AM
    1271 views | 0 replies
  • Save all scripts and close reports by JSL

    Trying to write a script for this I found the following below working. JMP15@Win10.The first part opens two tables and starts some Reports,and the second Closes all report Windows post saving scripts to belonging tables.But when the report has a local datafilter, the script is not working any more (get scriptable object doesn't get the Right reference).Is there a way to find proper reference for e...

    Georg Georg
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    Jul 20, 2020 7:48 AM
    1123 views | 0 replies
  • [JSL Contour Plot] Method of define contour plot, number, minimum, maximum

    The contour plot is very helpful to show 3D map, however the problem of defining the zone is always a trouble. In my typical jsl plot, I use something below to define the contour plot zone number = 8, maximum = 1.4, minimum =1. However, the table column :Length may change time to time, and the scale will have to be modified manually for each corresponding plot.   Does someone have experience how t...

    Stokes Stokes
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    Jun 25, 2020 12:09 PM
    984 views | 0 replies
  • Impact of screen resolution on html output

    Hi, I'm preparing a dashboard using jmp that will be used for a daily meeting. It contains information in form of data tables and text boxes. In order to transfer text sizes and colors for the text as well as the data tables into the html output I transformed them into pictures (rep = dt << get as report(); pic = rep << get picture(); ). I set up all font sizes on my external monitor and it worked...

    Ole Ole
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    Jun 9, 2020 6:21 AM
    945 views | 0 replies
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