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  • Dear, how to input repetition and replicate simulataneously?

    Might be a very silly question, anyway my situation is, I have one population from which I sampled 5 I had measured respective value of 5 sample, but with 3 repetiton, Schematic:(from population Alphabet, I got A~E)Which results in, 15 reporting values as follows.A1, A2, A3B1, B2, B3C1, C2, C3D1, D2, D3E1, E2, E3 As you well know, three A value will be almost same (if little measurement variance)h...

    MikeKim MikeKim
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    May 3, 2022 1:30 AM
    1261 views | 4 replies
  • PCA on correlation and covariance matrix

    Hello,I am not an expert user so please be gentle with me.I have performed PCA on some standardised data (with 2 variables) in JMP14 and noted that the two scores plots are almost mirrored across the PC1 axis.  Why are they reflected in this manner?  (Also, they are not perfect reflections.  Why is this?)  

    kjwx109 kjwx109
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    May 2, 2022 10:38 AM
    1327 views | 3 replies
  • Show text box annotation when hove over cell in tabulate

    Hi, I am using some web report template I found here (attached)I would like to know if it's possible to add some rich text when you hove over cell with mouse in tabulate.Right now it shows column name (gender).I wonder if I can customize it with JSL and for example show in this textbox names of all students that corresponds cell criteria Thanks, Emmanuel  

    Emmanuel Emmanuel
    Discussions |
    May 2, 2022 10:23 AM
    534 views | 1 replies
  • How to get specific input values from modal windows to be placed in a JMP script to save

    Hello,  I have been creating an application that involves the user to select columns to use in building a model, for select PQAs, through the use of modal windows, as in the attached JMP file with the toy data and script titled "Model for Select PQAs and Columns".  This model is supposed to create custom output for each PQA selected for any dataset with any spelling of column names. Which the scri...

    kachveder kachveder
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    May 2, 2022 8:27 AM
    1569 views | 2 replies
  • Select multiple items in Radio Box

    I have a list with some items and I want to select certain items from this list.Is it possible to do this using in radio Box and return a list with items ?

    OrderedColt522 OrderedColt522
    Discussions |
    May 2, 2022 2:53 AM
    934 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • PCA on correlation and covariance matrix

    Hello,I am not an expert user so please be gentle with me.I have performed PCA on some standardised data (with 2 variables) in JMP14 and noted that the two scores plots are almost mirrored across the PC1 axis.  Why are they reflected in this manner?  (Also, they are not perfect reflections.  Why is this?)  

    kjwx109 kjwx109
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    May 2, 2022 10:38 AM
    1327 views | 3 replies
  • Show text box annotation when hove over cell in tabulate

    Hi, I am using some web report template I found here (attached)I would like to know if it's possible to add some rich text when you hove over cell with mouse in tabulate.Right now it shows column name (gender).I wonder if I can customize it with JSL and for example show in this textbox names of all students that corresponds cell criteria Thanks, Emmanuel  

    Emmanuel Emmanuel
    Discussions |
    May 2, 2022 10:23 AM
    534 views | 1 replies
  • BLUEs in a combined analysis

    Hello! My experiment has different genotypes replicated 3 times across 3 runs. My variable Y = % of germination. I want to calculate the BLUEs in the combined analysis.(My data is unbalanced) Thanks in advance!

    SuperEla SuperEla
    Discussions |
    May 1, 2022 4:46 PM
    548 views | 1 replies
  • Filter value to grah name

    Hi. Can anyone please help me with a script to name my graph with the value of my filter. Thanks!

    Sam619 Sam619
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    May 1, 2022 8:44 AM
    1119 views | 4 replies
  • How do I parse large json from an API?

    I am trying to create a data table from an API response but the JSON that is output won't process and I think the file is too big.  It's about 20 MB and the final data table is ~7000 rows and ~115 columns.  Is this just too big to parse?  I also have the option of getting a csv file from the API or output as a text string.  I work with the developers that wrote the API so we can make it output wha...

    MQ_Smith MQ_Smith
    Discussions |
    Apr 29, 2022 12:38 PM
    1227 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • JMP script: Script Alarm Control chart- Table with atypical batch number and values

    Hello everyone,I am trying to make a table with the OOT (out of Trend) batches with their respective "atypical" values.I used for that the "script alarm" function as I could found some exemples on the JMP community. Here is my script:  z_KSigmaZ =1.4; // Création de la Carte de controle si N catégories > 5 Names Default To Here( 1 ); If(N Items(Associative Array(:"RNS/NS tordu (srg)")) > 5, Gr...

    Sebastienlg Sebastienlg
    Discussions |
    Apr 29, 2022 6:29 AM
    554 views | 0 replies
  • How to create a graph builder box plot with mean values, and including the "group X" variable in the legend

    I'm using JMP 16.2.0 and I'm trying to automatically generate a graph builder with box plots and their mean values with the group X variable as the color. I'm using a bar chart with style=floating to display the mean value (inspired by this topic)My current graph:This is almost what I want, except for a few things.1. I'd like the Group X variable (Recipe) to be visible in the legend as well. One w...

    mvanderaa1 mvanderaa1
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    Apr 20, 2022 4:13 AM
    1985 views | 0 replies
  • Error When Trying to Create User to Access the JMP Virtual Lab

    While taking the Exploratory Data Analysis module, it is time to practice. However, when trying to access the JMP Virtual Lab, I cannot get past the "Create User" option.  JMP VIRTUAL LABTo use the Virtual Lab, please select the Create User link below. If you would prefer to use software on your own machine, please select the Download Data link below.
    Create User Download Course Data Clicking the C...

    TielsForTheWin TielsForTheWin
    Discussions |
    Apr 14, 2022 10:48 AM
    615 views | 0 replies
  • Column Switcher Button Removed from Plot Window Toolbar in JMP 16 for Mac

    Recently switched from JMP15 for Mac to JMP16 for Mac. I was surprised to see the column switcher button removed as an option in an analysis/plot window.  It used to reside up top next to the local data filter button (see black circle).  The option to customize it back is also missing and has been replaced by a 'properties' button.  This may also prove useful but I'm new to it.    To get the colum...

    datanaut datanaut
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    Mar 17, 2022 3:18 PM
    658 views | 0 replies
  • No table linking after saving the project?

    Hi,when I generate a summary table with the option "link to original data table" (selected by default), the two tables are linked:By selecting a row in the summary table the corresponding rows in the original table are selected.Cool.This also works for selections in Graphs and Dashboards.Very cool! Now my problem:After saving both tables to a project file, (precisely: after close & re-open the pro...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Feb 3, 2022 4:19 AM
    459 views | 0 replies
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