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  • multiple data files from multiple measurements, averaging the measurement results

    Dear Community, I have data files from n multiple measurements (x, y, z, Mx, My, Mz) as separate jmp tables. They are identical regarding the measurement points (x, y, z), i.e. they have the same no. of cols and rows. table 1 = 1. measurement: x, y, z, Mx.(1), My.(1), Mz(1)table 2 = 2. measurement:  x, y, z, Mx.(2), My.(2), Mz(2)...table n = n. measurement:  x, y, z, Mx.(n), My.(n), Mz(n) I want t...

    Rolf_Rank Rolf_Rank
    Discussions |
    Oct 18, 2022 6:40 AM
    519 views | 1 replies
  • How to send messages to global data filter?

    Is there a way to send messages to global filter to show different filters through scripting ?  Sometimes I'd like to review/ recall several filter settings or "where clauses" that were previously saved.  Names Default To Here( 1 ); dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/" ); obj = dt << Data Filter(conditional); obj << Add Filter( columns( :POP ) ); obj << Add Filter( columns( :Region, :State, :City ...

    Djtjhin Djtjhin
    Discussions |
    Oct 18, 2022 5:53 AM
    1160 views | 4 replies
  • How to order the x-axis of a Oneway Analyis by another column?

    Hey all, I have a typical JSL that makes graphs from a table with X-Y Oneway Analysis that defaults to ordering the X axis alphabetical/numerical.  On my graphs I want the top most value(in the table) to be the furthest to the right on my plots. I have been right clicking then "Edit Value Order" to do this, but I would like to incorporate it in my JSL for my colleagues to be able to use as well.  ...

    Hobbi Hobbi
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    Oct 18, 2022 4:38 AM
    1166 views | 2 replies
  • How do I construct a column A, whose entries are equal to the mean/median/mode of the last 10 non-null entries of another column B?

    Hello,  I have a column A (around 15,000 rows) which has numbers and many null values (maybe 70-80% null). I would like to construct a column B which at row i, is equal to the the mean of:   the *last 10 non-null values from A*  --> this means take  A[row i-1] , A[row i-2], ... and go back until you have 10 non-null values (or if you reach row 1 then  take whatever number <= 10 of  non-null values...

    jj_jmp jj_jmp
    Discussions |
    Oct 17, 2022 2:44 PM
    2189 views | 8 replies
  • Create a report window of graphs without spawning multiple graph windows

    Hello,  I have a datatable with hundreds of thousands of lines.  There is a run ID column, a column of device names (29 currently of interest), and a column of associated values.  So for each run there are multiple devices recording data, and I want to create run charts for each device with the run ID as the x-axis.  However, I have two issues that I can partially resolve individually, but not res...

    Discussions |
    Oct 17, 2022 7:14 AM
    1118 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • multiple data files from multiple measurements, averaging the measurement results

    Dear Community, I have data files from n multiple measurements (x, y, z, Mx, My, Mz) as separate jmp tables. They are identical regarding the measurement points (x, y, z), i.e. they have the same no. of cols and rows. table 1 = 1. measurement: x, y, z, Mx.(1), My.(1), Mz(1)table 2 = 2. measurement:  x, y, z, Mx.(2), My.(2), Mz(2)...table n = n. measurement:  x, y, z, Mx.(n), My.(n), Mz(n) I want t...

    Rolf_Rank Rolf_Rank
    Discussions |
    Oct 18, 2022 6:40 AM
    519 views | 1 replies
  • How to order the x-axis of a Oneway Analyis by another column?

    Hey all, I have a typical JSL that makes graphs from a table with X-Y Oneway Analysis that defaults to ordering the X axis alphabetical/numerical.  On my graphs I want the top most value(in the table) to be the furthest to the right on my plots. I have been right clicking then "Edit Value Order" to do this, but I would like to incorporate it in my JSL for my colleagues to be able to use as well.  ...

