JSL Extension for VSCode
Hello JMP people, I made an extension for VSCode to edit JSL more easily. I thought that was easier than building a bunch of JMP addins for the things I want that other editors have. It's available here . or you can just Search "JMP" in the extensions marketplace in vscode. *Edit*: It's cool that people are starting to use this <3.
If anyone is having issues with it, please feel free to p...vince_faller
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AI Optimization in JMP Pro ByTorch
Hi all,Is it possible to use the JMP Pro Torch deep learning model to use it for AI Optimization for process parameter.If it is so what are all the AI techniques are available in JMP Pro Torch deep learning.Please suggest.
174 表示 | 4 件の返信 -
How to add a new distribution formula to the distribution analysis
Hi, I'm working with measurement data that should follow a specific distribution.My goal is to create a Folded Normal and a Rayleigh to compare along with other distributions already programmed by default in JMP in order to see if my data follows the expected one. Here I fit all distributions with my data and look if the normal distribution fits the best according to the AICc. I would like to do t...
96 表示 | 0 件の返信 -
PCA for spectral data
Hello, I am performing a PCA on a large data set (257 columns (wavenumber) and about 8000 rows (samples)) and want to recognise certain patterns between the spectra with the PCA.
However, this warning always appears ‘Warning: The matrix correlation is not positive definite.’ Can someone help me to understand what this means and if it is relevant for my analysis of the data? I am only a beginner in ...Maike_W
301 表示 | 7 件の返信 -
JSL To Change Data Table Script Launch Window Size?
Hello, Does anyone know the JSL to change the size of the script-launcher window that's embedded in data tables? The area shown in the pic below, the log doesn't show anything when I adjust the size and I can't find the code that references what this area is:
286 表示 | 4 件の返信
AI Optimization in JMP Pro ByTorch
Hi all,Is it possible to use the JMP Pro Torch deep learning model to use it for AI Optimization for process parameter.If it is so what are all the AI techniques are available in JMP Pro Torch deep learning.Please suggest.
174 表示 | 4 件の返信 -
How to add a new distribution formula to the distribution analysis
Hi, I'm working with measurement data that should follow a specific distribution.My goal is to create a Folded Normal and a Rayleigh to compare along with other distributions already programmed by default in JMP in order to see if my data follows the expected one. Here I fit all distributions with my data and look if the normal distribution fits the best according to the AICc. I would like to do t...
96 表示 | 0 件の返信 -
Adding Spec Limits via Script/Reference Link (Without changing main data table format)
Hi, I am working with a pre-existing data table which already has it's fixed format and titles, changing this might impact other JMP files that might've referenced it. The spec limits table are free to change around in terms of format. I am aware we have the intuitive 'Manage Limits' options and 'Set Limits' on the properties. But I don't think it works on the current format that I have right now...
309 表示 | 8 件の返信 -
How can I display the USL and LSL limit values as the same?
I need to load and apply the limit table. However, when the USL and LSL values are the same, the limits are not applied and appear as follows. How can I ensure that the limits are applied in this case?
128 表示 | 2 件の返信 -
How can i choose the same observation to calculate a ratio for a series of observations?
Hello, I am pretty new to jmp, but I have a question regarding creating a function column. So I have a dateset where I have recorded physiological data for the same 6 heart rate values in 16 mice. I want to choose two of these physiological variables to calculate a ratio - and I want the numerator to be the phys. value for the corresponding highest heart rate, and the denominator for another phys....
404 表示 | 4 件の返信
How to add a new distribution formula to the distribution analysis
Hi, I'm working with measurement data that should follow a specific distribution.My goal is to create a Folded Normal and a Rayleigh to compare along with other distributions already programmed by default in JMP in order to see if my data follows the expected one. Here I fit all distributions with my data and look if the normal distribution fits the best according to the AICc. I would like to do t...
96 表示 | 0 件の返信 -
Discovery summit book signings - official list of books?
Fellow JMP enthusiasts! During the 2024 Manchester Discovery Summit I was surprised to learn that the handing out and signing of books is a tradition. So, I am wondering whether there is a list of the books handed out & signed so far. If it exists, where to find it?I thoroughly enjoyed reading "Bitch" by Lucy Cooke, and I have a feeling "Hello World" by Hannah Frey will be a good read too.
99 表示 | 0 件の返信 -
Inquiry Regarding the Use of JMP and JMP Live (Suppress Eval?)
Hello, I am a user of JMP Live.
I am currently utilizing a simple function within JMP to leverage the Auto Refresh feature in JMP Live for dashboard purposes. However, while the function operates correctly on my PC, it does not work properly on JMP Live.Even though I have disabled "Suppress Eval" before executing Data Publish, when I later download the data, the column where the function should be ...DJ_Kim
113 表示 | 0 件の返信 -
Cannot open JMP project after moving file in sharepoint
Hi I moved a JMP project to another sharepoint folder (datatables only saved in project) - now it will open, but not load - the "thinking" button just keeps turning. I have tried downloading the project to my PC, but I get a similar result - so does my colleagues. I need to close down JMP via the task-manager. Any tips on how to get the dataset working again? (or should I just bite the lemon and ...
95 表示 | 0 件の返信 -
Formula used to calculate upper CI
Hi all, Does anyone know what is the formula used to calculate the upper CI for the standard deviation in the distribution platform > confidence interval?
89 表示 | 0 件の返信
ChinaShanghai 5月 29
12:00PM - 1:00PM EDTMar 20JMP for Teaching Data Analytics Courses
REGISTER HERE: https://www.jmp.com/en_us/events/live-webinars/academic/jmp-for-data-analytics-course...
1:00PM - 2:00PM EDTMar 21Getting Started with JMP
New JMP users will learn how to: Easily navigate JMP using the JMP Starter. Import all types o...
1:00PM - 2:30PM EDTMar 26Jump into Gauge Studies: Hands-On Workshop
Jump into Gauge Studies Wednesday, March 26 | Live Web Workshop1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET Hoste...
1:00PM - 3:30PM MDTMar 27In-Person Colorado JMP Users Group Meeting
Seats are limited to 30 attendees, so register now to save your spot. Date: M...