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  • How to change phase label orientation on IMR chart

    I have a IMR chart with phased by material used. is it possible to change label orientation to vertical.  

    ConfidenceOwl94 ConfidenceOwl94
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    Apr 3, 2024 9:12 AM
    801 views | 2 replies
  • Journal in 2 or 3 columns

    Hello guys,I calculated 2 tables HOT_per_skew and COLD_per_skewwhen I added these 2 tables to the Journal, I got the vertical position.My question is, how can I present these 2 tables in a Horizontal position by JSL script?HOT_per_skew << Journal ( ) << Close Window ( );
    COLD_per_skew<< Journal ( ) << Close Window ( );  

    Dennisbur Dennisbur
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    Apr 3, 2024 9:09 AM
    950 views | 3 replies
  • Shift Ratio or Percentage Change

    Hi Everyone,  I am looking for a function on JMP software that is called shift ratio or percentage change (it is not available with either of these names under statistical index). It is normally used to detect how much the outlier has shifted in case Nelson 2 rule is not met in a control chart. Could you please kindly advice if you used this function on JMP, and if yes, how would I find it?Thank y...

    ZA ZA
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    Apr 3, 2024 9:04 AM
    1518 views | 6 replies
  • How to add final test check column.

    I have a table where some products were tested multiple times. I want to flag the last run by '1' in a new column.  

    ConfidenceOwl94 ConfidenceOwl94
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    Apr 3, 2024 7:50 AM
    789 views | 2 replies
  • Jmp project all open reports

    Hello guys,
    I started using jmp project recently. I want to write a script which loops through all reports in the project and perform a action and update the report. Any idea on how to go about this kindly support
    Thanks in advance

    ComplexNerd ComplexNerd
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    Apr 3, 2024 6:29 AM
    674 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Shift Ratio or Percentage Change

    Hi Everyone,  I am looking for a function on JMP software that is called shift ratio or percentage change (it is not available with either of these names under statistical index). It is normally used to detect how much the outlier has shifted in case Nelson 2 rule is not met in a control chart. Could you please kindly advice if you used this function on JMP, and if yes, how would I find it?Thank y...

    ZA ZA
    Discussions |
    Apr 3, 2024 9:04 AM
    1518 views | 6 replies
  • Private Tables from SQL Query << Run Background, New Data View, table list not updating?

    Hi All,  I have a script that runs several SQL queries in parallel to get around the character limit in the ODBC driver/SQL server since we frequently need to pull in data for WHERE clauses containing many thousands of strings, e.g "SELECT * FROM [Table] WHERE [id] IN ('id000000001','id000000002',...'id000010000')".  My method for doing this works fine, (iterate through a list of queries doing <<R...

    gob0b gob0b
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    Apr 3, 2024 5:26 AM
    1267 views | 3 replies
  • JMP 18 Confusion

    Most of the recent JMP videos I've seen use JMP 18. The JMP website says JMP 18 is "Coming March 19". Is JMP 18 available? I can't seem to find it anywhere. If it is available, how do I upgrade?

    scott1588 scott1588
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    Apr 3, 2024 2:23 AM
    3058 views | 9 replies
  • How to get column sum according to same column values?

    Hi all How to calculate the Total Qty if they have the same code? I am currently using Col Sum(:Qty) but it is getting the sum of all column values. I just want the sum of values with the same code & date  DateCodeQtyTotal Qty10-23-23004910-23-23005910-23-23016610-24-23033310-24-23044410-25-23056810-25-230528 

    UserID16644 UserID16644
    Discussions |
    Apr 3, 2024 1:46 AM
    864 views | 2 replies
  • Standardizing attributes by column name

    I tend to work with the same types of data every day.  Every time I load a file, JMP sets some columns as "Continuous" that really work better as nominals. Is there a way to tell JMP that if it sees a column with a specific name, e.g. "case_id", that it should always flag it as nominal? I know scripts can do this, but having to run a script every time I open a file has gotten a bit tedious.

    BHarris BHarris
    Discussions |
    Apr 2, 2024 7:10 PM
    5225 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Multiple imputation of ordinal data

    HiWe're doing a study regarding whole number ordinal data, answers being 0 to 4. It probably being MAR and not knowing the probability of each response, made us wonder how to do multiple imputation of this data. A post showed:go to analyze > consumer research > categorical But we're stuck...Thank you in advance! 

    CovariateFilter CovariateFilter
    Discussions |
    Mar 28, 2024 10:00 AM
    487 views | 0 replies
  • How to categorize the same ID in row with other columns?

    Hi, I have the data set that the same ID in multiple rows. Each rows had 1 to 3 categories. The columns represent costA to costZ that I need to stack in the same Cost column. However, I need to generate group by category 1 ( 1 if category 1 < 2000, 2 if category 1 = 2000 - 4000, 3 if category 1 = 4000 - 6000, 4 if category 1 = 6000 - 10000, 5 if category 1 > 10000). However, I need to delete categ...

    doraemengs doraemengs
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    Mar 25, 2024 9:12 PM
    673 views | 0 replies
  • LCA appears to treat ordinal variables as nominal

    When I run cluster analysis --> LCA with ordinal variables (numeric, ordinal), the probability formula appears to be treating the variables as nominal, rather than ordinal. For each variable, there are 5 levels (i.e., 1-5). If being treated as ordinal, wouldn't the probability formulas reflect an order for each level where 1 may have the smallest probability and 5 the largest? As you can see below...

    AutoMethodsBee1 AutoMethodsBee1
    Discussions |
    Mar 25, 2024 12:41 PM
    416 views | 0 replies
  • RSS, TSS, precent of residual sum of squares

    Is it possible to calculate RSS and TSS and precent of residual sum of squares for a linear calibration curve in JMP?

    gholamhasantey gholamhasantey
    Discussions |
    Mar 25, 2024 3:29 AM
    673 views | 0 replies
  • Error during stemming in text explorer: Inconsistent Recodes in access or evaluation of 'List'

    Hello Community! I'm trying to recode the stemming in text explorer based on a fixed dictionary of words and I'm getting this error "Inconsistent Recodes in access or evaluation of List". This is my code: obj = dt << Text Explorer( Text Columns( :col1) ); obj << Stemming("Stem for Combining"); obj << Add Recodes( {{"attractive", "Attract"},{"unattractive", "Attract"},{"attract", "Attract"},{"ugl...

    sm3001 sm3001
    Discussions |
    Mar 21, 2024 12:49 AM
    607 views | 0 replies
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