    Hobbi Hobbi
    Discussions |
    Oct 18, 2022 4:38 AM
    1166 views | 2 replies
  • Create a report window of graphs without spawning multiple graph windows

    Hello,  I have a datatable with hundreds of thousands of lines.  There is a run ID column, a column of device names (29 currently of interest), and a column of associated values.  So for each run there are multiple devices recording data, and I want to create run charts for each device with the run ID as the x-axis.  However, I have two issues that I can partially resolve individually, but not res...

    Discussions |
    Oct 17, 2022 7:14 AM
    1118 views | 1 replies
  • Could anybody recommend an online course or books of mathematics for DoE?

    I am reading A Primer on Experiments with Mixtures by John Cornell. However, I was lost after 40 pages. I hope I could understand the principle of math behind it. Could anyone please recommend some online courses or books that will help me understand math for DoE?  I am not satisfied with using JMP as a tool without understanding the background principle, and I am not confident with the analysis r...

    loganshawn loganshawn
    Discussions |
    Oct 17, 2022 12:52 AM
    1210 views | 3 replies
  • Problems with parallel graphs: Continuity and similar scale

    Hi mates,Working with parallel graphs, I have got 2 problems and would be appreciated if anyone can help me resolve it. 1- Continuity: Say you have 6 series on your X-axis, but one of your data sets is missing series 4, then the connection between 3 and 5 will be missed. Is there any way to make the graph continues and connects the series just neglecting the missing points? 2- Scale: If the number...

    Hamid Hamid
    Discussions |
    Oct 16, 2022 5:51 AM
    1503 views | 3 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Methods for compressing a CSV or TSV file with jmp compression to save as .jmp table without having to open the csv in JSL first?

    I have access to both JMP12 and JMP14, so a solution for either would work. What I am trying to achieve is saving very large text files (csv,tab,tsv,etc.) with JMP compression such that I get a compressed .jmp file as the result. By large I mean 2-6gb files. Currently I use something like this: MyDataFile = open(filename,Private); MyDataFile << Compress File When Saved; MyDataFile << save(filetosa...

    CurbStegosaurus CurbStegosaurus
    Discussions |
    Oct 14, 2022 9:06 AM
    1381 views | 0 replies
  • Model classification thresholds add-in display "negative" probability

    Hi, I've been looking at this add-in which is very useful. In our case we don't have a probability but instead we have a status and a measurement that ranges between -10 and 10.I want to adapt the script so that the slider can move between -10 and 10 (I've already done it and it works). However the "Probab...

    Agustin Agustin
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    Sep 13, 2022 6:43 AM
    419 views | 0 replies
  • wrap: hide sub-titles?

    In GRaph Builder, "wrap" is a nice option to split a data set into small pieces and generate many sub-plots.
    But sometimes, the window is just filles with the "titles" of the sub-plots an there is no space left for the plots.
    Is there an option to hide the titles of the subplots?
    In the "wrap" context menu, there is an option to remove the "title" (here: "data"), but not the sub-titles.
    And in the red...

    hogi hogi
    Discussions |
    Sep 11, 2022 8:53 AM
    494 views | 0 replies
  • How to transform least square means from Turkey table after box cox transformation

    Hello Everyone, I am running a three-way ANOVA with data expressed in percentage, but the data set is not normal. Since I have zeros, I first add a constant 0.00001, then I fit the model, and in the least square fit window, I used the box cox transformation to do a better fit. I know if I ask to save the predicted values, it will save the back-transformed data, but is there an option for JMP to sa...

    Viniaze Viniaze
    Discussions |
    Aug 27, 2022 9:14 AM
    524 views | 0 replies
  • XGBoost Add-In for JMP Pro no test set result in model screening

    I'm using model screening and include XGBoost as a method. However the result from XGBoost are only shown in Train set and Validation set.Why the result of XGBoost for test set is not shown? 

    TasapornV TasapornV
    Discussions |
    Aug 25, 2022 12:45 AM
    576 views | 0 replies
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