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  • How do I save a subset of tables only?

    Let's say we have a table with 3 columns (example below). I create a subset of tables by the "city code" column that will include all 3 columns.  City codeRegistration NumberRegistration Date032032053764820201026160160008408220201020281282116256620201020325325048850020201024420420061884320201101511511068017420201027720720005473720200825 I would like to save only the subset files as text files as f...

    Discussions |
    Jan 5, 2021 11:16 AM
    2032 views | 2 replies
  • Caption Box - Text Wrap Possible?

    Is there any way to control (expand) the Caption() box text wrap?  

    I'm guessing not from the Scripting Guide.  It would be a nice feature if ever possible.  It's kind of annoying to have a line wrap where you don't want it to wrap, and if set wrap() could ever be employed, then one could choose the line break where they wanted using a normal line break escape. thanks, DJ

    djhanson djhanson
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    Jan 5, 2021 6:14 AM
    1870 views | 3 replies
  • Database connection setup for a JMP project where the html will run in another network

    Dear all, Something I would like to explore but I am not understanding very well is how I could handle the database connection configuration when moving the JMP published html between networks. It is tricky because I use JMP in a network and I want to setup and deploy the web page to work in another network. So I don’t have access to the production server connection/configuration while using JMP. ...

    fxf fxf
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    Jan 5, 2021 5:40 AM
    1346 views | 3 replies
  • Live Update Tab Page Box for input/output GUI

    Happy New year to the JMP Community, I guess I'll start the new year with my very own first post  I'm trying to create a new window with has two tabs: (1) Input, (2) Analysis. The idea is for users to key in the inputs in the number edit boxes within the "Input" Page which will create a table variable for future reference and subsequently update a similar number edit box in "Analysis" Page with th...

    Djtjhin Djtjhin
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    Jan 4, 2021 8:16 PM
    1859 views | 4 replies
  • To calculate FDR

    Hi I have one query, while calculating FDR value from p-value in jmp addin function, I used all the p-value of the model: The main effect(X, Y) and interaction effect(X*Y) including intercept p-value, is that process of FDR calculation is correct? Paremter Estimates Term                     Prob>ItI Intercept               <0.001 x                           <0.01 y                            <0.02...

    sin149 sin149
    Discussions |
    Jan 4, 2021 10:45 AM
    1025 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Caption Box - Text Wrap Possible?

    Is there any way to control (expand) the Caption() box text wrap?  

    I'm guessing not from the Scripting Guide.  It would be a nice feature if ever possible.  It's kind of annoying to have a line wrap where you don't want it to wrap, and if set wrap() could ever be employed, then one could choose the line break where they wanted using a normal line break escape. thanks, DJ

    djhanson djhanson
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    Jan 5, 2021 6:14 AM
    1870 views | 3 replies
  • Database connection setup for a JMP project where the html will run in another network

    Dear all, Something I would like to explore but I am not understanding very well is how I could handle the database connection configuration when moving the JMP published html between networks. It is tricky because I use JMP in a network and I want to setup and deploy the web page to work in another network. So I don’t have access to the production server connection/configuration while using JMP. ...

    fxf fxf
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    Jan 5, 2021 5:40 AM
    1346 views | 3 replies
  • To calculate FDR

    Hi I have one query, while calculating FDR value from p-value in jmp addin function, I used all the p-value of the model: The main effect(X, Y) and interaction effect(X*Y) including intercept p-value, is that process of FDR calculation is correct? Paremter Estimates Term                     Prob>ItI Intercept               <0.001 x                           <0.01 y                            <0.02...

    sin149 sin149
    Discussions |
    Jan 4, 2021 10:45 AM
    1025 views | 1 replies
  • Application Current DataTable

    Dear Community, With your help, and many searches and iterations, I'm now close to wrapping-up my first JMP application. I'm still struggling on few points, for which sure someone will suggest easy solutions ;):A the end of Dialog1 script, I'm opening a Data Table that was selected by the UserOnNext1 = Function( {}, file_path = FilePath << GetText(); If ( file_path != "", //IST Text File dt ...

    HubP_SDe HubP_SDe
    Discussions |
    Jan 4, 2021 3:05 AM
    1448 views | 2 replies
  • Loop? to count missing data from work with several columns and with column names which change names between the analysis (dates)

    I have a question that I hope this community can help me with. I wish to add a column showing the consecutive days missing from the last day and backwards. I also wish to add a column counting the days where the result is higher than 0.02 from 7 columns.I have found a solution for both by using a series of if statements but wish to learn if it can be done in a more elegant way, maybe by using a lo...

    Markku Markku
    Discussions |
    Jan 3, 2021 1:24 AM
    1516 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Graph Builder - Remove Combine Scales?

    In graph builder I am interested in plotting a simple Y vs X for multiple X variables. By default graph builder combines all the different X variables on the same X axis and scale. Is there a simple way to change the X axis to have separate scales on the X axis for each variable? Default graph builder (script1, graph1)Plot 1 variable on Y axis vs 8 variables on X axisAll 8 variables on same x-axis...

    ehorne ehorne
    Discussions |
    Oct 29, 2020 9:11 AM
    1177 views | 0 replies
  • SharePoint Online

    My company recently began the migration from SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint Online.  I have found that my JSL scripts are now no longer able to open or save files to the new SPO site.  Anyone have the correct updated syntax for this. Example 1 (SP 2010): This worked.     TablePath4 = "\\\sites\rpt\documents\JMP_tables\"; //set variable TablePath path location Tabl...

    Outdoorsman1963 Outdoorsman1963
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    Oct 23, 2020 4:06 PM
    1068 views | 0 replies
  • How to run a Post hoc for Chi Square results in JMP?

    I was wondering if someone can help me. I want to run a post hoc analysis for the chi square results in JMP. Thanks

    vmendez17 vmendez17
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    Oct 22, 2020 7:33 PM
    660 views | 0 replies
  • Problem specifying model for a partly nested ANOVA design

    My study design is mixed-model with one fixed between-plot fixed factor (A), a random plot factor (B), nested in A (B[A]), and two crossed within-plot fixed factors (C and D).  I'm able to enter a full factorial model that includes the 3 fixed factors and all their interactions, using either the Least Squares or Mixed-Model Personality.  I'm also able to add the random factor (B[A]), but things go...

    wpsousa wpsousa
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    Oct 19, 2020 10:39 PM
    808 views | 0 replies
  • Default encoding on JMP - EUC-KR

    Hi,I have JMP 14.2, 15.1, and also 16.0EA at the moment.All versions here don't include EUC-KR encoding system; so this can cause importing problems in many cases since a lot of Korean data or pages are made with EUC-KR. I have charsets that are all broken. So I had to import it with other programs and save as to fit into UTF-8 or match/join columns with other matching codes.It seems like JMP is a...

    joelahn joelahn
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    Sep 10, 2020 1:26 AM
    1025 views | 0 replies
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