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  • How to make the histogram more intuitive?

    I use the distribution command to get a histogram for a column of data.There are two problems:firstly, after fitting the distribution, the distribution curve is not displayed completely, the upper part of the curve is truncated and you need to manually drag and drop the axes to see it;secondly, after adding the upper and lower limits, you need to manually drag and drop to see it.How to fix these p...

    lehaofeng lehaofeng
    Discussions |
    Jun 1, 2023 7:06 AM
    784 views | 1 replies
  • DoE center points problem

    Hello,  I'm currently designing a DoE with three different factors, two continuous (temperature, time) and one categorical (batch number with 4 different batches). I used the Custom design, D-optimal to design it and with some disallowed combinations. However, I would like to add some runs to my design that are center points and not only the suggested extremities, but it seems like it's not possib...

    Mytom Mytom
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    Jun 1, 2023 3:37 AM
    1776 views | 3 replies
  • How can I generate a leverage plot in graph builder based off the leverage plot generated when running a Fit Model in JMP 16

    I want to create a leverage plot in Graph Builder based on the leverage plot from a model I created using the Fit Model function and with a plot of the residuals directly beneath it. Something like this: The top plot should be the leverage plot with the line for the alternative hypothesis and shading based on the 95% confidence interval and the bottom plot should be the residual plot.  Another pos...

    RankPteradactyl RankPteradactyl
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    Jun 1, 2023 2:38 AM
    1029 views | 1 replies
  • Value at x-axis where reference line intersects graph

    Hi,For a set of graphs, I draw a reference line on the y-axis. I want to compute what the x-axis values are at points where the reference line intersects the various curves/graphs. I have attached an image of the graph. Is there any way that I can compute these x-axis values using a script or any other way? Please help. Thanks  

    aviquid aviquid
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    Jun 1, 2023 2:09 AM
    938 views | 1 replies
  • loocv data estimates

    I'm performing an Elastic Net generalized regression in JMP 17 PRO by using de Leave-One-Out-Cross-Validation technique. With this technique, is it possible to get the estimated value for eacht point when you're leaving that one out of the dataset performing the analysis (by LOOCV)? Or is there any other possibility to calculate the RMSEP?

    SanderC SanderC
    Discussions |
    Jun 1, 2023 1:24 AM
    737 views | 1 replies

Latest Discussions

  • DoE center points problem

    Hello,  I'm currently designing a DoE with three different factors, two continuous (temperature, time) and one categorical (batch number with 4 different batches). I used the Custom design, D-optimal to design it and with some disallowed combinations. However, I would like to add some runs to my design that are center points and not only the suggested extremities, but it seems like it's not possib...

    Mytom Mytom
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    Jun 1, 2023 3:37 AM
    1776 views | 3 replies
  • Value at x-axis where reference line intersects graph

    Hi,For a set of graphs, I draw a reference line on the y-axis. I want to compute what the x-axis values are at points where the reference line intersects the various curves/graphs. I have attached an image of the graph. Is there any way that I can compute these x-axis values using a script or any other way? Please help. Thanks  

    aviquid aviquid
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    Jun 1, 2023 2:09 AM
    938 views | 1 replies
  • loocv data estimates

    I'm performing an Elastic Net generalized regression in JMP 17 PRO by using de Leave-One-Out-Cross-Validation technique. With this technique, is it possible to get the estimated value for eacht point when you're leaving that one out of the dataset performing the analysis (by LOOCV)? Or is there any other possibility to calculate the RMSEP?

    SanderC SanderC
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    Jun 1, 2023 1:24 AM
    737 views | 1 replies
  • How can I create a description column with the names cell values and column names?

    I would like to label my graphs with the values and column names for that point (as in a box plot). Currently I do this in Excel by concatenating the column name with the value in the cells. However, if I can do it in JMP, it would save me a significant amount of time.  For example I may have columns A        B         C1        2         1001        2         2002        5         300 I would lik...

    davek davek
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    May 31, 2023 9:13 PM
    992 views | 2 replies
  • multivariate data with a repeated measures design

    Apologies for farming out what is more of a statistics than a JMP question to the community, but here goes: I was recently asked if JMP Pro could analyze a design in which 3,000 analytes are measured in the same individuals over time (one group perhaps receiving a medicine and the other having been given a placebo). The large number of analytes is not the problem, but the fact that this is a repea...

    abmayfield abmayfield
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    May 31, 2023 1:11 PM
    4959 views | 16 replies

Latest Discussions

  • Selecting multiple legend entries - how?

    Sometimes in a GraphBuilder it's difficult to select multiple entries in the legend, especially along the idea:- select a first entry- press shift *)- while clicking on another entry.If everything works fine, at the end both entries plus the entries in between will be selected. But there are cases where either the first selected entry or all entries are deselected at the end.
    Is there a feature beh...

    hogi hogi
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    May 24, 2023 3:08 PM
    497 views | 0 replies
  • how to read the output from Johnson-Neyman plot and floodlight analyisis?

    hi,I have got an add-in from to implement floodlight analysis through Johnson-Neyman Plot.  according to the table of the example from the linkage above; what does "_c" mean? such as "meaning_c" and overwhelming_c"? focus on my own study, I got a moderator called "SE" which is a contin...

    Rongyu_Kuang Rongyu_Kuang
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    Apr 23, 2023 8:56 AM
    902 views | 0 replies
  • Goodness of Fit statistics for GLM Probit Fit: Deviance or Pearson?

    Which GoF statistic is best to use (Pearson or Deviance) when the results disagree?  Is one better suited for Probit than the other? I'm using JMP Pro 17.0.0 

    DBerger DBerger
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    Apr 18, 2023 12:50 PM
    604 views | 0 replies
  • Interpreting Pairwise Tukey HSD t ratio in Zero-Inflated Poisson

    The context of my data is from an e-commerce website. I am measuring the number of errors made based on different independent variables: Filtering technique (Alphabetical, Relevance and Search) and Number of Items added (Add one at a time, or add multiple items to cart at once). As the number of errors made is 0 most of the time, I have opted to use the Zero Inflated Poisson Regression. When I per...

    ConstructChart2 ConstructChart2
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    Apr 13, 2023 12:46 PM
    733 views | 0 replies
  • oci connection example

    I am looking for an example of how to connect to oracle data with JMP 16 via oci. I have seen notes indicating that it is a far faster connection.

    sconard sconard
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    Apr 10, 2023 10:40 AM
    503 views | 0 replies
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