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scriptable object of the current report
Hi, what is the best way to get the scriptable object of the current report? If it's a Graph Builder Object, I can use
gb = Current Report()["Graph Builder"] << get scriptable object
This is astonishingly robust - but just works for Graph Builder objects. It even works when the user changed the title. If it no Graph Builder, I can tryso = Current Report()[Outline Box( 1 )] << get scriptable object
640 views | 4 replies -
How to Select a quota sample from a data set
Hello everyone I am working on a research that implies working on a representative sample. I have already collected data, but I need to select a subset that fulfills the representation criteria that are 4: The sample should be with the following quotas to be met:
on gender: 50% males and 50% females.
on age: 1/3 from 18 to 30 years old, 1/3 from 31 to 50 years old and 1/3 over 51 years old.
on hou...Samira
2431 views | 20 replies -
Modal window, return result and Filter Col Selector/Col List Box
Does someone have an idea if I'm doing something wrong with New Window() <<modal and <<return result with Col List Boxes? Or is this possibly a bug or undocumented behaviour due to New Window(<<modal, << return result)) replacing Dialog() function? I cannot get results from Filter Col Selector and Col List Boxes when using << return result and have to get values with <<on close, when button is p...
1735 views | 6 replies -
submit to Marketplace: editor?
When submitting an AddIn to the Marketplace, are there tricks how to use this editor? e.g.- how can I edit existing text? When I write - anywhere - my sentences are always added at the end.- how can I write sentences with spaces between the words? esp. after pasting a link.
361 views | 1 replies
Latest Discussions
How to Select a quota sample from a data set
Hello everyone I am working on a research that implies working on a representative sample. I have already collected data, but I need to select a subset that fulfills the representation criteria that are 4: The sample should be with the following quotas to be met:
on gender: 50% males and 50% females.
on age: 1/3 from 18 to 30 years old, 1/3 from 31 to 50 years old and 1/3 over 51 years old.
on hou...Samira
2431 views | 20 replies -
Modal window, return result and Filter Col Selector/Col List Box
Does someone have an idea if I'm doing something wrong with New Window() <<modal and <<return result with Col List Boxes? Or is this possibly a bug or undocumented behaviour due to New Window(<<modal, << return result)) replacing Dialog() function? I cannot get results from Filter Col Selector and Col List Boxes when using << return result and have to get values with <<on close, when button is p...
1735 views | 6 replies -
submit to Marketplace: editor?
When submitting an AddIn to the Marketplace, are there tricks how to use this editor? e.g.- how can I edit existing text? When I write - anywhere - my sentences are always added at the end.- how can I write sentences with spaces between the words? esp. after pasting a link.
361 views | 1 replies -
Functional Data Analyses returning DoE-factor (FDOE?)
Is it possible to do Functional Data Analyses like FPCA where the components reflect DoE-factors? (like in ASCA). It seems that FDOE profiler does something similar. Where can I fin it in JMP 18-pro?
314 views | 1 replies -
Journal panel
Can anybody suggest me how to make a journal panel for presentation? I see that the JMP presenters use journal panels when presenting JMP webinars (see the screenshot attached). I want to make similar journal panels when presenting JMP analysis with data files to my audience. I use JMP Pro 18.
606 views | 3 replies
Latest Discussions
Pressure Test Method Results have a significant effect on my sample size and capability, how to avoid?
Hello dear JMP community I will first explain the test method (no need to comment on whether it is right or wrong because this is what I got). The purpose is to detect a leakage.
Measurement processPart is mounted to a pressure stationPressure station rotate a vacuum pump x times to create a vacuum (atmospheric pressure is approx. 1000mbar)Pressure p1 is sampled at time t1After 15 seconds p2 is sam...qLienceStats
288 views | 0 replies -
help to get R squared predicted
Hello!I installed a script from a community response regarding the calculation of R²pred, as shown in the image below (I'm using JMP 18 pro): (link da resposta do @erich_gundlach https://community.jmp.com/t5/JMP-Add-Ins/Predicted-R-square-calculator/ta-p/39927) In PRESS, R²pred didn't appear. (Press is low because I haven't reduced the model yet, don't worry =)) I really need to show these R²pre...
232 views | 0 replies -
user defined Transform Category?
How can I create a custom function which shows up in the Character submenu of the new formula column menu?
209 views | 0 replies -
Copy xy plots becomes very slow
I tried to copy a group of xy plots, it got stuck forever. I am aware that the time it takes to copy is proportional to the amount of data points. But this is the first time I had something never finished. Is there a way I can get this copy job done? Thank you!
299 views | 0 replies -
Sample size calculation for accelerated life testing
I am trying to use the interval explorer for parametric reliability life test planning tool for sample size required for an ALT test but need some clarification on the following questions. 1. Is the Weibull alpha the characteristic life at stress or at use life? 2. Is the Quantile the pFail at stress or use life and how does the quantile impact the required sample size?3. Is the calculated...
319 views | 0 replies
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ChinaShanghai May 29
12:00PM - 1:00PM EDTMar 20JMP for Teaching Data Analytics Courses
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1:00PM - 2:00PM EDTMar 21Getting Started with JMP
New JMP users will learn how to: Easily navigate JMP using the JMP Starter. Import all types o...
1:00PM - 2:30PM EDTMar 26Jump into Gauge Studies: Hands-On Workshop
Jump into Gauge Studies Wednesday, March 26 | Live Web Workshop1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. ET Hoste...
1:00PM - 3:30PM MDTMar 27In-Person Colorado JMP Users Group Meeting
Seats are limited to 30 attendees, so register now to save your spot. Date: M...